potato 5-9-12 CLEAN - Vegetableipmasia.org

potato 5-9-12 CLEAN - Vegetableipmasia.org

potato 5-9-12 CLEAN - Vegetableipmasia.org


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Table 6.1.1 Cultural characteristics of <strong>potato</strong> varieties. ORGANIC POTATO PRODUCTION Skin color/ flesh color 2Maturity 3Tuber set 4Ave tuber weight 4Use 5Nitrogen required mineral soils Nitrogen required muck soils Variety Relative to #Tubers/ Oz. N lbs/A 6 N lbs/A 6 CWT/A CWT/A 1.0xx 9 % Defects % Defects Atlantic foot Kennebec 1 W/W ML C,T 100-­‐<strong>12</strong>5 80 265 +27 Keuka Gold 1, 8 Y/Y ML 9.9 5.1 T 100-­‐<strong>12</strong>5 80 225 400 76 4 green 8 VD +7 King Harry W/W T <strong>12</strong>5-­‐150 100 235 325 -­‐5** LaRatte 1 Bu/Y L T Lehigh 1 Bu/Y ML 7.1 5.8 T <strong>12</strong>5-­‐150 100 175 315 81 5 green 6 VD +6 Marcy Bu/W L C 80-­‐100 60 <strong>12</strong>0 385 +23 1. Varieties commonly grown by <strong>org</strong>anic growers. 2. W = white; Bu = buff white; R = red; Y = yellow; P = purple; B = blue, F= fingerlings 3. Maturity relative to Atlantic: E = early; EM = early to medium; M = medium; ML = medium to late; L = late; VL = very late 4. Adapted from Potato Cultural Guide table, John Mishanec, Don Halseth, Tom Zitter, Walter De Jong, Helen Griffiths and Ward Tingey. 5. Use: T = tablestock; C = chipstock. 6. Nitrogen recommendations based on target yield for each variety. (mineral soil: H= <strong>12</strong>5-­‐150 lb/ac., M= 100-­‐<strong>12</strong>5lb/ac, L= 80-­‐100 lb/acre and muck soil: H= 100 lb/ac., M= 80 lbs/ac., L= 60 lbs/ac.) If you frequently get 300 cwt/a on a variety, increase the recommended rates in the table by 15%. 7. If an early harvest is desired reduce N applied by 25 to 33 percent. 8. May have internal necrosis in susceptible production areas. 9. The numbers in this column are the last two digits (xx) of the specific gravity value. 10. Internal Defects: Vd= vascular ring; HH=hollow heart; cracks= growth cracks. 11. 1<strong>12</strong>0<strong>12</strong> Organic Marketable Yield Monona W/W M C,T <strong>12</strong>5-­‐150 7 100 7 275 Norland 1 R/W EM T <strong>12</strong>5-­‐150 7 100 7 160 265 -­‐20*** Norwis W/W ML C,T 100-­‐<strong>12</strong>5 80 370 Ozette 1Pike 8 W/W ML C 100-­‐<strong>12</strong>5 80 310 Purple Viking 1 P/W M T T Reba W/W M 7.4 5.6 C,T 100-­‐<strong>12</strong>5 80 140 325 76 4 green 4 HH +20 Red Gold 1 R/Y T 175 Red Norland R/W 8.7 4.1 T 100-­‐<strong>12</strong>5 100 160 265 64 3 cracks 7 VD -­‐20*** Reddale 1 T 270 Redsen R/W E T <strong>12</strong>5-­‐150 7 100 7 220 Rose Finn Apple 1 R/Y T Salem 1 W/W M 8.6 5.3 T 100-­‐<strong>12</strong>5 80 210 345 69 4 green 9 VD +<strong>12</strong> Snowden Bu/W VL C,T 100-­‐<strong>12</strong>5 80 +3 Superior 1 Bu/W E 6.5 5.0 T <strong>12</strong>5-­‐150 7 100 7 170 270 76 4 knobs 9 VD 0(std)** Yellow Finn 1 Y/Y M T 30 Yukon Gold 1 Y/Y M 6.6 T 100-­‐<strong>12</strong>5 80 180 285 +4** Conventional marketable yield Specific gravity 4External defects 4External defects 4Internal defects 4,10Internal defects 4,10Dormancy 11

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