Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

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78 <strong>Clarion</strong> <strong>University</strong> of PennsylvaniaNursingThe following courses are required of all studentsgraduating with a Master of Science in Nursing– NurseEducator concentration:* NURS 601: Advanced Concepts inpathophysiology...................................................3 s.h.nuRS 602: Pharmacologic Applications................3 s.h.** NURS 605: Evolution of NursingTheory..................................................................3 s.h.nuRS 610: Advanced Concepts in NursingResearch...............................................................3 s.h.*** NURS 614: Health Promotion: Familyand Community Perspectives...............................3 s.h.nuRS 615: Advanced Health Assessment..............2 s.h.nuRS 616: Advanced Health Assessmentpracticum.............................................................1 s.h.nuRS 645: Nursing and Public Policy...................3 s.h.nuRS 675: Nursing Curriculumdevelopment.........................................................3 s.h.nuRS 676: Educational Strategies innursing.................................................................3 s.h.nuRS 677: Evaluation and Assessmentin Nursing.............................................................3 s.h.nuRS 750: Internship..............................................3 s.h.nuRS 800: Thesis/Project...................................3–6 s.h.* NURS 601 is a prerequisite to NURS 602 and is aprerequisite or co-requisite to NURS 615 and NURS616.** NURS 605 is a prerequisite to NURS 610.Comprehensive ExaminationIn order to successfully complete the program, nursepractitioner students must pass a written comprehensiveexamination after completing all courses, except NURS750, with a minimum cumulative quality-point averageof 3.0. The nurse practitioner comprehensive exam teststhe ability of the student to synthesize information frombiological and pharmacologic sciences, with principles ofdiagnosis and management in primary care and education.A student who fails the comprehensive examination willbe contacted by the program coordinator and plans willbe made for remediation and re-examination. A secondfailure of the comprehensive examination will result inadditional coursework followed by a third administrationof an exam or dismissal from the program.Nurse educator students must pass a comprehensiveassessment in the form of a professional portfolio.The portfolio is based on the eight core competenciesdeveloped by the National League for Nursing for nurseeducators.CurriculumCourse Sequence: Family Nurse Practitioner ConcentrationFull-TimeFall-Year 1 Spring-Year 1 Summer-Year 1615/616 Adv. Health Assessment 610 Adv. Con. in Research 800 Thesis/Project601 Adv. Con. Pathophysiology 602 Pharmacologic App614 Health Promotion: Family 645 Nursing & Public Policyand Community Perspectives 620/621 Clinical Decision I605 Evol. of Nursing TheoryFall-Year 2 Spring-Year 2 Summer-Year 2630/631/632 Clinical Decision II 640/641/642 Clin. Decision III 750 InternshipPart-TimeFall-Year 1 Spring-Year 1 Summer-Year 1614 Health Promotion: Family 645 Nursing & Public Policyand Community Perspectives 602 Pharmacologic App601 Adv. Con. PathophysiologyFall-Year 2 Spring-Year 2 Summer-Year 2615/616 Adv. Health Assessment 610 Adv. Con. in Research 800 Thesis/Project605 Evol. of Nursing Theory 620/621 Clinical Decision IFall-Year 3 Spring-Year 3 Summer-Year 3630/631/632 Clinical Decision II 640/641/642 Clin. Decision III 750 Internship

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