United Arab Emirates - PM Communications

United Arab Emirates - PM Communications

United Arab Emirates - PM Communications

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DUBAI / 6UAE 3rd NOVEMBER 2007dubaiBIG PLANS FORTHE FUTUREIN THE CITY OFSUPERLATIVESDesigned toresemble abillowing sail,the Burj Al<strong>Arab</strong> is theworld’s tallesthotelFamous for its iconic architecture and boomingreal estate sector, the fastest growing city inthe region has not yet run out of steamThe emirate that has most successfullycaptured international attention is Dubai– and it is easy to see why.When it comesto innovative and ambitious developmentprojects, Dubai has demonstrated an extraordinaryknack for grabbing the headlines.The world’s tallest and only 7-star hotel?That’s the Burj Al <strong>Arab</strong>, soaring to a heightof more than 1,000 feet.The world’s tallestfreestanding structure? That’s the Burj Dubai,which will be the tallest building in the worldon completion in 2009.The largest airportwill be Dubai World Central International,with an annual cargo capacity of 12 milliontons and a passenger capacity of more than120 million. The largest shopping space willbe the Dubai Mall,also under construction,a shopping colossus larger than 50 internationalsoccer pitches.The largest waterfrontdevelopment will be Dubai Waterfrontproject, which extends over an area of 31square miles.And so the list goes on. Dubailand will bethe world’s largest theme park.The three islandsof The Palm project will be the largestman-made islands – and be visible from themoon.Ski Dubai,where you can go skiing andtobogganing in the desert on real (manufactured)snow, is the world’s largest indoorsnow park.All these massive projects – and more –are the result of a highly successful strategyfor economic development by an emiratethat knows it cannot depend on oil for itsfuture prosperity and has chosen to reinventitself as a hub for business and tourism.Overthe past decade, the emirate has been highlysuccessful in building world-class infrastructureand services.Boosted by Dubai’s pioneering decision topermit ownership of freehold property by citizensof other countries,the real estate and constructionsectors have enjoyed a sustained boom.Estimates put the value of real estate under constructionin the emirate last year at £22 billion,with an equal amount at the development stage.The previously mentioned Burj Dubai will bethe centrepiece of a 500-acre, £3.9 billionDowntown Dubai development that is intendedto offer a dynamic urban lifestyle to rival thatof New York and Los Angeles in the US,the LeftBank in Paris,and the harbour areas in Hong Kongand Sydney.The gold-rush days may now be over, butrents and prices are still rising steadily, eventhough the frenetic buying has slowed. Lastyear real estate transactions reached a newhigh of £8.7 billion,an increase of 88 per centon 2005, and the signs are that for the foreseeablefuture demand will exceed supply.Dubai’s population is forecast to almost doubleto more than 2 million people by 2010,and to reach 4 million by 2017,creating a hugerequirement for new accommodation.The well-diversified economy continuesto expand at a rapid rate. Nominal GDPgrowth last year was an impressive 23 percent.Dubai now accounts for around 43 percent of the UAE’s total non-oil GDP and 28per cent of its entire GDP.Dubai’s free zoneshave made a major contribution to this growthand diversification. The emirate’s strategiclocation and excellent infrastructure makesit an ideal distribution and commercial hubfor the region.The latest economic plan,launched by Dubai’sruler, and Prime Minister of the UAE, SheikhMohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, aims toachieve economic growth of 11 per cent a yearand to almost triple gross domestic productto £53 billion by 2015.The workforce will needto almost double to sustain the pace of growth.The plan focuses on developing the emirateas a business and services centre.“We

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