Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

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<strong>Clarion</strong> <strong>University</strong> of Pennsylvania 131–8 credits................................... $10.35 per credit9–15 credits..................................................$93.19X. Transcript Fee (one time charge).....................$15Transcript release is limited to a maximum of threeper request per day.XI. Late Fee...........................................................$100A $50 late fee will posted 30 days after the start ofthe semester to accounts with unpaid balancesin excess of $250. Additional $25 late paymentfees to accounts with unpaid balances inexcess of $250 at 60 and 90 days after thestart of the semester.XII. Thesis Binding..............................................$54.60Minimum three copies at approximately $18.20per copy. Final cost subject to change.Payment to be made when thesis submitted to<strong>Graduate</strong> Studies for binding.XIII. Graduation Fee ..............................................$15A graduation fee is charged to each graduatingstudent.Refund PoliciesBasic Fees, <strong>University</strong> Residence Hall, DiningCharges, and Student Activity FeeRefunds are not granted on an automatic basis. Astudent eligible for a partial refund of basic fees andresidence hall charges must officially withdraw from theuniversity through the Registrar’s Office, located in 122Carrier Administration Building. Refunds of 100 percentare granted only if student withdraws by the end of thefirst day of the semester.Partial refunds approved for payment are based uponpercentage of tuition and fees charged. The followingschedule applies to both full-time and part-timestudents.Semester Withdrawals1st week90% refund2nd week80% refund3rd week70% refund4th week60% refund5th week50% refundAfter 5th week 0% refundFor refund purposes, a “week” is defined as each fiveconsecutive days university classes are in session.Policy Related to Returned ChecksIt is the student’s responsibility to ensure funds areavailable at his/her bank when a check is presented forpayment. If a check is returned for insufficient funds, thestudent will be notified the check is uncollectible. Heor she will then be required to pay the original amountplus a $40 penalty for handling the uncollectible check.Payments made in redeeming an uncollectible check andpaying the related late fee and penalty must be by certifiedcheck or money order within 10 days of notification or thestudent will not be permitted to attend classes.<strong>Graduate</strong> Student SupportServices<strong>Graduate</strong> AssistantshipsEach year a limited number of graduate assistantshipsare awarded to individuals with regular full-admissionstatus to a graduate program. <strong>Graduate</strong> assistants work8.5 or 17 hours a week in assignments related to academicprograms or university-wide service. They are paid anhourly stipend and receive a tuition waiver for up to 15credits a semester. There are no summer assistantships.There are also a limited number of Frederick DouglassAssistantships, offered to graduates of Historically BlackColleges and Universities (HBCU). All candidates forthese assistantships must meet full admission requirementsto a <strong>Clarion</strong> <strong>University</strong> graduate program and be agraduate of an HBCU. All general assistantship policiesapply to the HBCU positions.Recipients of a graduate assistantship must take atleast 6 credits a semester, perform assigned duties ina satisfactory manner, and remain in good academicstanding. There is an approved evaluation process andinstrument for each graduate assistantship position thatis utilized annually. <strong>Graduate</strong> assistants are evaluated ontheir performance in a specific position.Students wishing to apply for a graduate assistantshipshould do so at the time of application to graduate study at<strong>Clarion</strong> <strong>University</strong>. <strong>Graduate</strong> assistant application formsare included in the application for admission to graduatestudy packet and are available in the <strong>Graduate</strong> Studiesoffice and academic departments.Financial AidIn addition to graduate assistantships, the followingfinancial aid may be available to graduate students.LoansFederal Perkins Loan Program-To be eligiblefor consideration for this 5 percent loan, a student mustcomplete an application form, have a current FAFSAform on file in the Office of Financial Aid, be a citizenof the United States or have declared his or her intentionto obtain citizenship, and be enrolled or accepted forenrollment as a student.These loans, which are non-interest bearing while astudent is enrolled, are available to a maximum of $2,000each year.Federal Stafford Loan Program-Loans with a capof 8.25 percent interest are generally available from localbanks and savings and loans associations. Loans may reacha maximum of $18,500 per academic year, with an overalllimit of $65,000 for graduate and undergraduate loans.Loans are based on need, which must be demonstratedthrough an approved need analysis system. Our approvedform is the FAFSA application.<strong>Graduate</strong> Plus Loan Program has the same termsand conditions as the Parent Plus Loan and is subject to acredit test. Students may borrow up to the cost of education<strong>Graduate</strong> Study at<strong>Clarion</strong> <strong>University</strong>

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