Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan

Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan

Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan

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<strong>Tan</strong> <strong>Sri</strong> Alimuddin <strong>Mohd</strong> Dom“The benefits of sports must beutilised not just as a healthy physicalpursuit but also as a social tooltowards producing a balancedindividual”Even committee members in local residential areas can play a part in organisingteams and leagues, outside the school system, to provide means for continuoussport involvement. The ministry believes that the involvement of other agenciesincluding private sector and non-governmental bodies is crucial, specifically inidentifying talent, preparing students in overcoming challenges and sharing thebest or current practice with teachers. These agencies are able to recognise thediversity of interests within a school community, the different needs and range ofabilities for students. Furthermore, involvement from these agencies may help toencourage the sharing of resources, builds the capacity of small sport and districtsports clubs to include students and families in their activities.In return, school and community partnerships are strengthened. For the school tobe the place to promote sports, leadership is important to facilitate cultural changein the school with regards to sports and providing opportunities for students toactively participate. Parents need to be supportive in their children’s participationin sports. The spirit of competitiveness in school should be on a broader scope,not only focusing on those with academic prowess but those who excel in otherfields. I have always been interested in sports and was active in sports activities inschool. As a young teacher, I was a football coach and a qualified football referee.Although the rules have evolved over the years, my involvement in football in schoolhas allowed me to view football matches differently than the average supporter.I always believe that an enjoyable experience in sports as a youth could lead to alifetime participation in sports and to an active lifestyle as an adult. Sports in schoolare not necessarily about producing world beaters. Sports in school too are notjust about tournaments and competitions with the victors and the vanquished.Sports for all is about “enculturation” and strengthening programmes that areinclusive yet diverse to cater for different non-competitive interests. The benefitsof sports must be utilised not just as a healthy physical pursuit but also as a socialtool towards producing a balanced individual.151

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