Carbon Efficient Solutions Brochure - Polypipe

Carbon Efficient Solutions Brochure - Polypipe

Carbon Efficient Solutions Brochure - Polypipe


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<strong>Polypipe</strong><strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>Efficient</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>We design, develop and manufacture the widest range of plastic piping products, with over 20,000 productlines available. Our primary focus is on developing and supporting pragmatic product systems through specificknowledge and understanding of the residential, commercial, civils and infrastructure market sectors. We ensurethat customers can trust our unrivalled expertise to provide value engineered, fit for purpose piping solutions forthe growing diversity and complexity of construction and building technology challenges they face.The move towards low energy, zero carbon homes and buildings calls for the adoption of newbuilding technology at an unprecedented pace and scale. Complex combinations of systems andproducts, such as heat pumps, heat recovery ventilation and geothermal technology, require carefulplanning if they are to perform as specified.<strong>Polypipe</strong> provides plastic piping systems that enable the effective installation and performance ofthese sustainable building technologies to meet the global challenge of collection, transmission,control and emission of energy.ENABLING SUSTAINABLEBUILDING TECHNOLOGY<strong>Polypipe</strong> is committed to plastic pipingsystems that support and encouragelow and zero carbon constructiontechnology and the management ofwater as a precious resource.BREADTH ANDDEPTH OF PRODUCT SYSTEMSDelivering the ideal plasticpiping solution across the wholespectrum of construction projectsand market sectors. Always tried,tested and cost effective.PRODUCT INNOVATIONEmbracing leading materials andtechnical innovation to createthe products, processes andtechniques of tomorrow.SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTS & PRACTICES100% recyclable plastic products madefrom recycled raw materials whereverpossible. Fabricated and transported tothe same strict sustainability agenda.MANUFACTURING SCALEAcross the UK, Ireland,Europe and the MiddleEast, there are 17 <strong>Polypipe</strong>facilities servicing the needsof the construction industry.INDUSTRY AUTHORITYOur product portfolio is supportedby up to the minute knowledgeand advice on legislationand regulations affecting theapplication of <strong>Polypipe</strong> products.VALUE ENGINEERED SOLUTIONSUsing technology to deliver whole-lifevalue by providing systems that areengineered to perform.KGCHALLENGING TRADITIONThinner, lighter and stronger than clayor concrete, ‘less is more’- and farless appealing to thieves than copper.<strong>Polypipe</strong> plastic pipes continue torevolutionise the industry.LEADING EDGE EXPERTISE<strong>Polypipe</strong>’s R&D programme isled by some of the industry’smost knowledgeable andexperienced teams whohave a record of developingsystems engineered withintegrity to meet the needsof an exacting client base.MARKET LEADERSHIPAcross every key market,<strong>Polypipe</strong> products define anddrive quality in plastic pipemanufacture and performance.POLYPIPE BRANDThe <strong>Polypipe</strong> name and itsassociated brands are bywordsfor service and reliability amongspecifiers, contractors, tradesand domestic users alike.TECHNICAL SUPPORTOur highly knowledgeable technicalteams includes fully qualified engineerswho provide detailed design guidanceright through to installation andmaintenance advice.ContentsChanging Focus 4 - 5<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>Efficient</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> 6 - 7Floor Heating and Control Systems 8 - 11Thermal Pipe Systems 12 - 13Energy Saving Ventilation Systems 14 - 15Earth Duct Ventilation System and Energy Ducting 16 - 17Frequently Asked Questions 18 - 19Technical Expertise & Support 20 - 21Literature 22Enabling Sustainable Building Technology 2323

Changing FocusThe Code for Sustainable Homes is a nationalstandard for the sustainable design andconstruction of new build housing. Its aim is forevery new home to be zero carbon rated by 2016A Code for Sustainable Homes assessment isnow required for the majority of new buildhousing in England, Wales and NorthernIreland and is usually required to satisfy fundingor Local Authority sustainability policies. Thecode introduces minimum standards for energyefficiency based on a simple system of awardedcredits. Part of this policy introduces therequirement for all new homes to be zerocarbon from 2016.**Total Available Credits(% points contribution)Energy & CO2WaterSurface water run-offMaterialsWastePollutionHealth and wellbeingManagementEcology<strong>Carbon</strong> efficient solutions“The decision that new homes must be low energy/zero carbon from 2016 is very challenging. These homeswill not simply be the homes we build today with extra insulation. A low energy/zero carbon home is a complexcombination of systems and products which must perform as specified”.**The move towards low energy, zero carbon homes andbuildings calls for the adoption of new buildingtechnology at an unprecedented pace and scale.Complex combinations of systems and products,such as heat pumps, heat recovery and geothermaltechnology, require careful planning if they areto perform as specified.****Source of information: <strong>Carbon</strong> ComplianceFor Tomorrow’s New Homes 2010.**Source of information: Code for SustainableHomes 2006.Zero carbon hub 2016 timeline available atwww.zerocarbonhub.org12%36.4%Reduction ofCO 2emissionsAt <strong>Polypipe</strong> we have focused our developmentresources on providing piping solutions toenable the utilisation of building technologiesaimed at the reduction of C0 2 emissionsand redirection of energy usage - <strong>Carbon</strong><strong>Efficient</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>.10%14%9%2.8%2.2%6.4% 7.2%<strong>Polypipe</strong>’s focus is on the development ofpiping systems that enable the carbon efficientcollection, transmission, emission and controlof thermal energyCompliance and carbon efficiencyThe Government’s ‘<strong>Carbon</strong> Compliance for Tomorrow’sNew Homes’ review identifies key design choices that can bemade during the specification process to ‘lock in’ future energyand carbon performance. The following key issues in particularhave driven <strong>Polypipe</strong>’s product development programme:• The need to integrate new technologies for both spaceand water heating and provide appropriate pipingsystem solutions• The need to avoid overheating in new homes, withits implications for carbon emissions, health andconsumer choices, whilst ensuring in-door air qualityis not compromised• The need for the energy used in homes to be progressivelyde-carbonated in the coming years<strong>Polypipe</strong> carbonefficient solutionsWith energy performance and zero carbon homesbecoming the key focus of UK Government targets, therequirement for piping systems that maximise specifiedperformance has increased. In response, we havefocused on the development of systems to helpresidential developers and installers implementsolutions for increased carbon efficiency .<strong>Polypipe</strong> provides plastic piping systems thatenable the effective installation andperformance of these sustainable buildingtechnologies to meet the global challengeof collection, transmission, control andemission of energy.45

Floor Heating and Control SystemsThe ability of under floor heating to achieve comfort levels with much lower energyinput than alternatives provides the opportunity to make use of sustainable heat from,for example, geothermal technologies with minimal additional energy requirement.Not only is this energy efficient heat but it is also highly sustainableIn simple terms under floor heating is moreTechnical considerationsefficient because• Heat source - compatibility with specified heat source• It uses lower temperature water (typically 35°C to50°C rather than 70°C) so less energy is needed toheat the water• It enables condensing boilers to condense more often• The nature of the heat (radiant) provides comparablecomfort level at a lower air temperature• The distribution losses are lowerUnder floor heating systemsThere are several different kinds of <strong>Polypipe</strong> floorheating systems which can be utilised. Under floorheating is built into solid or screeded floors, usuallyduring the original build. Suspended floor heatingsystems use pipes laid on top of insulation panelsbetween joints, whilst in floating floor systemsthe pipework simply sits in the grooves withinsulation panels.Benefits of the under floor heating system• Provides a sustainable indoor environment to anyspace with even temperature distribution. Idealin terms of flow temperature, output and flow rate• Required heat output - ensuring the space is sufficientlyinsulated to enable the use of under floor heating• Pipe spacing - in solid floor systems considerationof pipe spacing requirements is essential• Floor surface temperatures - surface temperaturecompatibility to floor covering• Floor surface covering - assess the thermal insulationvalue of the floor covering• Control & zoning - specification of appropriatecontrol and setback control for solid floor systemsAllied technologies• Condensing boilers• Heat pumps• <strong>Polypipe</strong> plastic plumbing systemsReferences and further reading• <strong>Polypipe</strong> technical installation guide (TIG6)• BSRIA guide - Under floor heating and coolingOverlay systems<strong>Polypipe</strong>’s innovative Overlay system allows floorheating to be installed where traditional under floorheating is not practical, either because of increasedfloor levels or where the cost, mess and inconvenienceof excavation rules it out.Overlay is quick and easy to install under tiles,carpets, hardwood, vinyl and laminate flooring,making it perfect as a ‘built on’ solution in new buildor for retrofitting in refurbishment as the system isinstalled over the existing floor and is only 18mm indepth. The systems provide excellent response timesand heat output compared with traditional built inunder floor heating solutions and are therefore idealfor both traditional heating systems and lowtemperature renewable systems. The systems areavailable in two panel types, Overlay and OverlayLite, to allow for installation to all build types andfloor coverings.Additional benefits of the Overlay system• Allows under floor heating to be applied toexisting floors• Provides a ‘built-on’ solution in both new buildand renovation• Enables retrofit opportunities, particularly inolder buildings• Enables simple project management• Provides a quick response floor heating systemAdditional technical application considerations• Floor surface covering - assess the thermalinsulation of the floor covering to be used(0.15w/m 2 recommended) and the compatibilitywith Overlay/Overlay Lite• Resultant height of the floor around doorsand thresholdsemitter for heat pumps and condensing boilers• Provides additional wall space• Provides safe heating• Low maintenanceStandards• EN 1264 water based surface embedded heatingand cooling systems• BS 7291 thermoplastics pipe and fitting systemsfor hot and cold water for domestic purposesand heating installations in buildingsIn recent years, <strong>Polypipe</strong> has re-written the rule book on floor heating. With our innovative Overlay andMHP (Modular Heating Panel) systems adding to the more traditional screeded, floating and suspendedfloor methods. Along with our comprehensive range of control systems, we offer the widest and mostversatile choice of floor heating solutions available today. Floor heating systems provide hidden homeheating that is integrated into the building floor structure.They work by circulating warm water through a network of piping. Each room is served by a closed networkof pipes, known as a ‘loop’. Regardless of type, all floor heating provides safe, reliable home heating whilecreating extra room space by doing away with radiators. It is ideal for use with heat pumps and condensingboilers as it typically runs at just 45 degrees centigrade or lower.89

Floor Heating and Control SystemsRoom temperature controlOffering accurate and programmable managementof heat from room-to-room, our room control systemsensure heat is delivered when, where and how longit’s required. A built in ‘set back’ facility for high massunder floor heating minimises heat loss in unoccupiedrooms by using the system’s thermal capacity tomaintain temperatures at just below their pre-setlevel. An optimum start feature records the responserates of each room and calculates heating start timesaccordingly, ensuring desired temperatures areachieved prior to occupation and automaticallyadjusted to seasonal change.Modular Heating PanelSystems (MHP)A prefigured solution with all pipe circuitry, insulationand radiating foil integrated in modular panels that aresimply inserted into suspended or floating floor spacesand connected to form a complete system. <strong>Polypipe</strong>MHP panels have an excellent heat output, even at lowtemperatures, making them an ideal choice forrenewable heating systems and allowing rooms to becomfortably heated with fewer panels to reduce bothcosts and carbon emissions. As MHP is a totally modularsystem, floor areas beneath furniture or bathroomfixtures can be omitted to lower costs still further.Additional benefits of the MHP system• Simplified installation method• Most appropriate method using heat pumpsin suspended floors• Versatile range appropriate to conventionaland engineered joint spacing• Ideal ‘fit from below’ optionAdditional technical application considerations• Joist spacing and panel layoutControl systemsPrecise control of heat output and flow rates is criticalto the performance of low emission heating systems formaximum comfort and minimum energy consumption.<strong>Polypipe</strong> have a wide range of water and roomtemperature control solutions to ensure every heatingsystem delivers optimum efficiency in all conditions.Water temperature controls<strong>Efficient</strong> floor heating is dependent on the correcttemperature and flow rate of water through the loopsystem. <strong>Polypipe</strong>’s Alpha control pack includes theAlpha A rated Grundfos modulating pump, providingup to 15KW of heat load at water temperaturesbetween 30 and 60 degrees centigrade. With aminimum power consumption of just 5W, it representsa highly energy efficient control solution.TYPE DESCRIPTION SIZE OPTIONS ACCREDITATIONSOLIDFLOORSFLOATINGFLOORSSUSPENDEDFLOORSMODULARHEATINGPANELSOVERLAYOVERLAYLITETEMPERATURECONTROLPanel based system forscreeded floors.Panel based light weightfloating floor system.Spreader plate systemfor joisted andacoustic floors.Modular systemfor compositesuspended floors.Overfloor low profile system forheavyweight floor coverings.Overfloor low profile system forlightweight floor coverings.Water temperature controland distribution.1m x 1.2m panelfor all floor sizes.1.2m x 1.2m panelfor all floor sizes.1m x 450mm longpanel or allfloor sizes.330mm , 380mm and490mm Wide x 1.3mand 2.0m length.12mm pipe systemx 18mm depth.12mm pipe systemx 18mm depth.For use with 15mm and18mm pipe system.For use with 15mm and18mm pipe system.For use with 15mm and18mm pipe system.BBA certificationBBA certificationBBA certificationBBA certificationBBA certificationBBA certificationUp to 150m 2 A Rated or Standard BBA certificationROOMCONTROLSProgrammable digital andanalogue room control.All systems Wired and RF BBA certification1011

Thermal Pipe SystemsGeothermal pipe systemPre-Insulated pipe systemGeothermal heating systems exploit the differenceA comprehensive range of plastic compression fittings<strong>Polypipe</strong> pre-insulated pipe system is flexible, selfbetween ambient air temperature and the temperatureensures that any system configuration can be cateredcompensating underground pipe which is essentialbelow ground to extract energy for heating or coolinghomes. This energy is transferred by pumping waterthrough a subsurface pipe known as a geothermal ‘loop’.<strong>Polypipe</strong> system types<strong>Polypipe</strong> offers geothermal piping in both 32mm and40mm sizes and in a variety of coil lengths. It is formedfrom strong yet flexible polyethylene, making it highlyresistant to loads and the pressures experienced atdepth in the ground.for with an easy to use permanent jointing system.Benefits• Manufactured from black PE80 which is significantlymore flexible than other PE100 systems• SDR17 wall thickness allowing more efficient heattransfer and system performance• Quick, secure plastic compression fittings for bespokesystem designfor energy saving. CFC free foam insulation madefrom cross-linked PE-X with closed microcellularstructure. The insulating centrepiece guarantees aneffective separation of flow and return pipes. Theoutside casing is HDPE, made in accordance withthe closed chamber principle to provide high-gradeprotection to the piping system, which is suitablefor central heating applications only.FeaturesAllied technologiesAs the pipes are light weight and hyper flexible, theyIdeal for use with low temperature solutions such as<strong>Polypipe</strong>’s under floor heating systems.Technical ConsiderationsLoop lengths and capacities should always be calculatedusing Heat Pump Manufacturers’ guidelines.StandardsPipe EN12201-2Fittings To WIS 4-32-11can be laid easily and rapidly even over obstacles andround corners. System accessories can be mountedwithout any special tools.Where to useSuitable for single plot applications such as remoteboilers and heat pumps.StandardsCorrosion resistant transport pipe in cross-linked PE-Xain accordance with DIN 16892/16893 with yellowoxygen barrier in accordance with DIN 4726.Minimal water absorption capacity of

Energy Saving Ventilation SystemsEnergy efficiencyGreater air-tightness and insulation in building construction means thatboth efficient and effective ventilation is now a mandatory requirement;Part L of the Building Regulations aims to improve the thermal insulationof a building. Whilst this provides superior energy efficiencies it alsomakes it difficult for the building to ‘breathe’. The ventilation solutionsfrom <strong>Polypipe</strong> provide optimum building comfort by allowing fresh airto circulate while maintaining acceptable levels of indoor air quality,without compromising on the energy efficiency of the installation.Even relatively modern buildings can lose 25% of theirheat through uncontrolled ventilation and air leakage.Bathrooms in particular are sources of high energy loss;an average bathroom full of moist air contains over 600Watts of heat energy, all of which is wasted throughvents or open windows. <strong>Polypipe</strong>’s MechanicalVentilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) systems canrecover up to 92% of this energy for re-use, providingsignificant savings in heating costs and carbon emissions.When distributed through Domus ducting, it providesthe ultimate energy saving ventilation system.Mechanical ventilationwith heat recovery (MVHR)MVHR provides continuous balanced ventilation with theadded benefit of heat recovery in one system. It works byextracting stale, warm, moist air from kitchens andbathrooms through an energy efficient counter flow heatexchanger before expelling it to the outside. Incomingfresh air is filtered then warmed using the recovered heatenergy and ducted back into the habitable rooms. As wellas helping save energy and money, MVHR systems canreduce internal build-up of condensation and reduce theneed for additional heating.Features• Appliances available to support up to 7 wet roomsBenefitsWell-being*If a house is madeairtight withoutODOURan adequateCO 2PARTICULATESPOLLENventilationOZONEMOISTUREsystem, it can beBACTERIA& MITESTOBACCOSMOKEan unhealthyVOCSFORMALDEHYDEplace to live.It is important to ‘build tight and ventilate right’.*BSRIA 2010• Achieves higher levels of The Code for Sustainable Homes• Improved SAP rating• Secures additional points for the dwelling SAPrating, mandatory for any new building• Recovers up to 92% of wasted heat• Helps reduce fuel consumption• Provides sustainable indoor living environments• Helps prevent mould and interstitial condensationfrom damaging the building’s structureWhere to useEnergy Saving Trust recommend that MVHR appliances shouldbe installed in all new build and major refurbishments.Standards• SAP Appendix Q listed• Energy Saving Trust compliant• New build must conform to target emission rates(TER) laid down in Approved Document L of theBuilding RegulationsApplication & technical considerationsSystem significantly reduces the requirement for other energysaving methods required to achieve compliancy with SAP.Radial duct systemsAn innovative and flexible whole house air distributionsystem for use with <strong>Polypipe</strong> appliances, the <strong>Polypipe</strong>Radial duct system is suitable for use in a wide rangeof new build or refurbishment applications. It uses amanifold air distribution box to channel air to up to12 rooms through flexible, semi-rigid ducting andmay be used with mechanical extract or heat recoveryventilation. Thanks to a simple ‘plug and play’ systemof push fit joints, the <strong>Polypipe</strong> Radial duct systemcan be installed in up to 60% less time thancomparable conventional solutions.Features• The manifold acts as an air distribution unit, eachoutlet supplying a different room• Flexible, semi-rigid plastic ducting securely connectsto outlets running directly to each room• The outlet plenum enables the fixing of a standardair valve connectorTYPE DESCRIPTION SIZE OPTIONS ACCREDITATIONMECHANICALVENTILATION WITHHEAT RECOVERY (MVHR)RADIALDUCT SYSTEMOur MVHR appliances warmfresh air drawn into a buildingwith heat extracted from waste,stale air. Distributed throughDomus duct systems they alsodeliver fresh, pre-warmedand filtered air into the livingareas of a home.Whole house air distributionsystem which uses a manifoldto service up to 12 rooms.The manifolds evenlydistribute the air throughflexible, semi-rigid duct runningto each individual room.HR01W -598 x 435 x 285mmØ125/100HR01L -840 x 430 x 450mmHR02L -840 x 430 x 450mmHR03L -840 x 430 x 450mmØ150/125Ø125mm or Ø150mmoptions - dependingon size of property.Benefits• Quick, simple installation - up to 60% saving oninstallation time compared to traditional branchduct systems• Flexible ducting for easier routing• Ducting is easily cut to length• Speedy, push-fit joints• Straightforward airflow balancingDuct insulation for rigidduct systemsDomus Thermal is a unique (patent pending) ductinsulation system, designed specifically to complywith 2010 Building Regulations and to radicallyimprove the thermal insulation of ventilationducting in domestic properties. Domus Thermalis used to insulate round or rectangular ductingpassing through cold areas, preventing both heatloss and the formation of condensation.Appliances availableto support up to7 wet rooms.Kitchen cupboardand loft variantsavailable, with summerbypass options.Includes a rangeof tamper proof controls,for optimum performance.Can be used with eitherMEV and MVHR options.Radial duct system packsto suit properties up to300m² (small MEV),400m² (large MEV) and125m², 225m² and 275m²(MVHR).SAP Appendix Qregistered and EnergySaving Trust BestPractice compliant.Exceeds the minimumrequirements ofBuilding Regulations.Enables compliancewith BuildingRegulations.• Range includes kitchen cupboard and loft variants• Light weight and compact for easy installation• Summer bypass options also available• Range of tamper proof controlsDUCT INSULATIONFOR RIGID DUCTSYSTEMSOur Domus Thermal ductinsulation system is designedto comply with 2010 BuildingRegulations and to radicallyimprove the thermal insulationof ventilation ducting indomestic properties.Available to insulateDomus EasiPipe roundØ100mm, 125mm and150mm and Supertuberectangular 240 x 60mm.PVC coated, perforated steelbanding is also available forsurface mounting orsuspending the insulatedrigid duct system.For information on Domusrigid ducting please visit www.polypipe.com/ventilation.LABC registered.1415

Earth Duct Ventilation Systems and Ene rgy DuctingLarge scale earth duct ventilation systemsThe provision of suitable indoor air quality withinlarge scale commercial buildings is of increasingimportance as sealed building envelopes becomeBenefitsBurying ventilation pathways rather than running themacross the ceiling offers a number of obvious advantages:the norm in the pursuit of energy efficiency.Ridgistorm-XL large diameter pipes offer a versatileand effective high volume ventilation pathway.<strong>Polypipe</strong> systemRidgistorm-XL is the flexible sub surface alternativeto suspended ducting for ventilation in commercialbuilding developments. Its light weight but extremelystrong structure makes it an invaluable componentin below ground air ventilation solutions forcommercial buildings.••••Reduced overall building height with no lossof headroom.Easier planning permission in areas where maximumbuilding heights are specifiedLarger total building volume, helping to maximisepotential building revenues by freeing up room forfeatures such as mezzanine floorsPatented electro-fusion joint system ensures 100%joint integrity, eliminating water ingress into theventilation systemCable ducting for renewable energy systemsThe use of cable protection systems from <strong>Polypipe</strong>allows the localised energy infrastructure solutions theyprotect to perform at their optimum levels, enablingReferences and further readingENATS 12-24BBA Certificate numbers 90/R049 and 89/2175developers to meet the Allowable <strong>Solutions</strong> requirementunder The Code For Sustainable Homes. Providing energyBenefitsresources in a sustainable and carbon efficient way,cable protection solutions provide security to thevaluable infrastructure assets in both localised energyinfrastructure and large scale renewable energydevelopments such as off-shore wind farms.<strong>Polypipe</strong> system types••••Inherent strength, protecting infrastructure cablesfrom damageEasy installation and access with a full range ofaccess boxes, pole boxes, covers and divider frames.Light weight and easy to handle on-siteEasy access maintenance and repairOur range includes UPVC specification ducting, as wellStandardsas the proven and market leading Ridgiduct (straightlengths) and Ridgicoil (flexible coiled) systems. Theinherent strength and flexibility of these plastic pipingsystems in robust HDPE allows them to resist crackingeven under heavy loads and settlement. They areCable protection solutions from <strong>Polypipe</strong> have beenindependently tested and accredited to UK andEuropean standards including ENATS 12-24(Energy Networks Association Technical Standards).available as both straight lengths, as 50m coiled pipelinesand in a wide variety of colours compliant with NationalJoint Utilities Group (NJUG) guidelines.Technical considerationsSatisfying statutory, industry and project specifications,cable protection systems from <strong>Polypipe</strong> have been usedextensively for highways, housing developments,and in commercial, industrial and infrastructureprojects. Further installation guidance and technicalrecommendations are available in the <strong>Polypipe</strong>Civils Product and System Selector.16 17

Q. What is the Energy Saving Trust (EST)?Frequently Asked QuestionsQ. What is The Code forSustainable Homes?A. The Code for SustainableHomes (CSH) aims to reducecarbon emissions for newresidential buildings by settingtarget levels and ensuresBuilding Regulations demand thevery best energy efficiency fromnew homes.Q. What levels have The Code for Sustainable Homesset for domestic homes to comply with?A. Code level 1 - Requires energy consumption ofa residential building to be in line with 2006 BuildingRegulations.Code level 3 - Currently mandatory for all new homesand requires a 25% energy saving on homes built to 2006regulations.Code level 4 - Requires a 44% energy saving in new homesand is currently EST recommended for social housing.Code level 6 - will be implemented in 2016 and willrequire all new residential buildings to be zero carbon.Q. What is SAP?A. The StandardAssessment Procedure (SAP)is the UK Government’srecommended methodsystem for measuring theenergy rating of residentialdwellings.Q. What is SAP Appendix Q?A. This enables theperformance of newtechnologies includingmechanical ventilationwith heat recovery to beused in SAP calculations.The appendix includesresults of the higherstandards of performancerequired by the EST.Q. What are Building Regulations?A. Levels of performance laid down byParliament for the construction of buildingsand installation of services.Q. How do Building Regulations affect me?A. Greater energy savings, standardsof performance and reduction in carbonemissions is now a mandatory requirementof Building Regulations. Through complyingwith Building Regulations it will enableyou to achieve the best possible SAP ratingand attain higher levels of The Code forSustainable Homes.A. The Energy Saving Trust (EST) providesindependent sustainability recommendationsto businesses and individuals. They areaccepted by Government as the authority onmany environmental issues.Q. What is the Renewable heatPremium Payment?A. The renewable Heat Premium Payment(RHPP) is a one-off ‘grant type’ offer toincentivise the uptake of renewable heattechnologies in the period up to the formallaunch of domestic Renewable Heat incentive(RHI) tariffs in 2012.Q. Do I have to be qualified to installDomestic Ventilation?Q. How do I become qualified to installDomestic Ventilation?Q. Why is under floor heatingmore efficient than radiators?Q. Is my floor constructionsuitable for under floorheating?Q. What British and Europeanstandards apply to wetunder floor heating?A. Domestic ventilation became ‘notifiablework’ on 1st October 2010 as part of the2010 revision to Approved Document F ofthe Building Regulations. This means thatdomestic ventilation provision in new homesmust be commissioned by a suitablyqualified person.A. To ensure installers are qualified toinstall domestic ventilation, commissioning andhand-over, <strong>Polypipe</strong> have created a two dayBPEC accredited training programme specificallywritten to complement the latest BuildingRegulation requirements. For more informationon the course please call 08443 715523 or visitwww.polypipe.com/installer trainingA. This is a complex subject, but insimple terms under floor heating is moreefficient because:• UFH uses lower temperature water(typically 35°C to 50°C rather than 70°C)so less energy is required to heat the water• This enables condensing boilers to condensemore often or heat pumps to operate atlow temperatures• The nature of radiant heat provides acomparable comfort level at a lower airtemperatureA. The wide range of systemsavailable allow the use of <strong>Polypipe</strong>under floor heating for virtuallyany type of floor construction.These include traditional forms ofsolid and suspended floor whetherthey are in a commercial or domesticenvironment. The addition ofoverfloor systems such as <strong>Polypipe</strong>Overlay allow existing floors to beheated or this type of system canbe applied to new build floorA. Water based systems arecovered by BS EN 1264 Parts 1, 2, 3(Design) and 4 (Installation). Floorscreeds and finishes are covered byBS 8204 (2005) Parts 1-7, BS 8203,and DIN Standard 18560 Parts 1-7– the latter being a longstandingEurope wide reference standard.Timber floors and timber finishesare covered predominantly byBS 8201 in the UK.• The distribution losses are lower as allconstructions where the integrationdistribution pipework provides useful heatof traditional under floor heating• Control is simpler to apply by individualmay be difficult to apply.room therefore allowing systems to bemore controllable1819

Technical Expertise & Support<strong>Polypipe</strong> offers a wide range of high qualityresidential drainage, water supply, watermanagement solutions, plastic plumbingand ventilation systemsPlanningIn recent years, complex legislation such as the EU Water Framework Directive and guidelinesincluding the Code for Sustainable Homes have all increased the complexity of the planningprocess. Our teams have the technical and regulatory knowledge to help you meet the broadrange of demands needed for project approval and will advise you at every stage onsatisfying their requirements.DesignWe offer a range of end-to-end design services, drawing on our full range of in-housefacilities and the in-depth knowledge of our designers, specialists and engineers to helpyou achieve the ‘whole house’ performance you’re aiming for.TrainingA full range of hands-on training courses are available at our purpose built demonstration,exhibition and training facilities, providing relevant information and training for ourcustomers throughout the supply chain.Technical and on-site supportOur full project co-ordination services will help youmanage and prioritise your on-site resources todeliver your water supply, water management,heating and ventilation objectives economicallyand effectively. All our literature including technicaland installation guidance is easily accessed at:www.toolbox.polypipe.comIn-house bespoke fabrication<strong>Polypipe</strong> is the only UK manufacturer to operatededicated, in-house system fabrication servicesfor water management, drainage and ventilationsolutions, giving you all the benefits of made tomeasure fit and performance.Nationwide merchantnetworkThe national network of <strong>Polypipe</strong> merchants is essentialto our high levels of customer service. Not just resellers,but genuine partners in the <strong>Polypipe</strong> supply chain, theyensure products you need are available, whenever andwherever you need them. While our 150 strong fleet oftrucks and 300 trailers is on the road around the clockto maintain stock levels and service the needs of ourcustomers right across the country.Sustainableapproach<strong>Polypipe</strong> take sustainabilityseriously and are delighted tohave become the first plasticpiping systems company to beawarded the coveted <strong>Carbon</strong> Trust Standard.Lean manufacturing techniques and our approachto recycling all manufacturing waste, are at the heartof our sustainable manufacturing processes, whilstwe also have the capacity to re-use off cuts of ourproducts if they are returned from site.Indeed, plastic is itself a sustainable product - lighterand easier to handle and transport, it requires lessenergy to handle and transport and less energy tobe converted from polymer to finished productcompared to traditional materials.Furthermore, our product portfolio includes manyproducts designed to aid the construction of a moresustainable built environment, such as rainwaterharvesting, heat recovery ventilation andunder floor heating.20 21

LiteratureProduct Literature<strong>Polypipe</strong> enabling sustainablebuilding technology<strong>Polypipe</strong> provides plastic piping systems that enable the effective installation andperformance of sustainable building technology, meeting the twin global challengesof carbon reduction and water management.<strong>Solutions</strong> LiteratureUnderfloor HeatingSystemsVentilation Systemand Product SelectorVentilation InstallerTraining<strong>Polypipe</strong> CivilsProduct SelectorCARBON EFFICIENT SOLUTIONS‘SUSTAINABLE INDOOR ENVIRONMENTS’Ever stricter building regulations and ever moreWATER MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS‘ROOF TO RIVER’Offering a comprehensive range of standalone andenvironmentally conscious customers are driving themodular SUDS products, rainwater harvesting and surfacedemand for greener building products and technologies.water treatment solutions plus legislative and technical<strong>Polypipe</strong> fulfils that demand with a full range of systemssupport services, <strong>Polypipe</strong> Water Management <strong>Solutions</strong>All literature available at:www.toolbox.polypipe.comthat enable collection, transmission, emission and controlin heating, ventilation and cooling systems.address the requirements of every construction and civilengineering project.WMS ResidentialMarket Sector LiteratureAdditional market sector literature isavailable please visit www.polypipe.com orcontact the telephone numbers appearingunder each brochure.Sector FocusOur product systems respond directly to sector-specific requirements thanks to focusedtechnical and development teams with hands on expertise in the following areas:All literature available at:www.toolbox.polypipe.comResidential01709 770000Civils andInfrastructure01509 615100Commercial01622 795200All descriptions and illustrations in this publication are intended for guidance only and shall not constitute a ‘sale by description’. All dimensions given arenominal and <strong>Polypipe</strong> may modify and change the information, products and specifications from time to time for a variety of reasons, without prior notice.The information in this publication is provided ‘as is’ on June 2012. Updates will not be issued automatically. This information is not intended to have any legaleffect, whether by way of advice, representation or warranty (express or implied). We accept no liability whatsoever (to the extent permitted by law) if you placeany reliance on this publication you must do so at your own risk. All rights reserved. Copyright in this publication belongs to <strong>Polypipe</strong> and all such copyright maynot be used, sold, copied or reproduced in whole or part in any manner in any media to any person without prior consent. is a registered trademark of<strong>Polypipe</strong>. All <strong>Polypipe</strong> products are protected by Design Right under CDPA 1988. Copyright © 2012 <strong>Polypipe</strong>. All rights reserved.RESIDENTIAL<strong>Polypipe</strong> offers the broadest range ofresidential product and service solutionsfor both new build and RMI applications,as well as innovative solutions inresponse to legislative and industrytargets for more sustainable housing.CIVILS AND INFRASTRUCTUREDelivering performance andsustainability, <strong>Polypipe</strong>’s surface waterdrainage and cable managementsystems, supported by our in-housefabrications team, offer civils andinfrastructure project planners acomplete suite of solutions.COMMERCIALMajor commercial projects from carparks and high rise office blocksto hospitals, educational premisesand shopping centres have allbenefited from <strong>Polypipe</strong>’s rangeof value engineered products andcomprehensive service support.22 23

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