Thailand Tiger Action Plan - Global Tiger Initiative

Thailand Tiger Action Plan - Global Tiger Initiative Thailand Tiger Action Plan - Global Tiger Initiative
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1.4.2 Provide Protected AreaCommittees (PAC) and CommunityCommittees (CC) with qualityinformation (e.g., data from SmartPatrol System) on which to basethreat reduction decisions andactivities.Meeting frequency and resolutions fromthe meeting;successful cases ofparticaptorial management approachesPAs reports; PACreports;CC reportsx x x x x x x x x x x x1.5 Support local communities in developing sustainable economies that reduce dependence on forest resources1.5.1 Link communities with agriculturalscience institutes and agencies topromote agro-forestry in bufferzone areas around prioritylandscapes to reduce Non TimberForest Producteds (NTFPs)collection inside Protected Areas(PAs).Incomes from agro-forestry products(eg., bamboo shoots, mushrooms)PAs Reports x x x x x x x x x x x x1.5.2 Develop a wildlife-basedecotourism with a concrete benefitsharing with communities inappropriate areas in and aroundPAs.Numbers of projects, areas, andactivities;revenue flowing to thecommunitiesDNP reports onwildlife-basedecotourism projects;reports on revenuesfrom Ministry ofInteriorx x x x x x x x x x x x1.6 Facilitate international cooperation in tiger conservation efforts1.6.1 Strengthen enforcement capacity ofThailand's CITES programs withbetter interagency-collaborationand stronger protocols and impactmonitoring system on wildlifetrades.Transparent permit system;numbers ofcases resulting from interagencycollaboration;active responses fromCITES checkpoints andinteragencycollaborationCITES ManagementAuthority of Thailandbiennual reports;DNPannual reports andstatisticsx x x x x x x x x x x x1.6.2 Strengthen and sustain capacity ofASEAN-WEN.Enforcement monitoring system;positive response from relevantauthorities from ASEAN countriesProgress and annualreports of ASEAN-WENx x x x x x x x x x x x

1.6.3 Strengthen bi-lateral cooperationwith Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia andMyanmar for transboundaryenforcement and monitoring andresearch.Numbers of collaboration projects,areas, and activities1.7 Strengthen national laws, policies, and enforcement of tiger related crimes1.7.1 Strengthen enforcement on wildlifecrime under the Wild AnimalReservation and Protection ActB.E.2535 (1992) to make sure thatan offender convicting the highestpenalty of Wildlife Laws and relatedlegislations.Numbers of offenders convicted in arange of penalties1.7.2 Strengthen Thailand-WENinformation sharing capacity.1.7.3 Strengthen investigative capacityand judiciary effectiveness onwildlife crime cases.1.7.4 Strengthen communicationcampaigns on wild tigerconservation.Effective monitoring database onperformance;positive response fromrelevant authorities; enforcementmechanism developed; informationsharedProsecution and conviction cases;increasing success in prosecution ofcases; capacity building training heldWild tiger conservation discussed atmeetings;awareness survey;capacitybuilding training heldBiennual reports ofCITES ManagementAuthority of Thailand;DNP annual reportsCourt decisions; DNPreports; DNPStatisticsThailand-WENannual reports;reports onenfocement actionsCourtdecisions;trainingmaterials; DNPanuual reportsMeetingminutes;campaignmaterials;awarenesssurvey resultsx x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x x1.7.5 MoU with military, police, Ministry ofInterior, Ministry of Education to bestrengthened and implemented forbetter collaboration and training forenforcement.Numbers of cooperation projects underthe MoU; meetings and dialoguestowork with military, police, Ministry ofInterior, Ministry of EducationMoNRE annualreportsx x x x x x x x x x x x

1.6.3 Strengthen bi-lateral cooperationwith Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia andMyanmar for transboundaryenforcement and monitoring andresearch.Numbers of collaboration projects,areas, and activities1.7 Strengthen national laws, policies, and enforcement of tiger related crimes1.7.1 Strengthen enforcement on wildlifecrime under the Wild AnimalReservation and Protection ActB.E.2535 (1992) to make sure thatan offender convicting the highestpenalty of Wildlife Laws and relatedlegislations.Numbers of offenders convicted in arange of penalties1.7.2 Strengthen <strong>Thailand</strong>-WENinformation sharing capacity.1.7.3 Strengthen investigative capacityand judiciary effectiveness onwildlife crime cases.1.7.4 Strengthen communicationcampaigns on wild tigerconservation.Effective monitoring database onperformance;positive response fromrelevant authorities; enforcementmechanism developed; informationsharedProsecution and conviction cases;increasing success in prosecution ofcases; capacity building training heldWild tiger conservation discussed atmeetings;awareness survey;capacitybuilding training heldBiennual reports ofCITES ManagementAuthority of <strong>Thailand</strong>;DNP annual reportsCourt decisions; DNPreports; DNPStatistics<strong>Thailand</strong>-WENannual reports;reports onenfocement actionsCourtdecisions;trainingmaterials; DNPanuual reportsMeetingminutes;campaignmaterials;awarenesssurvey resultsx x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x x1.7.5 MoU with military, police, Ministry ofInterior, Ministry of Education to bestrengthened and implemented forbetter collaboration and training forenforcement.Numbers of cooperation projects underthe MoU; meetings and dialoguestowork with military, police, Ministry ofInterior, Ministry of EducationMoNRE annualreportsx x x x x x x x x x x x

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