Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

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26 <strong>Clarion</strong> <strong>University</strong> of PennsylvaniaBiologyBIOL 592: Animal Behavior 3 s.h.Study of the biological concepts of animal behavior. Investigates sensory receptors, internal mechanisms, genetics, learningand habituation, social organization, and communication. Lecture topics include techniques of observation and experimentsin animal behavior. Three lecture hours weekly. Prerequisites: BIOL 201, 202. Alternate years.BIOL 593: Community and Ecosystems Dynamics 4 s.h.An in-depth approach to the structure, function, and dynamics of ecological systems at community, ecosystem, and landscapescales. Lecture and discussion will focus on current topics such as niche theory, the regulation of community structure, food webs,ecological stability, diversity, succession, and energy and material cycles. Laboratory will emphasize field-based descriptiveand investigative studies of local communities and ecosystems. Three lecture and three lab hours weekly. Prerequisites: BIOL202 or equivalent is required. A basic statistics course is highly desirable. Fall, even-numbered years.BIOL 594: Population Biology 4 s.h.Investigates the empirical, experimental, and theoretical aspects of the structure, growth, and evolution of biologicalpopulations. Takes a holistic approach to how population genetics and population ecology interact to produce observedpopulation structure and dynamics. Two hours lecture/discussion and three laboratory hours weekly. Prerequisites: BIOL 202,MATH 260 or 270. Spring, even-numbered years.BIOL 597: Evolutionary Ecology 3 s.h.This course explores contemporary topics as well as landmark contributions in ecology and evolutionary biology. Thesetopics are explored by readings of research and review papers. Three hours lecture/discussion weekly. Prerequisites: completionof courses in each of the following: principles of ecology, evolution, and genetics; or permission of instructor.BIOL 600: Special Problems in Biology 1-3 s.h.By permission.BIOL 700: Research and Thesis minimum of 6 s.h.Prerequisite: Successful oral defense of prospectus seminar.

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