Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan

Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan

Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan

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At Your ServiceIn the new model, the services sector will have to play a more prominent andaggressive role in generating economic activities. We have comparative advantagein various services sub-sectors. For example, we are at the forefront of Islamicfinance. We are also at the forefront in tourism. Therefore, every effort should betaken to further strengthen and elevate our position.We have the advantage in many other sub-sectors such as education, informationand communications technology, and professional services to name a few. If we aresuccessful, the services sector will account for 70% of the nation’s gross domesticproduct as in many developed economies. We must also bear in mind that we havea responsibility to hand over a healthy and environmentally sustainable Malaysia toour future generation. This is the legacy that we have to fulfil.In this context, the new model shouldpromote those activities that meet theneeds of the society without endangering ordepleting our natural resources. This requiresa high level of consciousness and awarenessamong economic players to adopt andadapt green technology in their productionprocesses and daily activities.Having said all these, the architecture of the new model must be structured onthe two pillars of Malaysia’s inherent strengths, namely political stability and racialunity. The political stability that we continue to enjoy enables us to plan aheadwith greater certainty and enhances investors’ confidence, both domestic andforeign. We must also continue to build on something that is very dear to us, andthat is racial unity. In this respect, the 1Malaysia concept initiated by our PrimeMinister is an avenue through which we can further strengthen solidarity amongall Malaysians, irrespective of race, religion or culture. We have to capitalize onthese basic fundamental strengths to our full advantage.98

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