Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

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66 <strong>Clarion</strong> <strong>University</strong> of PennsylvaniaLibrary ScienceLS 532: Management of School Library Media Centers 3 s.h.Introduction to managerial and administrative principles as applied in school library media centers; the role of the librarymedia center in the school’s educational mission; current issues in school media librarianship. Pre- or corequisite: LS 504.LS 533: Management of Special Libraries and Information Centers 3 s.h.Introduction to managerial and administrative principles as applied in special libraries and information centers; theory,history, functions, operations, organizational patterns, and services provided by special libraries and information centers.Pre- or corequisite: LS 504.LS 540: Multicultural Sources and Services for Educators and Librarians 3 s.h.This course provides an opportunity for students to explore, understand, and develop library and educational resources andservices for multicultural, diverse, and other special populations. Resources and services are examined particularly as theyrelate to ethnicity, race, gender preference, and disability. Students will develop a sensitivity to the learning and informationalneeds of various cultural and ethnic groups and will develop techniques for selecting and using materials relevant to amulticultural society.LS 550: Introduction to Research in Library Science 3 s.h.Study of the scientific methods of planning, conducting, and reporting investigation and research in library science,including specific problems in library service. Critical analysis of research in professional literature. Designed to developskill in interpreting research results.LS 551: Storytelling 3 s.h.Study of the heritage and art of traditional storytelling, the literary sources for contemporary storytelling, and the techniquesfor preparing and presenting story programs. Consideration will be given to multi-media storytelling, including puppetry.Students will present stories in class and in the community. Prerequisite: LS 577 (or equivalent). Open to M.Ed. candidatesby permission from the instructor.LS 552: Advanced Cataloging and Classification 3 s.h.In-depth exploration of the issues involved in organizing collections with special reference to authority control, thecataloging and classification of nonbook materials (including electronic resources), and the use of Library of Congress SubjectHeadings and the Library of Congress Classification. Prerequisite: LS 502.LS 555: History of Children’s Literature 3 s.h.Survey of the history and development of children’s literature from the Anglo-Saxon period in England through thenineteenth century. Biennially.LS 556: Bibliography of the Sciences 3 s.h.Survey of the literature and practice of librarianship in major areas of the sciences, including biology, chemistry, engineering,geology, mathematics, medicine, and physics. Prerequisite: LS 500.LS 557: Bibliography of the Social Sciences 3 s.h.Survey of the literature and practice of librarianship in major areas of the social sciences, including anthropology, business,economics, education, geography, history, political science, and psychology. Prerequisite: LS 500.LS 558: Bibliography of the Humanities 3 s.h.Survey of the literature and practice of librarianship in the humanities, including art, literature, music, philosophy, religion.Prerequisite: LS 500.LS 560: Libraries and Public Access Computing 3 s.h.Analysis of the present and future roles of academic, school, and public libraries in the emerging environment of publicaccess computing. Enabling librarians to take a leadership role in public access computing is a major goal of this course.LS 562: Government Documents 3 s.h.Study and evaluation of selected federal, state, and municipal documents, foreign government publications, and theUnited Nations. The nature of documents, their reference and research value; the techniques of acquisition, organization, andbibliographic control; on-line commercial and government data bases. Prerequisite: LS 500.LS 568: History of Books and Printing 3 s.h.Study of the evolution of the printed book through a survey of the origin of recorded communication; history of writingmaterials; study of manuscript production, typography, type design, illustration, bookbinding, book production, and copyrightfrom the earliest times to the present.LS 569: Management of Technical Access Services 3 s.h.Introduction to managerial and administrative principles as applied in library technical and access services. Areas coveredinclude acquisitions, cataloging, serials control, circulation, document delivery, interlibrary loan, and preservation. Specialattention is paid to automation issues. Pre- or corequisites: LS 502, 504.LS 570: Internship in Librarianship 3 or 6 s.h.Provides an advanced preprofessional experience in the atmosphere of a cooperating library or information center inwhich the student is able to apply and evaluate the theory and practice learned in the classroom. Students participate inseminar meetings, prepare an evaluative paper, and are observed and evaluated by both the site supervisor and the internshipcoordinator. Prerequisites: four core and four elective courses pertinent to the internship, permission of the student’s advisor,the internship coordinator, and the department chair.LS 573: Library Automation 3 s.h.Survey of library automation; the application of computers to library technical and administrative processes. The state ofthe art; case studies of automation projects; systems analysis; design of library automation projects.

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