PartsManager Pro User's Guide

PartsManager Pro User's Guide

PartsManager Pro User's Guide


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Rearranging Information in a Parts List<strong>PartsManager</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> allows you to change the order in which part entries are listed and toresize and move columns.Note: If you modify the parts list and want to restore the original layout, right-click in theparts list to open a context menu. Then click Refresh.Sorting InformationChange the order in which part entries are listed by doing the following:Click a column header. Entries are listed in order according to the information in thatcolumn. An upward-pointing triangle appears on the right side of the header andinformation is arranged in order from first to last. That is, entries that begin with lettersare arranged in A-Z order and entries that begin with numbers are arranged in 1-9 order.If you click the column header again, a downward-pointing triangle appears on the rightside of the header and information is arranged in order from last to first. That is, entriesthat begin with letters are arranged in Z-A order and entries that begin with numbers arearranged in 9-1 order.Resizing ColumnsResize column widths by doing the following:1. Place the mouse pointer on the boundary between two column headers. The mousepointer changes to .2. Hold down the left mouse button.3. Drag to the left or right.Moving ColumnsRearrange the order in which columns appear by doing the following:1. Place the mouse pointer on a column header.2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the header to the left.3. Stop dragging where you want to insert the column. The following example showsthe Quantity column being inserted immediately in front of the Description column. Asmall green arrow indicates where the column will be inserted.4. Release the mouse button. The column is inserted at the arrow. In this example, theQuantity column is now located between the Part Number and Description columns.68 <strong>PartsManager</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> User’s <strong>Guide</strong> 15022006-3.4

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