Thailand Tiger Action Plan - Global Tiger Initiative

Thailand Tiger Action Plan - Global Tiger Initiative Thailand Tiger Action Plan - Global Tiger Initiative
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1.8 Support national and international efforts to manage captive tigers responsibly1.8.1 Design and enforce the controlprograms for captive breeding oftigers in legal tiger zoos with acaptive tiger database trackingrecords.Captive tiger database established andrun effectively with effective tigerinspection teams.1.8.2 Discourage illegal activitiesinvolving captive tigers, usingeffective public campaigns whichhighlight the impacts of tigerconservation.1.8.3 Public campaigns showing thedifference between wild & captivetiger conservation.Effective enforcement on zoos allowedfor captive tigers but violating the law;information in the public domainStrong campaign and clear publicunderstanding on tigerissues;information in the public domainDNP's reports onstatus of captivetigersEnforcement recordsin DNP annualreports; media pickupsDNP annualreports;media pickupsx x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x x2 Building capacity based on successful models2.1 Establish a Regional Tiger Conservation and Research Center at Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary2.1.1 Designate staff and design anadministrative structure to run thecenter with shared experiences andadministrations.Clear structure of shared administrationestablishedMoNRE and DNPexecutive ordersx x x x x x x x x x x x2.1.2 Ensure that the training center hassufficient facilities and equipment tofacilitate high quality training inmanagement, enforcement andresearch to serve both Thailandand the region.Successful pilot training coursesdelivered; a number of projectsparticipated by tiger range countriesDNP annual reports x x x x x x x x x x x x

2.1.3 Establish technical andenforcement-related curricula thatwill prepare participants to meetprotected area managementstandards.A curriculum standard for tigerprotected area managers designed andused; a number of protected areamanagers passed the curriculaDNP executive ordersto regulate acurriculum standardon tiger protectedareas; DNP Trainingrecordsx x x x x x x x x x x2.2 Ensure national training capacity can deliver high quality tiger conservation training at all levels2.2.1 Strengthen the local instructorscapacity for conducting trainingcourses for tiger research andconservation for Thai andinternational audience.Training for trainer courses are welldesigned and launchedDNP annual reports x x x x x x x x x x x x2.2.2 Establish a national standard assufficient resources for tigerconservation training.National standard is agreed andpublished3 Monitoring, research, and information management3.1 Monitor tiger and prey populations in priority landscapes3.1.1 Maintain and establish highstandard annual populationmonitoring systems for tigers andtheir prey in tiger sources andpotential source sites in the prioritylandscapes.3.1.2 Establish landscape scaleoccupancy monitoring for tigers andprey throughout the two prioritylandscapes.3.1.3 Implement a national-wide surveyand reporting system on tigers andprey conditions based on scientificmethods.System of camera trapping andtransect for tiger and prey populationmonitoring established and annuallyrun with rigorous designsSystem of occupancy monitoring fortiger and prey established and runNational-wide survey systemestablished and run with rigorousdesignDNP annual reports x x x x x x x x x x x xDNP reports onpopulation monitoringsystemsDNP reports onlandscape scaleoccupancy monitoringsystemsDNP reports on anational-wide surveyand reporting systemon tigers and preyconditionsx x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x x

2.1.3 Establish technical andenforcement-related curricula thatwill prepare participants to meetprotected area managementstandards.A curriculum standard for tigerprotected area managers designed andused; a number of protected areamanagers passed the curriculaDNP executive ordersto regulate acurriculum standardon tiger protectedareas; DNP Trainingrecordsx x x x x x x x x x x2.2 Ensure national training capacity can deliver high quality tiger conservation training at all levels2.2.1 Strengthen the local instructorscapacity for conducting trainingcourses for tiger research andconservation for Thai andinternational audience.Training for trainer courses are welldesigned and launchedDNP annual reports x x x x x x x x x x x x2.2.2 Establish a national standard assufficient resources for tigerconservation training.National standard is agreed andpublished3 Monitoring, research, and information management3.1 Monitor tiger and prey populations in priority landscapes3.1.1 Maintain and establish highstandard annual populationmonitoring systems for tigers andtheir prey in tiger sources andpotential source sites in the prioritylandscapes.3.1.2 Establish landscape scaleoccupancy monitoring for tigers andprey throughout the two prioritylandscapes.3.1.3 Implement a national-wide surveyand reporting system on tigers andprey conditions based on scientificmethods.System of camera trapping andtransect for tiger and prey populationmonitoring established and annuallyrun with rigorous designsSystem of occupancy monitoring fortiger and prey established and runNational-wide survey systemestablished and run with rigorousdesignDNP annual reports x x x x x x x x x x x xDNP reports onpopulation monitoringsystemsDNP reports onlandscape scaleoccupancy monitoringsystemsDNP reports on anational-wide surveyand reporting systemon tigers and preyconditionsx x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x x

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