Oral Presentation Grading Rubric

Oral Presentation Grading Rubric

Oral Presentation Grading Rubric


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<strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Presentation</strong> <strong>Grading</strong> <strong>Rubric</strong>Name: __________________________________________ Overall Score: /40Nonverbal Skills 4 – Exceptional 3 – Admirable 2 – Acceptable 1 – PoorEye ContactBody LanguagePoiseHolds attention of entireaudience with the use ofdirect eye contact, seldomlooking at notes or slides.Movements seem fluid andhelp the audience visualize.Displays relaxed, selfconfidentnature about self,with no-mistakes.Consistent use of direct eyecontact with audience, butstill returns to notes.Made movements or gesturesthat enhance articulation.Makes minor mistakes, butquickly recovers from them;displays little or no tension.Displayed minimal eyecontact with audience, whilereading mostly from notes.Very little movement ordescriptive gestures.Displays mild tension; hastrouble recovering frommistakes.No eye contact with audience,as entire report is read fromnote.No movement or descriptivegestures.Tension and nervousness isobvious; has troublerecovering from mistakes.Verbal Skills 4 – Exceptional 3 – Admirable 2 – Acceptable 1 – PoorEnthusiasmSpeaking SkillsDemonstrates a strong,positive feeling about topicduring entire presentationUses a clear voice and speaksat a good pace so audiencemembers can hearpresentation. Does not readoff slides.Occasionally shows positivefeelings about topicPresenter’s voice is clear.The pace is a little slow orfast at times. Most audiencemembers can hearpresentation.Shows some negativitytoward topic presented.Presenter’s voice is low. Thepace is much too rapid/slow.Audience members havedifficulty hearingpresentation.Shows absolutely no interestin topic presented.Presenter mumbles, talks veryfast, and speaks too quietlyfor a majority of students tohear & understand.Timing 4 – Exceptional 3 – Admirable 2 – Acceptable 1 – PoorLength of <strong>Presentation</strong>Within two minutes ofallotted time +/-.Within four minutes ofallotted time +/-.Within six minutes of allottedtime +/-Too long or too short; ten ormore minutes above or belowallotted time.

Content 4 – Exceptional 3 – Admirable 2 – Acceptable 1 – PoorSubject KnowledgeOrganizationVisualsMechanicsAn abundance of materialclearly related to the researchis presented. Points areclearly made and evidence isused to support claimsInformation is presented in alogical and interestingsequence which audience canfollow. Flows well.Excellent visuals that are tiedinto the overall story of theresearch.<strong>Presentation</strong> has nomisspellings or grammaticalerrors.Sufficient information withmany good points made,uneven balance and littleconsistency.Information is presented inlogical sequence whichaudience can follow.Appropriate visuals are usedand explained by the speaker.<strong>Presentation</strong> has no more thantwo misspellings and/orgrammatical errors.There is a great deal ofinformation that is not clearlyintegrated or connected to theresearch.Audience has difficultyfollowing presentationbecause the presentationjumps around and lacks cleartransitions.Visuals are used but notexplained or put in context.<strong>Presentation</strong> has threemisspellings and/orgrammatical errors.Goal of research unclear,information included thatdoes not support researchclaims in any way.Audience cannot understandpresentation because there isno sequence of information.Little or no visuals, too muchtext on slides.<strong>Presentation</strong> has manyspelling and/or grammaticalerrors.Comments:

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