Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

Graduate - Clarion University

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<strong>Clarion</strong> <strong>University</strong> of Pennsylvania 93Master of Science Degree inSpeech Language PathologyCollege of Education andHuman ServicesDepartment of CommunicationSciences and DisordersJanis Jarecki-Liu, Ph.D., graduate program coordinator114 Keeling Health CenterTelephone: 814-393-2581E-mail: jjareckiliu@clarion.eduwww.clarion.edu/departments/csd/Speech LanguagePathology<strong>Graduate</strong> FacultyProfessors: J. Jarecki-Liu, C. McAleerAssistant Professor: K. StaubThe Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD)Department offers a graduate program leading to aMaster of Science degree in speech language pathology.The graduate program is accredited by the Councilon Academic Accreditation of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.Admission RequirementsDivision of <strong>Graduate</strong> Studies admission requirementsapply with the following additions:• A baccalaureate degree from an acceptablyaccredited college or university.For full admission consideration:An overall QPA for the baccalaureate degree of atleast 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or a 2.75 to 2.99 overallQPA for the baccalaureate degree with a score of atleast 1,000 on the GREs. A full-admission status isrequired for graduate assistantship consideration.For provisional admission consideration for those withless than a 3.0 overall QPA:An applicant must have a minimum QPA of 2.75 ona 4.0 scale. A provisionally admitted student mustcomplete the first nine graduate credits by earninggrades of B or higher in each course to continuein the program and receive a full-admission status.Provisions of the admission will be outlined in theadmission letter.International students must have a minimum total scoreof 89 on the TEOFL iBT with the following minimumsection requirements:• Reading 18• Speaking 26• Listening 21• Writing 24In addition to the above requirements, all applicantsmust meet the following requirements:• Writing proficiency as demonstrated by a onepageletter of intent.• T h r e e f a c u l t y a n d / o r p r o f e s s i o n a lrecommendations; recommendation formsshould document applicant’s potential and/oreffectiveness in specialization area and/orprofessional performance.• Twelve semester hours of credit in coursesrelated to normal development and the sciencesrelated to the use of speech, hearing, and language;three credits in speech pathology; three creditsin language disorders; six credits in audiology,including three credits in aural rehabilitation;three credits in augmentative and alternativecommunication; 25 clinical observation hours;three credits in statistics; three credits inbehavioral/social sciences; three credits inbiological sciences; three credits in physicalsciences; and three credits in mathematics.Students may make up undergraduatedeficiencies.

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