Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan

Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan

Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan

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At Your ServiceThe ministry has introduced flexibility to the Brain Gain programme. They canreturn for short-stint assignments from two weeks to one year per visit. They willnot need to physically uproot their families and relocate back to Malaysia.What is of importance ultimately, is the transfer of knowledge and technologyfrom Malaysians back to Malaysia. We need our scientists and researchers to comeback home.Those who meet a minimum requirement of five or more years of researchexperience in any science, technology and engineering discipline are eligible to apply.The quality and innovativeness of their research proposals are equally crucial.The ministry also gives priority to scientistsand researchers who wish to undertakeresearch and development in emergingtechnologies that serve national needs.This would include areas like climate changetechnologies, bioinformatics, alternativeor renewal energy, biotechnology (foodproduction), biomass, nanotechnology andcyber security.Those who return can consider various roles – collaborator, consultant, or adviser– offering their skills and expertise. They can collaborate with local institutions ofhigher learning, research institutes or industries.They can identify their own collaborators or seek the help of the ministry if theydo not have one.For their contributions to the country, the programme offers them attractiveincentives such as sustenance, return airfare, accommodation and medical insuranceduring their stay in Malaysia. Furthermore, to enable them to undertake researchand development with local researchers, the programme also provides some “topup”of research expenses.46

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