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<strong>www</strong>.<strong>GOALias</strong>.<strong>blogspot</strong>.<strong>com</strong>(a)(b)Fig. 15.25 Image by a convex lens for object placed at different distance from itFig. 15.26 Virtual image formed bythe convex lensFig. 15.27 Image formed by a concave lensDid you get in any position of theobject an image which was erect andmagnified (Fig. 15.26). Could this imagebe obtained on a screen? Is the imagereal or virtual? This is how a convex lensis used as a magnifying glass.In a similar fashion study the imagesformed by a concave lens. You will findthat the image formed by a concave lensis always virtual, erect and smaller insize than the object (Fig. 15.27).15.6 SUNLIGHT— WHITEORCOLOUREDOLOURED?Have you ever seen a rainbow in thesky? You might have noticed that itappears usually after the rain when thesun is low in the sky. The rainbow is185LIGHT185

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