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<strong>www</strong>.<strong>GOALias</strong>.<strong>blogspot</strong>.<strong>com</strong>1111 Transportation in Animalsand PlantsYou have learnt earlier that allorganisms need food, water andoxygen for survival. They need totransport all these to various parts oftheir body. Further, animals need totransport wastes to parts from wherethey can be removed. Have youwondered how all this is achieved? Lookat Fig. 11.1. Do you see the heart andthe blood vessels? They <strong>fun</strong>ction totransport substances and together formthe circulatory system. In this chapteryou shall learn about transport ofsubstances in plants and animals.11.1 CIRCULATORYSYSTEMBloodWhat happens when you get a cut onyour body? Blood flows out. But whatis blood? Blood is the fluid whichflows in blood vessels. It transportssubstances like digested food from thesmall intestine to the other parts of thebody. It carries oxygen from the lungsto the cells of the body. It also transportswaste for removal from the body.How does the blood carry varioussubstances? Blood is a liquid, which hascells of various kinds suspended in it.HeartVeinArteryWhy is the colour ofblood red?Fig. 11.1 Circulatory system(Arteries are shown in red colour and vein in blue)

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