Kite Lines - Vol.1 No. 3 - KiteLife

Kite Lines - Vol.1 No. 3 - KiteLife

Kite Lines - Vol.1 No. 3 - KiteLife


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. .7. 8. A The reel reel should be not easy be to so use heavy and or should complicated put no unusual that it strains interferes on the with arms, the feel wrists of or flying handsthe kiteAssisted by By Pete Mel Ianuzzi GovigA complex of mechanical and human factors comes to bear in selection on kite reels . Pete Ianuzzi recently attempted to spell out some of the qualities that his ideal reel would have .A reel should keep the line from tangling and make retrieval and flying easier, and to achieve this it would have the following characteristics :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. When If The launching, the Each reelIt It line flying shouldshould turn or should pull retrieving, be of becomes it strong sometimes the possible becomes more flier's enough necessary than possible to can work hand windto the be line inreel cranked by should hand the monofilament to in in, take a it reel kite . It in should under or be be while possible in pay possible tension to drop out the it reel without to at on is the take kite least ground pullingthe line and pressure 1 line inches from by four hand without breaking jamming of and to line the wrap the watching reel eight or it reel snaring on the the pounds line . More reel the is .. better kite . . .,The Several new There reels on are the market other prompted considerations, our attention to reels in this issue course, of <strong>Kite</strong> <strong>Lines</strong> such . Here we as, have tried a reel to compress should our standards not into reduce a measurable and a manageable fliers few mobility . We also found on more the reels on field the market and than we a could reel possibly should review in this store space . a In given spite of these quantity limitations, we of made line an effort . to Every cover as many kiteflier samples as we could could while flying make an assortment his or of standard her own kites in list light wind of conditions preferences .Thesecondsimplesttype I call .Ireelthe hoop,haveto make, simplefoundandcylindera goodof anyonespecificthatfor strong,diameter ortheresteadywidth . Itflyingis characterizedarekites,by lackisfourtheof a spindlebobbinor axlebasictype. Included. A flatin thistypeswinder,group areakinthe unimprovedofto thetinkitebobbinscan, reelusedfiberboardin handtube,:weaving,the Cuban Yo-Yothethisandbobbin,typethe bicycleis mostrim . Dependingusefulon intheadiameter,standardthesehoop,lengthare relatively (sucheasyastospool6,manage12 orfor18lineandinches)retrieval,towith helpone handintruedeterminingwinding while thereelaltitudeother holds the hoop(defined..TheseLine releasereelswithare asnothoop canusuallybe by steadydistinctwellrotationsuitedortoby fastfromlettingdump, inoutspinningthe reelrapidlyposition,generalbutwhencanthe hoopbeisfasterturned attermthanrightotherangles"reel"reelsto the kiteforlineretrieval. A large diametercommonlybecausehoopofsuch aappliedlargebicycletake-uprim can beperan easytoturnchoice all.aTheystrong-pullinglineallow akitesortbecausewindersofitone-mancombineswalkthe familiardownhandover-handTheInthirdthetypefirst,..I callonethe spool,end ofthoughtheitspindleis truly arestsspool andinsidespindlethe. A widecrooksmall-diameterof the lefthoop (spool)arm whilewithgripa spindlethe leftor axlehandthroughguidesit, formingand tensesconvenienttheactionhandleslineonandeithertheor bothrightends,handthis typetwistsis easyatforthefeedingotheroutspindlelinewhile. TheendIndian fighting.reelInisthethesecond,classic spoolboth. Yourhandsgatheringkitecoordinatecan be eased intointhe airorbitalat a speedmotionthat letstoyouachievefeel theandpull ofmaintainthe climbmomentum. Pointed at thethethekite,rotatingthe spool spillsspooloff line at.theI admitline.end, inIthehavesame mannerstruggledas the hoop achieve. The handlethesecan beenviedstuck inskills,the ground whilelikethea littleflier takesboyovertryingto bare-handto whistle,the line forbutfightingthe.knackHowever,hasgettingevadedthe linemeback on the.reelItcanshouldbe tediousbe noted. With athatlot ofthepractice,Indianyoufightercan learn tospoolspin thecannotline inberapidly,woundtheinwayeffectivelythe flashy Indianswithdo it,tensionby one of twothedazzlinglinemethods..

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