Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

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<strong>Clarion</strong> <strong>University</strong> of Pennsylvania 95commensurate course. In addition, the studentmust pass all Praxis Series Tests required bythe Pennsylvania Department of Education.Applications for these tests can be obtained atthe Office of Field Services.PlacementThe faculty and the university’s Career Services assistgraduates of the program in finding professional positionsin public and private schools, colleges and universities,hospitals, research centers, health departments, clinicalservice centers, industry, or private practice. <strong>Graduate</strong>sof the program have historically enjoyed excellentprofessional placement.Speech LanguagePathologyResearch Option: Forty-nine semester hours, includingthree credits in CSD 590. This option does not require athesis, but does require a research paper or project.Academic: Forty-nine semester hours.To complete the degree:• Clinical proficiency must be demonstrated.• Two externships in a clinic and/or public schoolare necessary to satisfactorily complete the clinicclock hours required for the degree. Studentsmust have a cumulative QPA of 3.00 and mustbe making satisfactory progress toward thedegree to be permitted to enroll in the externshipprogram.• Academic and clinical practicum requirementsfor the Certificate of Clinical Competency inSpeech-Language Pathology of the AmericanSpeech-Language-Hearing Association must befulfilled.• Students who wish to obtain a PennsylvaniaTeaching Certificate for Speech LanguageImpaired must obtain a master’s degree in speechlanguage pathology, must complete an externshipin the public schools, and must complete CSD554: Professional Practicum or have had a<strong>Graduate</strong> AssistantshipsA number of graduate assistantships and other formsof financial aid are available. Individuals who want to beconsidered for financial assistance should so indicate atthe time of application.ExternshipSix-credit externships are available in a wide varietyof environments to augment the classroom experiencesand broaden clinical experiences. Students must completetwo six-credit externships.Physical FacilitiesThe academic component of the department is housedin the first floor of the Keeling Health Center. Facilitiesinclude classrooms, a speech science/anatomy andphysiology lab, a microcomputer lab, a library whichincludes a large variety of videotape resources, a studentstudy area, and departmental and faculty offices.An independent Speech and Hearing Clinic is locatedon the ground floor of the Keeling Health Center andincludes individual and group clinic rooms, a conferenceand seminar room, an audiological suite, a clinicalinstrumentation laboratory, a student study area, areception area, videotaping facilities, and a 10-stationclosed circuit television system.Communication Sciences and Disorders CoursesCSD 422/522: Clinical Externship 6 or 12 s.h.Supervised observation of and participation in school and/or clinic environments. Prerequisite: CSD 540.CSD 472: Seminar in Speech Science 3 s.h.Begins with a review of the speech mechanism as a servosystem and transducer and basic knowledge of the physics ofsound. Focuses on the concept that the speech mechanism is a chain of events physiologically, acoustically, and perceptually.Examines each link in this chain of events in terms of basic knowledge, pertinent research, and each link’s contribution to thespeech chain as a whole. Prerequisite: CSD 156.CSD 500: Aphasia 3 s.h.A comprehensive study of the neuroanatomical implications related to acquired aphasia (dysphasia) in adulthood, althoughstudy of the symptoms and treatment of both sensory states and motor disturbances in aphasia is made. The current literatureis reviewed and facilities are investigated. Opportunities are provided for the student to participate in individual and grouptherapy, and for visits to centers where these types of problems are diagnosed and treated. Guidance and counseling areprovided to design an independent study in this area.

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