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<strong>www</strong>.<strong>GOALias</strong>.<strong>blogspot</strong>.<strong>com</strong>regions in the 0–30 degrees latitude belton either side of the equator moves in.These winds blow from the north andthe south towards the equator. At thepoles, the air is colder than that atlatitudes about 60 degrees. The warmair at these latitudes rises up and thecold wind from the polar regions rushesin, to take its place. In this way, windcirculation is set up from the poles tothe warmer latitudes, as shown inFig. 8.8.(b)Uneven heating of landand waterYou have read about the sea breeze andthe land breeze in Chapter 4.In summer, near the equator the landwarms up faster and most of the timethe temperature of the land is higherthan that of water in the oceans. Theair over the land gets heated and rises.This causes the winds to flow from theoceans towards the land. These aremonsoon winds (Fig. 8.9).The word monsoon is derived from theArabic word ‘mausam’, which means‘season’.In winter, the direction of the windflow gets reversed; it flows from the landto the ocean (Fig. 8.10).I want to know what thesewinds do for us.Fig. 8.8 The wind flow pattern because o<strong>fun</strong>even heating on the earthI wonder why the winds shownin the figure are not in the exactnorth-south direction.The winds would have flown in thenorth-south direction from north tosouth, or from south to north. A changein direction is however, caused by therotation of the earth.The winds from the oceans carrywater and bring rain. It is a part of thewater cycle.The monsoon winds carry waterand it rains.Clouds bring rain and give ushappiness. Farmers in our countrydepend mainly on rains for theirharvests. There are many folk songsassociated with clouds and rain. Singand enjoy with your friends, if you knowsuch a song. Here is one for you., SWINDSINDS, , STORMSAND CYCLONES8585

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