Agora Market Manual 2010

Agora Market Manual 2010

Agora Market Manual 2010

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<strong>Agora</strong>/<strong>Market</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> - 51st Thessaloniki IFF-<strong>2010</strong>Film <strong>Market</strong>172I, Giannoulis Halepas 113’ARKENTI Stella, Greece, <strong>2010</strong>His work is divided into two periods: the Classical Period 1871-1877 (20-26 years old) and the Modern Period 1918-1938 (67-87 years old). He was the greatest Greek sculptor of the 20thcentury and was justifiably known as a modern-day Phidias.ARKENTI Stellaarkenti.stella@gmail.com+30 210 881 1413242In the Woods 97’FRANTZIS Angelos, Greece, <strong>2010</strong>Argonauts Pr., Hellas FilmsTSIGKA Maria, LAZARI Evimtsiga@argonautsproductions.grevi.lazari@gfc.gr+30 210 364 8007Two boys and a girl, archetypes on a paganistic journey inwhich nature guides the senses and emotions. Minimal dialogue,silence, sounds. Fear, freedom, instinct, desire, pansexualityand always the feeling that something’s looking downfrom above. Filmed using the video function of a digital photographiccamera, imbued with the uncanny and packed withintense hues and violent forms, In the Woods is an existentialfairytale red in tooth and claw. A film as elemental as stone,as water or the sky.240Knifer 108’ECONOMIDES Yannis, Greece, <strong>2010</strong>UMEDIADEVESA Virginiemtsiga@argonautsproductions.gr+33 1 4870 7376Niko is an ordinary guy. His father’s death brings back his unclewho proposes to live and work together with him and his wife.Niko accepts the offer which consists of protecting two purebreddogs from the hostile neighbours. Driven by envy, lust andanger, Niko merges into a vicious circle of perpetual antagonism,the struggle for power over others and discontent184Lonesome Lobster, The 75’BAKOLAS George, Greece, <strong>2010</strong>Nikos, a chef, has ordered a rare and expensive lobster, the onlyfreshwater lobster there is, in order to cook it for the first anniversaryof the opening of his restaurant and thus create morepublicity.WavebreakerSPILIOPOULOS Giannisgbakollas@yahoo.com+30 697 773 2771241A Matter of Luck 93’NEMEAS Vassilis, Greece, 2009Athens, today. Thirty-seven-year-old Johnny, a frustrated musician,watches the years go by, while his lifelong dream ofwriting and playing his own music seems to be slipping furtherand further away.dock LTDVASILEIOU Anastasios2vasana@gmail.com+30 210 656 453288

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