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2007 – 2008 Log1 Contest Round 1Alpha GeometryName: __________________4 points each1 The perimeter of a regular pentagon is 60. What is the si<strong>de</strong> length?2 Which of the following regular polygons cannot be used to tessellate (cover with nooverlaps or gaps) the plane: Triangle, Square, Pentagon, Hexagon, Octagon.3 You receive a present wrapped in a rectangular box with a volume of 60 cubic feetand si<strong>de</strong> lengths that are three consecutive integers. What was the minimum amountof wrapping paper (in square feet) used to wrap the present?4 The tires of a bicycle have a radius of 1 ft. On the ri<strong>de</strong> from home to school, thewheels rotate 500 times. How far (in feet) is school from home?5 I put 27 sugar cubes together to form a larger cube, then I lick the outsi<strong>de</strong> faces ofthe large cube, except for the bottom. How many more sugar cubes are there thathave two faces licked than those that are completely unlicked?5 points each6 In triangle ABC, m∠A= m∠B− 10°and m ∠B= m∠C− 13°. Find the measure of ∠ C .7 A square pyramid (in other words, a pyramid with a square base and equilateraltriangle si<strong>de</strong>s) has a volume of 2/3. What is its height?8 A “hectogon” is a regular polygon in which each interior angle measures exactly176.4° How many si<strong>de</strong>s does a hectogon have?9 I take a spherical container full of milk and pour it into a cylindrical container ofequal diameter. The milk fills the cylin<strong>de</strong>r right to the top without spilling. What isthe height of the cylin<strong>de</strong>r in terms of its radius?10 The volume of a torus (a donut shape) is given by the equation V=2π²Rr², where R isthe distance from the center of the tube to the center of the torus, and r is theradius of the tube. A donut-hole is a sphere with a diameter equal to the diameter ofthe hole in the torus that it was removed from. If a particular donut has R=1.2” andr=0.6”, how many donut-holes (a whole number) must I eat to consume a volume ofdough equivalent or greater than one donut?6 points each11 Guido Anchovy is exceptionally lazy at cutting pizza. He likes to make as many slicesas he can with as few straight cuts possible. He doesn't care if the pieces are evenclose to the same shape or size. Determine how many cuts Guido will make if he hasto serve at least 20 people.12 How many cans of 3” diameter will fit in a 10.5” X 16” box?13 A dartboard is a series of concentric circles alternating between red and black. Eachring is 1.5” wi<strong>de</strong> and there are 5 rings around a black center 2” wi<strong>de</strong>. If I throw adart at the board in a way that is consi<strong>de</strong>red random (but it is guaranteed to hit theboard), find the probability that it will land in a red ring.

Scopul cercetarii◦ Scopul studiului <strong>de</strong> faţă este construirea si <strong>validarea</strong> <strong>unui</strong><strong>instrument</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>evaluare</strong> a dimensiunii Conştiinciozitate apersonalităţii, prin metoda implicită a raţionamentelorcondiţionale.◦ Obiectivele studiului• i<strong>de</strong>ntificarea mecanismelor justificative pentru fiecare dintrepolii dimensiunii Constiinciozitate;• construirea raţionamentelor condiţionale în 2 forme: alegereforţată a răspunsului, respectiv scala Likert;• i<strong>de</strong>ntificarea proprietăţilor psihometrice ale RC pentrudimensiunea C, prin <strong>validarea</strong> cu criterii externe şi cumăsurători explicite ale conştiinciozităţii (DECAS si NEO-FFI).

<strong>Construirea</strong> raţionamentelor condiţionale în 2 forme: alegereforţată a răspunsului, respectiv scala Likert◦ Au fost construite doua <strong>instrument</strong>e <strong>de</strong> <strong>evaluare</strong> a Constiinciozitatii• Alegerea fortata a raspunsului• Evaluarea alternativelor pe o scala Likert in 5 trepteExemplu <strong>de</strong> item:Pentru a avea rezultate bune, unele persoane planifica cu atentie fiecare zi <strong>de</strong> lucru,pentru a lucra cat mai eficient. Totusi, la locul <strong>de</strong> munca apar frecvent situatiineprevazute care solicita rezolvare imediata. In astfel <strong>de</strong> zile, aceste persoane pleacamai tarziu <strong>de</strong> la lucru <strong>de</strong>oarece consi<strong>de</strong>ra important sa finalizeze sarcinile pe care si leplanificasera.A Dacă ești bun în munca ta, nu-ți pui problema dacă altul o va face mai bine. C+AlegerefortataB Peștele <strong>de</strong> la cap se strică. ILOGICC Când muncim, muncim și când ne relaxăm, ne relaxăm. C-D Cele mai tari vacanțe sunt în Grecia. ILOGICEvaluarealternativeA. Oamenii stau peste program pentru ca nu vor sa mearga acasa. 1 2 3 4 5 IlB. Oamenii stau peste program pana vine barza. 1 2 3 4 5 ILC. A sta peste program este un semn al <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntei <strong>de</strong> munca. 1 2 3 4 5 C-

Validarea scalei Constiinciozitate(varianta Likert)◦ N = 119 stu<strong>de</strong>nti• dintre care 99 cu set complet <strong>de</strong> date;◦ Masuratori paralele:• Scala Constiinciozitate din Inventarul <strong>de</strong>Personalitate DECAS (Sava, 2008) si NEO-FFI(Costa & McRae, 1992);• Evaluarea Constiinciozitatii participantilor pe bazaunei scale cu ancore comportamentale:◦ Participantii au fost implicati intr-o sarcina <strong>de</strong> grupsi au fost filmati (cu acordul lor);◦ Fiecare film a fost analizat <strong>de</strong> catre 3 evaluatori;

Validarea scalei Constiinciozitate(varianta Likert)◦ Date privind consistenta interna a scalei Constiinciozitate: α = .731RCLikertRC Likert 1EvaluarefilmeEvaluare filme ,310(**) 1DECASDECAS ,207(*) ,221(*) 1NEO-FFINEO-FFI 0,174 0,004 ,394(**) 1** Corelatia este semnificativa la p< 0.01* Corelatia este semnificativa la p< 0.05

Contributii in domeniul evaluariipsihologice◦ Utilizand SEM, am construit 2 mo<strong>de</strong>le alternative:• un mo<strong>de</strong>l care pornea <strong>de</strong> la premisa <strong>unui</strong> factor Constiinciozitategeneralizat;• un care pornea <strong>de</strong> la premisa existentei a doi factori corelati:Constiinciozitate explicita si Constiinciozitate implicitaConstiinciozitategeneralizata. LikertEvaluare filmeDECASNEO-FFIConstiinciozitateimplicitaConstiinciozitateexplicita. LikertEvaluare filmeDECASNEO-FFIχ²(2) = 9,28, p = .010GFI = .957, AGFI = .768χ²(1) = 2,78, p = .095GFI = .986, AGFI = .862

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