SAM – saturable absorber mirror

SAM – saturable absorber mirror

SAM – saturable absorber mirror

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The effective saturation fluence Φ sat,eff of a SANOS can be defined in such a way, that the transmittance Tat Φ sat,eff is 50% of the saturated value at a very large fluence Φ >> Φ sat .Corresponding to the finesse of the R<strong>SAM</strong> Φ sat,eff of a SANOS is smaller than the saturation fluence Φ sat ofthe <strong>absorber</strong> material inside the R<strong>SAM</strong>. The finesse also limits the bandwidth FWHM of the resonance dipat the operation wavelength. The figure below shows the relation between the effective saturation fluenceΦ sat,eff as a function of the bandwidth full width of half maximum (FWHM). For decreasing the FWHM theeffective saturation fluence Φ sat,eff is also decreasing if the cavity thickness remains constant. On the otherhand for a fixed FWHM the effective saturation fluence Φ sat,eff is increasing if the optical thickness of theR<strong>SAM</strong> cavity is increased.The effective saturationfluence Φ sat,eff as a functionof the full width at halfmaximum (FWHM) of theR<strong>SAM</strong> resonance dip plottedfor different R<strong>SAM</strong> cavitythicknesses.> Relaxation time constant τDecrease of the transmittance aftersaturation with τ = 10 psThe low temperature grown <strong>saturable</strong><strong>absorber</strong> layer inside the SANOS has arelaxation time constant τ, which can bevaried over a large region from about 100fs up to 100 ps. A typical value of therelaxation time τ is 1 ps.The relaxation of the carriers and thechange of the transmittance T(t) after thesaturation can be described asSeongKyeong Photonics 24 info@skphotonics.com

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