Thailand Tiger Action Plan - Global Tiger Initiative

Thailand Tiger Action Plan - Global Tiger Initiative Thailand Tiger Action Plan - Global Tiger Initiative
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1.1.5 Overhaul the park ranger system toa higher living and workingstandard, and provide rewards andincentives to encourage patrolling(e.g., patrolling budgets) and othersignificant morale boostingprograms such as performancebasedpromotions.1.1.6 Apply landscape-scale ecologicaland development models for tigerconservation and engagestakeholders in developmentsectors (i.e., roads, oil and gas,mining, power) to minimize andmitigate impacts in sectoralactivities on tiger habitats.Better performance-basedcompensation and promotion;increasein base salaries and benefits;funds forranger welfare in priority landscapesNumbers of management approachesand development models applied at thelandscape scale1.2 Provide long-term support for tiger habitat restoration activities1.2.1 Promote use of controlled burningin potential and manageable partsof priority landscapes to maintaingrassland for ungulate recovery.1.2.2 Prevent and suppress fireseffectively in evergreen forest areasin priority landscapes to providegood cover and watersheds fortigers and wildlife.1.2.3 Strengthen the reintroductionprogram of ungulate prey with theex-situ succeeded species (i.e.,sambars, eld’s deer, hog deer) insuitable habitats.Areas for control burned;changes inungulate use of the burned areasAreas with fire controlledSpecies, numbers, andlocations;numbers of reintroducedanimals surviving afterreintroductions;breeding successJob performances;regular protectedareas reportssubmitted to DNPx x x x x x x x x x x xDNP reports x x x x x x x x x x xMaps and areasmanaged using firesSatellite imagereportsReintroductionplan;monitoringsystem; breeding andreintroduction reportsx x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x x

1.2.4 Maintain natural and existingartificial water sources that benefittigers and ungulates especiallyduring the drought periods inpriority landscapes.1.2.5 Establish a system to controlinvasive species (e.g., Lantanacamara, Mimosa pudica) in thepriority landscapes.1.2.6 Identify priorities for corridor andhabitat restoration.Numbers of watersources;demonstrated increase in preynumbersNew areas where invasive speciesdetectedAreas identified for corridor and habitatrestorationReport on monitoringresults of wildlife useof water sources andsalt licksProjectsurveys;protectedareas reportsx x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x xMaps of corridors x x x x x x x1.3 Ensure that government policy of protecting tiger habitats from development threats, as committed through the Hua Hin declaration, is followed1.3.1 Ensure that no major infrastructuredevelopment occurs in core tigerhabitats.Numbers of major development projectrejectedGovernment reports x x x x x x x x x x x x1.3.2 Ensure that infrastructuredevelopment in corridors and bufferzones conform with Smart GreenInfrastructure designs to ensureminimal impacts to tiger habitatsand maintain landscapeconnectivity.Number of green infrastructure protectsin cooridors and buffer zones1.4 Encourage community participation and cooperation in protected area conservation activities1.4.1 Strengthen and build wildlifeconservation network around thepriority landscape to strengthentiger and wildlife conservation in thepriority areas.Numbers of wildlife conservationnetwork established; numbers andgroups of people trained as volunteersGovernment reports x x x x x x x x x x x xWildlife conservationactions participatedby members ofnetworks;projectsconducted byvolunteersx x x x x x x x x x x x

1.2.4 Maintain natural and existingartificial water sources that benefittigers and ungulates especiallyduring the drought periods inpriority landscapes.1.2.5 Establish a system to controlinvasive species (e.g., Lantanacamara, Mimosa pudica) in thepriority landscapes.1.2.6 Identify priorities for corridor andhabitat restoration.Numbers of watersources;demonstrated increase in preynumbersNew areas where invasive speciesdetectedAreas identified for corridor and habitatrestorationReport on monitoringresults of wildlife useof water sources andsalt licksProjectsurveys;protectedareas reportsx x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x xMaps of corridors x x x x x x x1.3 Ensure that government policy of protecting tiger habitats from development threats, as committed through the Hua Hin declaration, is followed1.3.1 Ensure that no major infrastructuredevelopment occurs in core tigerhabitats.Numbers of major development projectrejectedGovernment reports x x x x x x x x x x x x1.3.2 Ensure that infrastructuredevelopment in corridors and bufferzones conform with Smart GreenInfrastructure designs to ensureminimal impacts to tiger habitatsand maintain landscapeconnectivity.Number of green infrastructure protectsin cooridors and buffer zones1.4 Encourage community participation and cooperation in protected area conservation activities1.4.1 Strengthen and build wildlifeconservation network around thepriority landscape to strengthentiger and wildlife conservation in thepriority areas.Numbers of wildlife conservationnetwork established; numbers andgroups of people trained as volunteersGovernment reports x x x x x x x x x x x xWildlife conservationactions participatedby members ofnetworks;projectsconducted byvolunteersx x x x x x x x x x x x

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