Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

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<strong>Clarion</strong> <strong>University</strong> of Pennsylvania 33BSAD 690: Strategic Management and Business Policy 3 s.h.Examines the set of managerial decisions and actions that determine the long-run performance of an organization.Emphasizes the integrative concerns of business policy, environmental and strategic analyses, and creating competitiveadvantage. Taken last MBA semester and after all foundation courses.BSAD 699: Special Problems (1–6 s.h. per enrollment; 6 s.h. maximum) 1-6 s.h.A thorough study of a business topic selected by the student from his or her area of major interest. It may take the form ofresearch, readings, practical on-site applications, or a combination of these. Findings must be presented in a written paper whichthe student may be required to defend orally before a committee of graduate faculty and/or graduate students. Prerequisites:One or more graduate courses in the area from which the special project is selected, and consent of the student’s advisor.Economics CoursesECON 461: International Financial Economics and Capital Markets 3 s.h.An applied analysis of the behavior and rationale for multinational corporations, with a special emphasis on the economicsof technology transfer. Topics include: theory of the firm; foreign direct investment; intellectual property rights; marketimperfections; international trade; international finance; economic development; and technology. Prerequisite: ECON 361 orpermission of the instructor.ECON 470: Business Cycles and Forecasting 3 s.h.Theories of business fluctuations; applications of modern income theory to business cycles; examination of business cycleindicators and forecasting techniques. Prerequisite: ECON 211 and ECON 222. Spring, annually. Note: Cannot be taken forcredit after the completion of ECON 570.ECON 490: History of Economic Thought 3 s.h.Development of economic ideas from ancient times to the present. Emphasis upon the period from Adam Smith onward.Considers the economic and political environment in which ideas emerged as well as the leading economists advancing ordefending the ideas. Prerequisite: ECON 211 and 212 or permission of instructor.ECON 500: Principles of Economics 2 s.h.An accelerated combination of Economics 211 and Economics 212. Topics covered are national income analysis, moneyand banking, monetary and fiscal policies, inflation, unemployment, international finance, consumer behavior and demand,organization of production, market structures, the pricing of inputs and outputs, and international trade.ECON 510: Advanced Managerial Economics 3 s.h.This course will focus on the development and practical application of theoretical and quantitative techniques to businessdecision-making, including international applications. Optimization techniques draw on the student’s knowledge of economics,mathematics, and statistics through modeling and the use of computer statistical packages. Prerequisite: Microeconomicsfoundation course, ECON 222, MATH 232.ECON 570: Economic and Business Forecasting 3 s.h.An advanced study of forecasting techniques and business conditions analysis. Topics include: economic indicator analysis,classical time series components, econometric forecasting techniques, exponential smoothing models, and ARIMA models.Emphasis is placed on model development and evaluation using pre-written computer forecasting routines. Prerequisites:ECON 222 and macroeconomics foundation course.ECON 600: Independent Study 3 s.h.An opportunity for the graduate student to investigate in depth a facet of economics not covered by course offerings.The topic of study and course requirements must be approved by the Department of Economics chair, and the work must besupervised by a faculty member. Prerequisites: ECON 603, ECON 510 or ECON 611, and other requirements as deemedappropriate by the faculty supervisor.ECON 611: Advanced Microeconomic Analysis for Business Decisions 3 s.h.An advanced study of the logical and mathematical development of microeconomic theories and the application of economicmodels to business problems. Major areas of study include demand theory, market models, welfare economics, and generalequilibrium analysis. Prerequisite: Microeconomics foundation course.ECON 612: Advanced Macroeconomic Analysis 3 s.h.An advanced study and analytical development of macroeconomic theory. Major areas include national income accounts, aggregateincome determination models, monetary aggregates, and macro dynamics. Prerequisite: Macroeconomics foundation course.ECON 699: Special Topics 3 s.h.An opportunity for students to investigate specific topics or current issues on the graduate level. Prerequisites depend onthe subject to be covered.Business AdministrationFinance CoursesFIN/ACTG 463: Tax Planning 3 s.h.Acquaints students with tax-planning techniques that can be used to accomplish an individual’s financial goals. Enablesstudents to suggest actions that fit the individual’s financial priorities based on an understanding of financial position, cashflow and income, gift and estate tax matters. Prerequisite: ACTG 353.FIN 471: Financial Problems 3 s.h.Capstone course challenges students to integrate and synthesize, through case methods, their knowledge in finance.Emphasizes corporate finance in application of theoretical underpinning, but some cases will deal with investments andfinancial institutions, and markets. Prerequisite: FIN 371.

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