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<strong>www</strong>.<strong>GOALias</strong>.<strong>blogspot</strong>.<strong>com</strong>Vermi-processing toiletA design of a toilet in which humans excreta is treated by earthworms has beentested in India. It has been found to be a novel, low water-use toilet for safeprocessing of human waste. The operation of the toilet is very simple and hygienic.The human excreta is <strong>com</strong>pletely converted to vermi cakes — a resource muchneeded for soil.without sewerage facilities. Where dothey relieve themselves?A very large fraction of our peopledefecates in the open, on dry riverbeds,on railway tracks, near fields and manya time directly in water. Untreatedhuman excreta is a health hazard. Itmay cause water pollution and soilpollution. Both the surface water andgroundwater get polluted. Groundwateris a source of water for wells, tubewells,springs and many rivers as you learntin Chapter 16. Thus, it be<strong>com</strong>es themost <strong>com</strong>mon route for water bornediseases. They include cholera, typhoid,polio, meningitis, hepatitis anddysentery.18.8 ALTERNATIVEARRANGEMENTFORSEWAGEDISPOSALTo improve sanitation, low cost onsitesewage disposal systems are beingencouraged. Examples are septic tanks,chemical toilets, <strong>com</strong>posting pits. Septictanks are suitable for places where thereis no sewerage system, for hospitals,Bhoojo wants to know howsewage is disposed of in anaeroplane.isolated buildings or a cluster of 4 to 5houses.Some organisations offer hygienicon-site human waste disposaltechnology. These toilets do not requirescavenging. Excreta from the toilet seatsflow through covered drains into abiogas plant. The biogas produced isused as a source of energy.18.9 SANITATIONAT PUBLICPLACESIn our country fairs are organisedperiodically. A large number of peopleparticipate in them. In the same wayrailway stations, bus depots, airports,hospitals are very busy places.Thousands of people visit them daily.Large amount of waste is generatedhere. It must be disposed of properlyotherwise epidemics could break out.The government has laid downcertain standards of sanitation but,unfortunately, they are not strictlyenforced.However, all of us can contribute inmaintaining sanitation at public places.We should not scatter litter anywhere.If there is no dustbin in sight, we shouldcarry the litter home and throw it in thedustbin.226SCIENCE

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