Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

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<strong>Clarion</strong> <strong>University</strong> of Pennsylvania 45of classroom research and demonstrate proficiency in using and assisting classroom teachers in the process of collecting data,generating hypotheses, and implementing instructional changes grounded in inquiry and reflection. The project will synthesizecourse readings, discussions, group activities, applications, and observations. It will afford students the opportunity to shareeffective classroom practices and will require studies of and experiences in interpreting and analyzing pertinent research topromote professional growth. Students will be encouraged to view themselves as researchers of teaching and learning andas professionals whose continued growth can best be met through inquiry, reflection, and sustained dialogue with peers.Prerequisite: ED 520 or permission of graduate committee.ED 599: Special Topics in Education 1-3 s.h.Examines current topics and issues in education. Topics, announced in advance, focus on the needs and interests ofeducators.ED 600: Research 3-6 s.h.ED 617: Advanced Educational Technology 3 s.h.Advanced course for graduate students who have a background in computers or who have taken ED 217 or ED 517 at<strong>Clarion</strong> <strong>University</strong>. Focuses on the development of knowledge and skills in: hardware/software maintenance; instructionaldesign; educational electronic networking; sophisticated applications of integrated software; assistive technology; andeducational applications of multimedia, including interactive video CD-ROM, sound, text, and graphics. Prepares teachersto make appropriate decisions regarding the use of technology in their classrooms/schools. Admission by permission ofinstructor. On demand.ED 620: Internet Applications in the K-12 Classroom 3 s.h.Introduces K-12 educators and/or Technology Specialist Certificate candidates to the potentials of the Internet and assiststhem in using the multi-faceted resource as an effective teaching tool within the classroom. Participants are introduced tothe history, structure, and overall capabilities of the Internet, including Electronic Mail, Telnet, File Transfer Protocol (FTP),World Wide Web, and Web-based distance education. Within the framework, students create their own Webpages, designonline instructional lessons appropriate to their discipline, and demonstrate the integration of Internet/technology informationthroughout the K-12 curriculum. Annually.ED/CIS 649: Educational Technology Leadership 3 s.h.Involves a survey or various theories, models, and styles of leadership, followed by the application of leadership skills inteacher-pupil, teacher-colleague, teacher-administrator relationships and how those relationships are affected by the use oftechnology in schools and how technology, in turn, impacts these roles. Summer, annually.ED 701: Thesis 3 s.h.Provides graduate students enrolled in M.Ed. programs with an elective course to focus on writing a professional researchreport in the student’s field of study under the supervision of a graduate faculty member in the department. Upon completion,the thesis is presented to all members of the student’s thesis committee. Both qualitative and quantitative investigations maybe completed as a thesis. Thesis option may be taken in lieu of the comprehensive examination and, therefore, may be usedin partial fulfillment for the Master of Education degree. Students must complete applications for independent study withtheir advisor before registering for ED 701. Prerequisite: ED 520 and ED 578 or permission of the Education Departmentgraduate committee.Education/Reading/Science EducationEducation Administration CoursesEDAD 710: leadership & The Administrative Process 2 s.h.This course is designed to provide an introduction to the theory and practice of educational administration. The course isconcerned with the competencies for managing and leading effective schools and increasing individual and group productivity.Theories and research findings that guide sound leadership practice will be uncovered. This course has been designed as thefirst course in the Principal Certification Program taken by the prospective school administrator. (Theme1)EDAD 711: Foundations, School Reform, & Alignment of School Curriculum 1 s.h.This course is designed to provide the principal candidate with an examination of the curricular issues facing schooladministrators. Topics covered include but are not limited to: curriculum theory and practice, school reform/standards movement,curriculum mapping and assessment, and the curriculum adoption process. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Theme 1.EDAD 712: instructional Supervision for the School Administrator 1 s.h.This is the second course in Theme II (Curriculum Issues) of the principal certification program. This course is designed toprovide the candidate with an examination of the instructional supervision issues facing school administrators. Topics coveredmay include, but are not limited to: principal as instructional leader, brain theory, multiple intelligences, mastery teaching,teacher expectation theory, and models of supervision. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Theme I.EDAD 713: school Facilities and Plant Operations 1 s.h.This is the first course in Theme III (School Management) of the principal certification program. It is designed to providethe principal candidate with an examination of the physical building issues facing school administrators. Topics coveredinclude: transportation, managing renovation and construction, food service operation, and custodial operations. Prerequisite:Successful completion of Theme II.EDAD 714: school Finance 1 s.h.This is the second course in Theme III (School Management) of the principal certification program. Candidates will obtaintheoretical and practical information about the basic principles of school finance, accounting procedures, and school businessmanagement. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Theme II.EDAD 715: administrative Ethic and School Law 1 s.h.This course represents the fourth theme (Administrative Ethics and School Law) in the principal certification program. Thiscourse is designed to provide the candidate with an examination of the legal and ethical issues facing school administrators.Prerequisite: Successful completion of Theme III.

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