Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

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<strong>Clarion</strong> <strong>University</strong> of Pennsylvania 69Master of Science Degreein Mass Media Arts and JournalismCollege of Arts and SciencesDepartment of Mass Media Arts,Journalism, and CommunicationStudiesSusan Hilton, Ed.D., chair130 Becker HallTelephone: 814-393-2540E-mail: hilton@clarion.eduwww.clarion.edu/gradstudies/programs.htm<strong>Graduate</strong> FacultyProfessors: S. KuehnAssociate Professors: S. Hilton, J. WashingtonAssistant Professors: A. Lingwall, M. Torres, R. NulphProgram ObjectivesThe Master of Science in Mass Media Arts andJournalism is a hybrid online program that provides thestudent with an outstanding education from a respectedprogram without having to leave family, home, or career.The program seeks to strongly connect students with eachother and with faculty by combining the online courseswith an intensive one-week on-campus experience, heldin the summer. At this time, students meet the membersof their cohort and work closely with faculty to developrelationships and the skills they will need to be successfulwith the remaining online work. The program can becompleted in fourteen months.The 36-credit curriculum provides students with abroad-based foundation with courses in communicationskills and theory. Students take courses in management,strategies for distance communication, public relationsmessage design, professional writing, and research.Completion of the degree requires the completion ofone of three options: the development of a portfolio, aninternship, or the writing of a research study.<strong>Graduate</strong>s of the program are prepared for workin media organizations, corporate communication,healthcare, non-profit organizations, journalism, andmedia production. The program provides a solidfoundation for those seeking to enter doctoral programs.Admission Requirements<strong>Graduate</strong> Studies admission requirements apply withthe following additions:• All applicants must submit a statement of purpose forpursuing the Master of Science in Mass Media Arts,Journalism, and Communication Studies.• Applicants for full admission must have an overallQPA for the baccalaureate degree of at least 3.0 on a4.0 scale.• Admission on a provisional basis may be granted ifthe applicant’s QPA is at least 2.75 on a 4.00 scaleand a raw score of 45 or above is achieved on theMiller Analogies Test or a combined score of 1,000from two sections is obtained on the <strong>Graduate</strong> RecordExamination. Degree status may be obtained uponcompletion of 12 semester hours with a minimum of3.0 average.• Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to meetwith the department chair before admission to theprogram.• Non-native applicants must submit TOEFL scores.TOEFL scores of 600 or above are required foradmission to the degree program.Degree RequirementsTo fulfill the degree requirements for graduation,the student must complete 36 semester hours, includingrequired courses with a QPA of 3.00 or better on a 4.00scale. Passing grade is “C” or above. There is also a mediawriting competency for which MMAJ 140: Writing forMedia may be required if sufficient background is notobtained through previous course work or experience asdemonstrated through portfolio or testing. This decisionwill be made in consultation with your advisor.Transfer CreditsA maximum of nine semester hours of graduate coursework may be transferred toward the degree. These hoursmust come from an accredited institution and must havea grade of “B” or better.Mass Media Artsand Journalism

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