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<strong>www</strong>.<strong>GOALias</strong>.<strong>blogspot</strong>.<strong>com</strong>Activity 5.1• Mix some water with lemon juice in aplastic cup/tumbler/test tube.• Put a drop of the above solution on astrip of the red litmus paper with thehelp of a dropper.Is there any change in colour?• Repeat the same exercise with theblue litmus paper.Note down if there is any change incolour.Perform the same activity with thefollowing substances:Tap water, detergent solution, aerateddrink, soap solution, shampoo, <strong>com</strong>monsalt solution, sugar solution, vinegar,baking soda solution, milk of magnesia,washing soda solution, lime water. Ifpossible make solutions in distilled water.Record your observations as inTable. 5.2.In your Table, are there anysubstances on which litmus had noeffect? Name those substances.The solutions which do not changethe colour of either red or blue litmusare known as neutral solutions. Thesesubstances are neither acidic nor basic.Fig. 5.2 Children performing litmus testTurmeric is another naturalindicatorActivity 5.2• Take a tablespoonful of turmericpowder. Add a little water and makea paste.• Make turmeric paper by depositingturmeric paste on blotting paper/filterpaper and drying it. Cut thin stripsof the yellow paper obtained.• Put a drop of soap solution on thestrip of turmeric paper.What do you observe?To prepare limewater, dissolve some lime (chuna) in water in a bottle. Stir thesolution and keep it for some time. Pour a little from the top. This is lime water.Table 5.2S. No. Test solutionEffect on redlitmus paperEffect on bluelitmus paperInference, BACIDSCIDS, , BASESAND SALTS5151

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