3 PREPARATIONS FOR OPERATING APRSSelect Menu 195 (Auxiliary-Time) and enter the value for the time.Example:To configure the time to be12:00, refer to Figure 3-4.Figure 3-4 Menu 195 (Auxiliary – Time)3.2.2 My CallsignTo enter your own callsign, select Menu 300 (APRS – Basic Set – My Callsign).Example:Enter a callsign such as W6DJY-7 to be registered. Refer to Figure 3-5.Figure 3-5 Menu 300 (Basic Set – My Callsign)3.2.3 Beacon TypeTo determine a beacon type, select Menu 301 (APRS - Basic Set - Beacon Type).Generally, beacons are transmitted in APRS format, so selecting APRS enables a transceiver totransmit beacons in APRS format.Figure 3-6 Menu 301 (Basic Set – Beacon Type)18 CONTENTS TH-D72A/EFrom The N3UJJ.COM Document Library

3 PREPARATIONS FOR OPERATING APRS3.2.4 Data BandTo configure the data band, select Menu 310 (APRS-Int.TNC-Data Band).Figure 3-7 Menu 310 (Int.TNC – Data Band)3.2.5 Packet SpeedTo configure the data speed, select Menu 311 (APRS-Int. TNC-Data Speed).Figure 3-8 Menu 311 (Int.TNC – Data Speed)3.2.6 Position3.2.6.1 Using Internal GPSPress the [F] + [MARK] keys to enable the internal GPS unit.Once the internal GPS unit starts positioning (iGPS pictogram blinks), the position data from the unitbecome available.Figure 3-9 APRS Operating Frequency3.2.6.2 Using GPS ReceiversTo use with an external GPS receiver, disable the internal GPS unit.To configure for a GPS terminal, select Menu 331 (APRS - COM Port).• Baud Rate: 4800 bps (select the same baud rate as that is configured for a GPS receiver.)• Input: GPS (enable the GPS receiver)• Output: OFF (if no WAYPOINT, DGPS are used.)TH-D72A/E CONTENTS 19From The N3UJJ.COM Document Library

3 PREPARATIONS FOR OPERATING APRS3.2.4 Data BandTo configure the data band, select Menu 310 (APRS-Int.TNC-Data Band).Figure 3-7 Menu 310 (Int.TNC – Data Band)3.2.5 Packet SpeedTo configure the data speed, select Menu 311 (APRS-Int. TNC-Data Speed).Figure 3-8 Menu 311 (Int.TNC – Data Speed)3.2.6 Position3.2.6.1 Using Internal GPSPress the [F] + [MARK] keys to enable the internal GPS unit.Once the internal GPS unit starts positioning (iGPS pictogram blinks), the position data from the unitbecome available.Figure 3-9 APRS Operating Frequency3.2.6.2 Using GPS ReceiversTo use with an external GPS receiver, disable the internal GPS unit.To configure for a GPS terminal, select Menu 331 (APRS - COM Port).• Baud Rate: 4800 bps (select the same baud rate as that is configured for a GPS receiver.)• Input: GPS (enable the GPS receiver)• Output: OFF (if no WAYPOINT, DGPS are used.)<strong>TH</strong>-<strong>D72A</strong>/E CONTENTS 19From The <strong>N3UJJ</strong>.COM Document Library

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