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<strong>www</strong>.<strong>GOALias</strong>.<strong>blogspot</strong>.<strong>com</strong>2Nutrition in AnimalsYou have learnt in Chapter 1 thatplants can prepare their own foodby the process of photosynthesisbut animals cannot. Animals get theirfood from plants, either directly byeating plants or indirectly by eatinganimals that eat plants. Some animalseat both plants and animals. Recall thatall organisms including humans requirefood for growth, repair and <strong>fun</strong>ctioningof the body. Animal nutrition includesnutrient requirement, mode of intakeof food and its utilisation in the body.You have studied in Class VI that foodconsists of many <strong>com</strong>ponents. Try torecall and list them below:1. ______________________2. ______________________3. ______________________4. ______________________5. ______________________6. ______________________The <strong>com</strong>ponents of food such ascarbohydrates are <strong>com</strong>plex substances.These <strong>com</strong>plex substances cannot beutilised as such. So they are brokendown into simpler substances. Thebreakdown of <strong>com</strong>plex <strong>com</strong>ponents ofComplex substanceSimpler substancesfood into simpler substances is calleddigestion.2.12.1 DIFFERENTWAYSOF TAKINGFOODThe mode of taking food into the bodyvaries in different organisms. Bees andhumming-birds suck the nectar ofplants, infants of human and manyother animals feed on mother’s milk.Snakes like the python swallow theanimals they prey upon. Some aquaticanimals filter tiny food particles floatingnearby and feed upon them.Activity 2.1What is the type of food and mode offeeding of the following animals? Writedown your observations in the givenTable. You may find the list of modes offeeding given below the Table helpful.Table 2.1 Various modes of feedingName ofKind ofMode ofanimalfoodfeedingSnailAntEagleHumming-birdLiceMosquitoButterflyHouse fly(Scraping, chewing, brewing, capturingand swallowing, sucking etc.)

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