Kite Lines - Vol.1 No. 3 - KiteLife

Kite Lines - Vol.1 No. 3 - KiteLife

Kite Lines - Vol.1 No. 3 - KiteLife


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flew 11 little Eddys in train end took ethird place prize . Wood Ellis won hisfirst First with e modified Baden-Powell in various colors of pieced ripstopnylon to depict e galleon warship .Francis (Rog) Rogallo end his familyflew three loosely lashed Corner <strong>Kite</strong>sin red, white end blue, en "array for theU .S .A .," end took second place .Aylene D . Goddard came with edelta wing kite crafted in multicolorfabric to match her attire for the event .Aylene is en AKA Life Member, formerlyof Michigan end now e residentof Kill Devil Hills, near Nags Heed .Many other fine friends end finekites appeared, end e number competedin the Endurance Division . Thisbegins et noon end ends when the winddies, usually early evening . This yearthe winds were steady end the kiteswere up till midnight, when the prizeswere split among the weary finalists .Big winner Wood Ellis is the center ofattention in Nags Head, NC, at the Galleon<strong>Kite</strong> Contest in July. His modified Baden-Powell was a result of much trial-and-error .Long-time AKAer Aylene Goddard first cameto the Outer Banks, NC, as a kiteflier fromMichigan . She and her husband came backhere to retire .OHIOBill Jones reports for the Ohio Society forthe Elevation of <strong>Kite</strong>s :Kiting continues to grow by breezesend blasts with OSEK . We sponsorede number of kite festivals end conteststhis summer .July 10 marked the Lake Erie Islands<strong>Kite</strong> Festival in cooperation with theNational Perk Service . The site wasPerry's International Victory endPeace Memorial, Put-In Bay, OH, onSouth Bass Island in western Lake Erie .A good number came, many from faraway. The Island <strong>Kite</strong> Shop gave prizes .Spectators could end did look et thecontest from 350 feet up on the PerryMonument . One could watch kites ettheir own level end sight the fliersalong their own kite lines -en unusualperspective .The Cleveland Games <strong>Kite</strong>ry wasparticularly well attended . The sponsors,WJKW-TV, WMMS-FM Radioend the Plain Dealer newspaper, donated1000 paper two-stickers with 250feet of string end choice of sailclothor crepe tail . They were gone in enhour. Happily, many of them gracedthe sky during the kite contest thesame day, August 13 . Winners in thecontest went home happy with e widevariety of prizes ranging from e fullsizecolor TV to records, T-shirts endgood kiting equipment end books, theletter courtesy of The <strong>Kite</strong> Kompany,Chagrin Fells, OH .Indian-style kite fighting's popularityknows no bounds around herelately. One member, about to be married,has already given his bride-tobee Vic's fighter, her first kite . Is Ohiothe first state with e husband end wifefighting kite teem'TENNESSEEGeorge P Turner sends us n ews :The Kiwanis Fifth Annual <strong>Kite</strong> Festivalwas held on May 7 et Paris, TN,end I was invited to attend and judgeagain this year, along with my friendDr. James P. O'Dwyer. The competitionwas divided into several age groups aswell as between home-made and purchasedkites .Unfortunately, the wind was unusuallyvariable, fluctuating abruptlyfrom about 10 miles per hour down tozero . This created e problem for severalof the contestants, as the rules requiredthat the kites fly for et leastone minute end be up over 20 feet .Judging was based on how well theparticipants launched, flew end retrievedtheir kites .Tropies were awarded to Joan Williamsend Bred Willoughby for beingthe best overall kite handlers . Manyother cash awards were presented .Our hosts from the Kiwanis Club ofParis were most gracious, end ell ofthe contestants were very cooperativeend accepted the judges' decisionswithout question although in somecases only e hairline difference separatedthe placements in the ratings .TEXASRichard Robertson of Austin writesthat May 8 was celebrated in Austin asNational <strong>Kite</strong> Day by proclamation ofMayor Jeffrey M . Friedman . Eversince the Austin kite festival in ZilkerPerk in March, Dick has been tirelesslypromoting AKA end teaching kiting inhis area . He can fill e stage with hislarge end varied kite collection, andoften does so et his lectures .Spilling over to Rankin, TX, e newinterest in kiting there resulted in eLions Club <strong>Kite</strong>fly on April 23, organizedby Rev. Herb Frederick .An exhibition of kites by Pet Hammond,titled "More then Meets theSky," has been on view from August28 through September 25 et the Universityof Texas Health Science Centerin San Antonio .Pet has been making end collectingkites for many years, end this exhibitionis e culmination of her work . Itrepresents not only on accumulationof examples, but e thorough study ofthe kite as en enduring spiritualsymbol end e challenge to humaningenuity .Pet's fascination with kites is furtherdocumented in e smell booklet preparedfor visitors to the show (end unfortunatelyin very limited edition) .The pamphlet contains some of hercollected researches as well as e wittyaddendum : "The Book of CommonAir, e Highly Irreverent Collection of<strong>Kite</strong>s, together with <strong>Kite</strong>chism, andPat Hammond's theory of aerodynamics: Name them, they fly better ."Eleven puns fit to make e kite flip ereillustrated by the kites, such as SwineFlew (e hog kite) end Of Corset Flies .The exhibition will be kept intactfor possible loan to other cities .(Continued on page 50)

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