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<strong>www</strong>.<strong>GOALias</strong>.<strong>blogspot</strong>.<strong>com</strong>pushes out pseudopodia around thefood particle and engulfs it. The foodbe<strong>com</strong>es trapped in a food vacuole[Fig. 2.10).Digestive juices are secreted into thefood vacuole. They act on the food andbreak it down into simpler substances.Gradually the digested food is absorbed.The absorbed substances are used forgrowth, maintenance and multiplication.The undigested residue of the food isexpelled outside by the vacuole.The basic process of digestion offood and release of energy is the samein all animals. In a later chapter youwill learn about the transport of foodabsorbed by the intestine to the variousparts of the body.KeywordsAbsorptionAmino acidAmoebaAssimilationBileBuccal cavityCanineCelluloseDigestionEgestionFatty acidFood vacuoleGall bladderGlycerolIncisorIngestionLiverMilk teethMolarPermanent teethOesophagusPancreasPremolarPseudopodiaRumenRuminantRuminationSalivary glandsVilliSalivaWhat you have learnt• Animal nutrition includes nutrient requirement, mode of intake of foodand its utilisation in the body.• The human digestive system consists of the alimentary canal andsecretory glands. It consists of the (i) buccal cavity, (ii) oesophagus,(iii) stomach, (iv) small intestine, (v) large intestine ending in rectumand (vi) anus. The main digestive glands which secrete digestive juicesare (i) the salivary glands, (ii) the liver and (iii) the pancreas. The stomachwall and the wall of the small intestine also secrete digestive juices.• The modes of feeding vary in different organisms.• Digestion is a <strong>com</strong>plex process involving: (i) ingestion, (ii) digestion,(iii) absorption, (iv) assimilation and (v) egestion.NUTRITIONIN ANIMALS1919

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