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<strong>www</strong>.<strong>GOALias</strong>.<strong>blogspot</strong>.<strong>com</strong>Water-wise habits1. Turn off taps whilebrushing2. Mop the floor instead ofwashing16.7 WFig. 16.9 Drip irrigation in a field16.7 WHATROLEYOUCAN PLAYHave you ever shown concern if you sawa tap leaking in your house, school orany other place? Leaking taps waste alot of water. You must make efforts tostop this leakage.There are a number of ways you canadopt to minimise the wastage of water.Let us begin. We have given a fewexamples. Add on!16.8 E16.8 EFFECTOF WATERSCARCITYONPLANTSYou must have seen potted plantswilting and ultimately drying up if theydid not get water even for a few days.You have already learnt in Chapter 1that plants need water to get nutrientsfrom the soil to prepare their food. Justimagine the consequences if water is notavailable to plants!The green character of the planetshall be lost. This may mean the endof all life, for a world without plantsshall mean no food, no oxygen, notenough rain, and innumerable otherproblems.A successful initiativeRajasthan is a hot and dry place. The challenge of natural scarcity of water wasmet by a successful experiment. A band of social workers has transformed a dryarea in the Alwar district into a green place. They have revived five dried-uprivers — Arveri, Ruparel, Sarsa, Bhagani and Jahazwali by constructing waterharvestingstructures.KeywordsAquiferDepletionDrip irrigationGroundwaterInfiltrationRechargeWater harvestingWater table202SCIENCE

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