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<strong>www</strong>.<strong>GOALias</strong>.<strong>blogspot</strong>.<strong>com</strong>Sheila wondered who would haveplanted these trees. Prof Ahmad repliedthat in nature trees produce enoughseeds. The forest floor providesfavourable conditions for them togerminate and develop into seedlingsSealing waxHoneyGumFig. 17.5 Forest productsWoodenstatueCatechuand saplings. Some grow up into trees.He added that branchy part of a treeabove the stem is known as the crownof the tree (Fig. 17.6).Prof Ahmad asked children to lookup and observe how the branches of thetall trees look like a roof over the otherplants in the forest. He told them thatthis is called a canopy (Fig. 17.7).Activity 17.2Visit a forest or a park in yourneighbourhood. Observe the trees andtry to identify them. You can take thehelp of some elders or books on trees.List the characteristics of the trees thatyou observe, such as the height, shapeof leaves, crown, flowers, and fruits. Alsodraw the crowns of some trees.Prof Ahmad pointed out that treeshad crowns of different types and sizes.These had created different horizontallayers in the forest. These are known asunderstoreys (Fig. 17.7). Giant and talltrees constituted the top layer followedby shrubs and tall grasses, and herbsformed the lowest layer.“Would we see similar kind of treesin every forest?” — asked Boojho.Prof Ahmad said, “No, due to differentclimatic conditions there are variationsin the types of trees and other plants.The types of animals also differ fromforest to forest.”Fig. 17.6 Some crown shapes: O209FORESTSORESTS: : OURLIFELINE209

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