Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

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<strong>Clarion</strong> <strong>University</strong> of Pennsylvania 41Program of StudyThe ITS Certificate may be pursued alone or as part ofany <strong>Clarion</strong> <strong>University</strong> master’s degree program. The ITSCertificate program requires 24 semester hours.ITS candidates must satisfy preparation standards setforth by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE).Students may satisfy the PDE preparation standards forInstructional Technology Specialist by completing <strong>Clarion</strong><strong>University</strong>’s ITS certificate program.Admission Requirements<strong>Clarion</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s general admission requirementsapply, with the following additions:• A baccalaureate degree from an acceptablyaccredited college or university.• Undergraduate minimum QPA is 3.0 or above(on a 4.0 scale).• T h r e e f a c u l t y a n d / o r p r o f e s s i o n a lrecommendations; recommendation formsshould document applicant’s potential and/oreffectiveness in the areas of teaching abilityand/or professional performance.• Admission to provisional status may be grantedat the discretion of the graduate faculty if theapplicant’s QPA is less than 3.0/4.0 scale.Regular status may be granted upon completionof 12 semester hours of graduate study with aminimum of 3.0/4.0 average.Program RequirementsRequired Courses........................................................ 18 s.h.MMAJ 558: Society, Law, and MediaTechnology..............................................................3 s.h.ED 520: Introduction to Research .............................3 s.h.ED/MMAJ 540: Principles of InstructionalDesign in Educational Technology .......................3 s.h.ED 617: Advanced Educational Technology .............3 s.h.ED 620: Internet Applications for K-12 Educators ..3 s.h.ED/CIS 649: Educational Technology Leadership .....3 s.h.Electives...........................................................................6 s.h.MMAJ/CIS 650: Advanced TechnologyApplications ............................................................3 s.h.MMAJ/CIS 651: Networking Media TechnologyCenters ...................................................................3 s.h.LS 540: Multicultural Library Servicesand Sources ............................................................3 s.h.Students without teaching certification must take:ED 522: Analysis of Teaching ..........................3 s.h.ED 523: Curriculum Developmentand Evaluation ..................................................3 s.h.Students without technology expertise must take:ED 517: Educational ComputerApplications........................................................3 s.h.A student must maintain a QPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.<strong>Graduate</strong> PA Secondary TeacherCertification Program<strong>Clarion</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s <strong>Graduate</strong>-level SecondaryTeacher Certification Program is designed for those whohave earned a B.A. or B.S. in a specific discipline and whowish to earn Pennsylvania secondary teacher certification.The Web-based certification program is available inseveral content areas and can be completed in a minimumof 12 months. The program consists of six core coursesplus a semester in a teacher practicum.Secondary certification can be earned in social studies,English, modern languages, biology, chemistry, physics,earth and space science, and general science.Related content area degrees will be examinedby departmental committees for alignment with statecertification and accreditation requirements beforeadmission. For example, Pennsylvania certificationrequires that candidates have six credits of college-levelmathematics and six credits of college-level Englishliterature and composition. Deficiencies can be completedbefore or during education certification coursework.Required courses.................................................24 s.h.ED 517: Educational Computer Applications........3 s.h.ED 524: Foundations in Education.........................3 s.h.ED 530: Connecting Standards, Instruction,and Assessment.........................................3 s.h.ED 554: <strong>Graduate</strong> Certification Practicum..........6 s.h.ED 558: Practicum Seminar...................................3 s.h.ED 567: Secondary, College, and Contentarea Reading Instruction........................3 s.h.Choose one from the followingED 339: Methods of Teaching and Evaluatingsecondary Mathematics...........................3 s.h.ED 531: Teaching Secondary Social Studies........3 s.h.ED 532: Teaching Secondary Science forunderstanding..........................................3 s.h.Education/Reading/Science Education

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