Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

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48 <strong>Clarion</strong> <strong>University</strong> of PennsylvaniaEducation/Reading/Science EducationMAED 551: Algebra/Number Theory for Secondary Teachers 3 s.h.Examines pedagogy and uses recent technology to reinforce understanding of algebra and number theory topics coveredin high school algebra and how to present them to students. Develops a deeper understanding of the principles underlyingthese topics, allowing greater ability to adapt teaching to meet the changing needs of students. Look at the effects technologyhas on subject matter and methods of teaching it. Prerequisite: MATH 451 or equivalent.MAED 556: Research in Mathematics Teaching and Learning 3 s.h.Investigates research in mathematics teaching and learning that has been conducted in the last century, particularly inthe last three decades, to become more aware of critical issues within the field of mathematics education. Various areas areconsidered, including teachers’ knowledge and beliefs, students’ learning in number theory, rational numbers, algebra, andgeometry, technology in mathematics education, and issues of affect and gender. Prerequisite: Certification in SecondaryMathematics or permission of instructor.MAED 571: Analysis for Teachers 3 s.h.Gives secondary mathematics teachers an in-depth look at the analysis covered in the secondary mathematics curriculum.The function concept is covered in great detail. Examines the historical development of calculus to provide insight intothe fundamental theories of calculus (secondary level). Prerequisite: Certification in Teaching Secondary Mathematics orpermission of instructor.MAED 581: Problem Solving 3 s.h.Provides experience solving novel and often open-ended problems in multiple ways. Posing and solving problems drawnfrom rational numbers, number theory, algebra, measurement, and geometry helps students to reinforce and integrate variousstrands of their high school mathematics curriculum and to reason and communicate more effectively. Prerequisite: Certificationin Secondary Mathematics Education or ED 339 and permission of instructor.MAED 585: Applications and Mathematical Modeling for Teachers 3 s.h.Use mathematics in representing and solving real world problems. Mathematical concepts from middle school and highschool mathematics are applied to problems in social, physical, and biological sciences. Pedagogical and assessment issuesare studied. Prerequisite: Certification in teaching, mathematics, or mathematical science teachers in grades 7 through 12.MAED 590: Historical Development of Mathematics 3 s.h.Explores the development of mathematics, from the early development of numeration systems to modern mathematics.Learn how the technology and culture of different places and times affected the topics developed as well as the methodsused. Discusses and develops ways to incorporate the information into classroom teaching and encourage cross-disciplinaryconnections.Science Education CoursesSCED 456: Electronics for the High School Science Teacher 4 s.h.Intended for the science teacher who has had little or no previous course work in physics or mathematics. Covers thefundamental laws of electricity and magnetism, alternating current theory, and the theory and practical application of suchdevices as ammeters, voltmeters, oscilloscopes, vacuum tubes, transistors, power suppliers, amplifiers, and oscillators. Examplesof some of these devices will be built in the laboratory, and general procedures for troubleshooting faculty equipment willbe illustrated. Summer only, on demand.SCED 463: Astronomy: Observation and Field Studies 3 s.h.Examines experimental tools and methods useful in astronomy. Concentrates on mastery of important techniques andconcepts by a “do-it-yourself” process, not an encyclopedic survey of astronomy. Complements courses in descriptive astronomy(ES 200 and 201 and SCED 550) rather than duplicating them, serving much the same purpose as a laboratory in astronomy.Students will build simple telescopes, spectroscopes, and other astronomical instruments. Summer only, on demand.SCED 466: Field Photography 3 s.h.Teaches students how to use a modern camera and accessories to photograph subjects in the field. Includes techniques ofclose-up, telephoto, and wide-angle photography as well as film development, lighting, use of filters and composition will beincluded. Provides students with opportunities to learn and practice techniques for photographing such subjects as small animals,birds, flowers, large animals, and other field subjects. Students provide camera and film. Summers only, on demand.SCED 500: Seminar 1-3 s.h.Current topics in science education. May be repeated (as topics vary) up to nine credits. On demand.SCED 501: Seminar in Science Misconceptions 3 s.h.A survey of current literature in the area of science misconceptions. Each student will research a topic and developinterviews and surveys to determine the misconceptions in the area. Fall, odd-numbered years.SCED 502: Investigative Techniques and Process Approach to Modern Science Curricula 3 s.h.Enables elementary, middle, and junior high school teachers to use investigative techniques and the process approach intheir own classrooms. Investigative techniques focus on developing skills in science processes such as observing, classifying,formulating hypotheses, collecting and analyzing data, and designing experiments. Includes experiences with modern elementaryand junior high school science curricula. Two lecture and two lab hours. Fall, annually.SCED 503: Special Topics of Science Education 1-4 s.h.Studies of topical material under the guidance of the instructor. Maximum credit allowable toward graduation: 9 credits.Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor and the student’s graduate committee. On demand.

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