potato 5-9-12 CLEAN - Vegetableipmasia.org

potato 5-9-12 CLEAN - Vegetableipmasia.org

potato 5-9-12 CLEAN - Vegetableipmasia.org


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ORGANIC POTATO PRODUCTION At the time this guide was produced, the following materials were labeled in New York State for managing this pest and were allowable for <strong>org</strong>anic production. Listing a pest on a pesticide label does not assure the pesticide’s effectiveness. The registration status of pesticides can and does change. Pesticides must be currently registered with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to be used legally in NY. Those pesticides meeting requirements in EPA Ruling 40 CFR Part 152.25(b) (also known as 25(b) pesticides) do not require registration. Current NY pesticide registrations can be checked on the Pesticide Product, Ingredient, and Manufacturer System (PIMS website) http://pims.psur.cornell.edu/ (Reference 3). ALWAYS CHECK WITH YOUR CERTIFIER before using a new product. Table <strong>12</strong>.1.1 Pesticides Labeled for Organic Potato Disease Management. BACTERIAL SOFT ROT, Erwinia spp. FUSARIUM DRY ROT Fusarium spp.EARLY BLGHT Alternaria solani LATE BLIGHT Phytoph-­thora infestans VERTICIUM WILT FUSARIUM WILT CANKER AND BLACK SCURF Rhizoctonia solani BOTRYTIS VINE ROT CLASS OF COMPOUNDS Product Name (active ingredient) BIOLOGICALS ActinoGrow (Streptomyces lydicus) c a, b c a, b a, b a, b a, b c a, b, c a, b a, b Actino-­‐Iron (Streptomyces lydicus) a, b b b b b b b b Actinovate AG (Streptomyces lydicus) c b, c c b a, b a, b a, b b, c b, c a, b, c a, b, c Agri-­‐mycin 17 (Streptomycin sulfate) a Bio-­‐Save 10LP (Pseudomonas syringae) d d Contans WG (Coniothyrium minitans) b MycoStop Biofungicide (Streptomyces griseoviridis) a, b a, b a, b MycoStop Mix (Streptomyces griseoviridis) a, b a, b a, b Prestop Biofungicide (Gliocladium catenulatum Str. J1446) b b b b b b b b b b Regalia Biofungicide (Reynoutria sachalinensis) c c c Rootshield WP (Trichoderma harzianum st T-­‐22) a, b a, b a, b a, b Serenade ASO (Bacillus subtilis) c c c c Serenade MAX (Bacillus subtilis) c c c c Serenade Soil (Bacillus subtilis) b b b b b b b b SoilGard (Gliocladium virens str. GL-­‐21) b b Sonata (Bacillus pumilis) c c c Taegro Biofungicide (Bacillus subtilis var. amyloliquefaciens str.n FZB24) a, b a, b a, b T-­‐22 HC (Trichoderma harzianum) a a a a BOTANICALS Pure clove oil (clove oil 1)d Sporan (rosemary oil) c c Sporatec (rosemary, clove and thyme oils) c c Trilogy (hydrophobic extract of neem oil) c c c c c COPPERS eBadge X2 (copper oxychloride, copper hydroxide) c c Basic Copper 53 (copper sulfate) c c Camelot O (copper octanoate) c c Champ WG (copper hydroxide) c c *Copper Sulfate Crystals (copper sulfate pentahydrate) c CS 2005 (copper sulfate pentahydrate) c c Cueva Fungicide Concentrate c c WHITE MOLD COMMON SCAB PINK ROT POWDERY SCAB PYTHIUM LEAK SILVER SCURF i VIRUSES 2520<strong>12</strong>

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