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January 2011Figure 2: Governance structure of Bristol Park Medical GroupShareholder doctors’ membershipAvailable to doctorsafter two yearsof salaried employmentShareholders electboard annuallyMonthly boardmeetings opento all membersBoard (17)Board delegates someresponsibilities to executivecommittee; meets bi-monthlyExecutivecommittee (7)CommitteesSenior managementteamReports to BoardAll doctors are encouraged to participate in doctor-ledcommittees on various aspects of patient care and quality,within 10 regional offices<strong>The</strong> experience of doctors leading colleagues throughthe hard economic times of the late 1990s was centralto the story of each organisation. Some of the groupshad experienced consecutive years with minimal ornegative growth in doctors’ income, and believed thatclinical leaders had the ability to retain the confidenceof doctors in these lean times where lay managerswould have failed.For other aspects of medical group business, it wasreported as being very important to understand whenprofessional managers and leaders were needed. <strong>The</strong>leaders of one of the IPAs considered that their fortuneshad been saved by the decision to hire professionalmanagers after the founding doctors becameout of their depth and ill-equipped to discharge theroles for which they had volunteered. With hindsight,the recruitment of non-doctors had been an essentialstep, but at the time it was perceived negativelyby doctors.“It was very challenging because doctors liketo control everything. But we had to realisethat physicians would be more successful inpartnership with non-physicians. That’s a verydifficult step for physicians to take.”CEO, IPAIt was notable that amongst the leaders we interviewed,many were founder members and had been in post forat least one, sometimes two, decades. Continuity ofleadership was clearly perceived to be a virtue, and anemphasis was also placed on the need to identify andnurture future leaders, although this was acknowledgedto be challenging in practice. Encouraging activeparticipation through committees was one way ofbuilding a cadre of future leaders, particularly wherecommittees handle core topics, such as setting standardsfor quality improvement. Some of the groups felt thatwww.nuffieldtrust.org.uk/publications 7

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