potato 5-9-12 CLEAN - Vegetableipmasia.org

potato 5-9-12 CLEAN - Vegetableipmasia.org

potato 5-9-12 CLEAN - Vegetableipmasia.org


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ORGANIC POTATO PRODUCTION Management Option Resistant varieties Site selection Planting Fertilization Irrigation Postharvest Sanitation Note(s) Recommendation for White Mold not be preceded by a bean, tomato, lettuce, or crucifer crops. No resistant varieties are available. Avoid planting in shaded areas and in small fields surrounded by trees; do not plant in fields that drain poorly or have a history of severe white mold. Plant rows in an east-­‐west direction. Avoid over-­‐fertilization. Avoid over watering. Incorporate crop debris immediately following harvest to allow soil micro<strong>org</strong>anisms the opportunity to feed on the survival structures called sclerotia. Manage weed hosts such as lambsquarters and pigweed. The disease tends to be worse in fields where there is poor weed management, leaves have mechanical damage or pesticide injury, and where dead leaves are on the ground. The fungus can grow on dead and living material. At the time this guide was produced, the following materials were labeled in New York State for managing this pest and were allowable for <strong>org</strong>anic production. Listing a pest on a pesticide label does not assure the pesticide’s effectiveness. The registration status of pesticides can and does change. Pesticides must be currently registered with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to be used legally in NY. Those pesticides meeting requirements in EPA Ruling 40 CFR Part 152.25(b) (also known as 25(b) pesticides) do not require registration. Current NY pesticide registrations can be checked on the Pesticide Product, Ingredient, and Manufacturer System (PIMS website) http://pims.psur.cornell.edu/ (Reference 3). ALWAYS CHECK WITH YOUR CERTIFIER before using a new product. Table <strong>12</strong>.10 Pesticides Labeled for Management of White Mold Class of Compounds Product Name (active ingredient) BIOLOGICAL ActinoGrow (Streptomyces lydicus WYEC 108) Actino-­‐Iron (Streptomyces lydicus WYEC 108) Product Rate 1-­‐6oz/A foliar 1-­‐<strong>12</strong>oz/A drench 2-­‐18oz/100lb seed* 10-­‐15 lb/A (in-­furrow)PHI (days) REI (hours) Efficacy Comments 0 1 or when spray has dried ? -­‐ 4 ? Water in after application *can be applied to seed in a slurry or dry in planter box. Actinovate AG (Streptomyces lydicus WYEC 108) 3-­‐<strong>12</strong> oz/A foliar or drench 0 1 ? Label recommends using a spreader sticker for foliar applications. REI is 0 for soil incorporated applications Contans WG (Coniothyrium minitans) Serenade ASO (Bacillus subutilis) 2-­‐4lbs/A -­‐ 4 1 Effective in 7/9 trials. Apply Contans to Sclerotinia-­infected crop ground immediately following harvest at 1 lb/A and incorporate the debris into the soil and/or apply at 2 lb/acre to a planted crop right after planting followed by shallow incorporation (or irrigate) to about a 1 to 2 inch depth. Do not turn the soil profile after application of Contans. This will avoid bringing untreated soil that contains viable sclerotia near the surface. In conventional systems, other fungicides will be needed at bloom unless sclerotia levels have declined sufficiently. Since the active ingredient is a living <strong>org</strong>anism, keeping the product in the refrigerator or freezer enhances storage life. 2-­‐6 qts/A 0 4 ? Serenade MAX 1-­‐3 lb/A 0 4 ? 4320<strong>12</strong>

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