6 OPERATIONAL EXAMPLES OF APRSYou can configure callsigns to which you want to reply. When the “ ” wildcard is used, thetransceiver will respond to all message senders. But if you set “W6DJY”, the transceiver will replyonly to W6DJY. Configuring “W6*” will trigger a reply only to senders with W6 as their callsign prefix.Figure 6-8 Automatic Reply Message Configuration Screen6.1.7.2 TX Beep (Beacon)Select Menu 3T1 (Sound - TX Beep (Beacon)) and select “ON” to sound a beep every time theTH-D72A/E transmits a beacon. We recommend enabling this function to monitor the status ofbeacon transmissions when SmartBeaconing is used. If “OFF” is selected, the transceiver does notbeep even if a beacon is transmitted.6.1.8 APRS LockThis function prevents accidentally changing the data band frequency or accidentally transmitting onthe data band by pressing the [PTT] switch in APRS communication.Select type of APRS Lock in Menu 302 (APRS-Basic Set-APRS Lock).• OffIt changes the data band frequency so that you can transmit on the data band by pressing the[PTT] switch.• OnThe frequency of the data band cannot be changed. You also cannot use Scan with [VFO], [MR],[ENT], [MHz] and [ENC].• On & PTTYou cannot change the frequency of the data band nor transmit on the data band by pressing the[PTT] switch.• On & TNCYou cannot change the frequency of the data band and, while in APRS mode, pressing the [TNC]key will not exit APRS mode.• On & PTT & TNCYou cannot change the frequency of the data band nor transmit on the data band by pressing the[PTT] switch. While in APRS mode, pressing the [TNC] key will not exit APRS mode.Figure 6-9 Menu 302 (Basic Set – APRS Lock)50 CONTENTS TH-D72A/EFrom The N3UJJ.COM Document Library

6.2 Base Station (Weather Station)6 OPERATIONAL EXAMPLES OF APRSWeather observation equipment intended for use at home is becoming more common in the UnitedStates. Using this equipment, you can observe and measure wind direction, wind velocity, airtemperature, humidity, rainfall, atmospheric pressure, etc. This information can be useful to otherswhen the data is gathered and transmitted in real time via APRS beacon transmissions.These kinds of weather stations are installed in many parts of the world. Some stations transmitNWS (National Weather Service) information. The weather information from NWS is dispatched andconverted for beacon use. Local important information, such as locations of nearby tornadoes asthey are forming which have not been registered with central weather bureaus, can be transmitted byAPRS beacon.The weather stations from Peet Bros. Company and Davis Instruments Corp. Inc. can be connectedin place of a GPS receiver via the GPS connector. The weather observation equipment transfers themeteorological information with serial data and this data is transmitted via beacon transmissionsusing the APRS weather format. Or you can monitor the meteorological data locally on the screen ofthe TH-D72A/E. The information on rainfall, air temperature, wind direction, wind velocity,atmospheric pressure and humidity can be displayed.6.2.1 Using Meteorological EquipmentSelect Menu 331 (APRS – COM Port) and configure the GPS terminal settings.• Baud Rate: 9600 bps (same as weather equipment being used)• Input: Weather (Davis) or Weather (Peet Bros.)• Output: OFFFigure 6-10 Menu 602 (GPS)Equipment that has been verified with our transceiver includes the following models. Davis Instruments Corp. Inc.The weather station, Vantage Pro2 ( be used with TH-D72A/E.”WeatherLink for Vantage Pro2, Windows, Serial Port” (Davis Part #.06510SER) or “WeatherLink forAPRS with Streaming Data Logger” (Davis Part #.06540) is required for TH-D72A/E. Install theadapter that comes with the above accessories to work with TH-D72A/E.To communicate with Vantage Pro2, configure the communication baud rate of Vantage Pro2 for9600 bps using the panel keys and then configure the TH-D72A/E communication baud rate (Menu330) to 9600 bps as well.Note: 4800 bps (06540/ 06510SER) or 2400 bps (06510SER) may work with TH-D72A/E but we recommend using 9600 bps forstable operation.TH-D72A/E CONTENTS 51From The N3UJJ.COM Document Library

6.2 Base Station (Weather Station)6 OPERATIONAL EXAMPLES OF APRSWeather observation equipment intended for use at home is becoming more common in the UnitedStates. Using this equipment, you can observe and measure wind direction, wind velocity, airtemperature, humidity, rainfall, atmospheric pressure, etc. This information can be useful to otherswhen the data is gathered and transmitted in real time via APRS beacon transmissions.These kinds of weather stations are installed in many parts of the world. Some stations transmitNWS (National Weather Service) information. The weather information from NWS is dispatched andconverted for beacon use. Local important information, such as locations of nearby tornadoes asthey are forming which have not been registered with central weather bureaus, can be transmitted byAPRS beacon.The weather stations from Peet Bros. Company and Davis Instruments Corp. Inc. can be connectedin place of a GPS receiver via the GPS connector. The weather observation equipment transfers themeteorological information with serial data and this data is transmitted via beacon transmissionsusing the APRS weather format. Or you can monitor the meteorological data locally on the screen ofthe <strong>TH</strong>-<strong>D72A</strong>/E. The information on rainfall, air temperature, wind direction, wind velocity,atmospheric pressure and humidity can be displayed.6.2.1 Using Meteorological EquipmentSelect Menu 331 (APRS – COM Port) and configure the GPS terminal settings.• Baud Rate: 9600 bps (same as weather equipment being used)• Input: Weather (Davis) or Weather (Peet Bros.)• Output: OFFFigure 6-10 Menu 602 (GPS)Equipment that has been verified with our transceiver includes the following models. Davis Instruments Corp. Inc.The weather station, Vantage Pro2 ( be used with <strong>TH</strong>-<strong>D72A</strong>/E.”WeatherLink for Vantage Pro2, Windows, Serial Port” (Davis Part #.06510SER) or “WeatherLink forAPRS with Streaming Data Logger” (Davis Part #.06540) is required for <strong>TH</strong>-<strong>D72A</strong>/E. Install theadapter that comes with the above accessories to work with <strong>TH</strong>-<strong>D72A</strong>/E.To communicate with Vantage Pro2, configure the communication baud rate of Vantage Pro2 for9600 bps using the panel keys and then configure the <strong>TH</strong>-<strong>D72A</strong>/E communication baud rate (Menu330) to 9600 bps as well.Note: 4800 bps (06540/ 06510SER) or 2400 bps (06510SER) may work with <strong>TH</strong>-<strong>D72A</strong>/E but we recommend using 9600 bps forstable operation.<strong>TH</strong>-<strong>D72A</strong>/E CONTENTS 51From The <strong>N3UJJ</strong>.COM Document Library

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