Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan

Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan

Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan

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<strong>Tan</strong> <strong>Sri</strong> Musa <strong>Hassan</strong>In facing challenges, the police remain true to their first duty andcalling – that of serving one, serving all. But policing today is toughercompared to when the force was first established.“Please contact your service provider” is the message that constantly appears onany mobile communication device these days when something malfunctions.So who do you contact when society malfunctions? The nation’s key “public” serviceprovider – the police, of course.I joined the force in 1969 as a young trainee inspector and to this day, I wear mybadge with pride and passion that extend beyond mere sentimentality attachedto a shiny piece of metal I wear on my chest. Along with 100,000 others, I am aproud member of the Royal Malaysia PoliceForce.Our passion and vocation is one of service– service to the King, the nation and thecommunity. We are the nation’s “Enforcersof Law and Order”.As with any other service provider,expectations of us are high, criticism is flungat us with abandon, and blame is levelledat us freely and easily. This is not unique toMalaysia as worldwide, law enforcers haveborne the brunt of the blame and venomof anger for the problems society faces – aheavy and often unfair burden to bear.In the face of all these challenges, we remaintrue to our first duty and calling – that ofserving one, serving all. But policing today istougher compared to when the force wasfirst established.While new innovations and technology haveaided society colossally, they have also madeit so much easier for criminals to operateand crimes to be committed.In the face of all thesechallenges, we remaintrue to our first duty andcalling – that of servingone, serving all. Butpolicing today is toughercompared to when theforce was first established.While new innovationsand technology have aidedsociety colossally, theyhave also made it so mucheasier for criminals tooperate and crimes to becommitted.While our services and operations haveevolved in line with current trends, technology and methods, no single lawenforcement agency can effectively combat crime working in isolation. We still need73

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