Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

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<strong>Clarion</strong> <strong>University</strong> of Pennsylvania 73MMAJ/CIS 650: Advanced Technology Applications 3 s.h.This course develops advanced skills to support instructional technology programs. Coursework will cover areas such asadvanced microcomputer applications, Internet concepts as they apply to instructional technology, and PC operating systemissues related to instructional technology. The focus will be on computers and related technologies used in educational andtraining environments. Summers/spring annually.MMAJ/CIS 651: Networking Media Technology Centers 3 s.h.This course will enable the student to install and configure computers and computer networks in educational/trainingsettings. Emphasis will be placed on systems commonly found in K-12 schools. Software/hardware selection, installationand maintenance will be covered as related to technology integration. The student will identify ethical and legal proceduresas well as issues related to adaptive assistive hardware/software. Summers/spring annually.MMAJ 692: Seminar in Communication Education and Mass Media Technology 3 s.h.Focuses on critical examination of issues, research, and innovations in the field of communication education and massmedia technology.MMAJ 700: Thesis 6 s.h.Requires the student to conduct a research study in communication, using acceptable research methods and under thesupervision of a faculty member and committee. Permission to enroll in the course is by invitation of the graduate faculty inthe Department of Mass Media Arts and Journalism. The course is one of three options to complete the degree requirementsin the graduate program. Prerequisite: MMAJ 621. Three or six credits a semester for an overall total of six credits.MMAJ 701: Internship 6 s.h.Provides practical experience in the supervision and operations of some aspect of a communication/instructional systemprogram. A proposal specifying objectives, methods, and evaluation techniques must be submitted and approved by thestudent’s advisor and the cooperating agency prior to enrolling in the course. The course is one of three options to completedegree requirements in the graduate program. Students may take three credits in two consecutive semesters or six credits inone semester. Prerequisite: MMAJ 621.MMAJ 702: Portfolio 6 s.h.Requires the student to prepare a portfolio of professional materials, including written documentation outlining the purposeand application of the materials. Students will produce professional-quality media products, such as video programs, multimediaprograms, printed materials, audio programs, or Web-based products. Students complete a comprehensive examination. Thecourse is one of three options to complete the degree requirements in the graduate program. Prerequisite: MMAJ 621. Six credits(required/maximum); students can enroll for three credits in two consecutive semesters or six credits in one semester.Mass Media Artsand Journalism

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