God's Call into the Ministry - Bible Witness Media Ministry

God's Call into the Ministry - Bible Witness Media Ministry

God's Call into the Ministry - Bible Witness Media Ministry


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<strong>Call</strong> <strong>into</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong><strong>God's</strong> <strong>Call</strong> <strong>into</strong><strong>the</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong>P r a b h u d a s K o s h yGod calls all His elect unto salvation, so wecan say that every Christian is called of God.This we read in Romans 8:30 - "Moreoverwhom he did predestinate, <strong>the</strong>m he alsocalled: and whom he called, <strong>the</strong>m he alsojustified: and whom he justified, <strong>the</strong>m healso glorified." This call of God comes to<strong>God's</strong> elect through <strong>the</strong> preaching of <strong>the</strong>Gospel and as <strong>the</strong> Holy Spirit works in <strong>the</strong>irheart to convict and convert - "Whereuntohe called you by our gospel, to <strong>the</strong> obtainingof <strong>the</strong> glory of our Lord Jesus Christ" (2Thessalonians2:14; cf. 1Thessalonians1:5).Besides, everyChristian hasa calling from<strong>the</strong> Lord toserve Him (cf.1 Corinthians 7:22; Romans 6:18; 12:11).For this purpose, <strong>the</strong> Lord has equippedevery Christian with at least one spiritualgift (cf. 1 Corinthians 12:7-11; Romans12:6-8). Hence, all Christians are urged to be"always abounding in <strong>the</strong> work of <strong>the</strong> Lord,forasmuch as ye know that your labouris not in vain in <strong>the</strong> Lord" (1 Corinthians15:58b).Though all Christians are called to serve<strong>the</strong> Lord, some Christians are speciallycalled by Him to serve as pastors, teachers,missionaries or o<strong>the</strong>r full-time workers of<strong>the</strong> church. This calling <strong>into</strong> <strong>the</strong> full-timeministry is also referred to by some as <strong>God's</strong>call unto vocational ministry.The Scriptures teach us through <strong>the</strong> life andministry of <strong>God's</strong> servants that an absoluteconviction of a divine call <strong>into</strong> <strong>the</strong> ministryis a necessity for those who serve Him invarious ministries of <strong>the</strong> church. To help usunderstand <strong>God's</strong> call <strong>into</strong> <strong>the</strong> ministry, <strong>the</strong>Spirit of God scrupulously recorded in <strong>the</strong>Scriptures <strong>the</strong>Though all Christians are called toserve <strong>the</strong> Lord, some Christians arespecially called by Him to serve aspastors, teachers, missionaries oro<strong>the</strong>r full-time workers of <strong>the</strong> church.Apostle Paul'sdeep convictionof his divinecalling to bean apostle andpreacher of <strong>the</strong>Gospel.Paul wrote:"Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to bean apostle, separated unto <strong>the</strong> gospel ofGod" (Romans 1:1). The words "called tobe an apostle" are very significant because<strong>the</strong>y affirm Paul's apostleship as divinelyordained. He did not take it up himself bu<strong>the</strong> was called and appointed by God to thatoffice.In his epistles, Paul asserted his calling invarious ways. He insisted unashamedlythat it is "by <strong>the</strong> will of God" or "by <strong>the</strong>commandment of God" that he is an<strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong> 3

<strong>Call</strong> <strong>into</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong>apostle of Jesus Christ (cf. 2 Corinthians 1:1;Ephesians 1:1; Colossians 1:1; I Timothy 1:1; 2Timothy 1:1). There was not a tinge of doubtin his heart that his ministry as an apostle of<strong>the</strong> church was commissioned by <strong>the</strong> Lord.So he wrote in Galatians 1:1 - "Paul,an apostle, (not of men, nei<strong>the</strong>r byman, but by Jesus Christ, and God<strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>r, who raised him from <strong>the</strong>dead)."Even <strong>the</strong> designations that heused for himself in his customaryintroductions are a fur<strong>the</strong>r proof ofhis deep sense of <strong>the</strong> divine call he receivedto serve God full-time. Consider <strong>the</strong>sedesignations: "Apostle of Jesus Christ" (1Corinthians 1:1; 2 Corinthians 1:1; Ephesians1:1; Colossians 1:1; I Timothy 1:1; 2 Timothy1:1; Titus 1:1); "Minister of Jesus Christ"(Romans 15:16); "Servant of Jesus Christ"(Romans 1:1; Philippians 1:1). Truly, Paulsaw himself as a man appointed by Christto do His work. He understood that hiscommitment was first of all to Christ, andalways acted in obedience to <strong>the</strong> One whocalled him <strong>into</strong> <strong>the</strong> ministry.that utterance may be given unto me, thatI may open my mouth boldly, to makeknown <strong>the</strong> mystery of <strong>the</strong> gospel, For whichI am an ambassador in bonds: that <strong>the</strong>rein Imay speak boldly, as I ought to speak."Only a man with an unshakenpersuasion that God has called andcommissioned him for <strong>the</strong> task can besuccessful in <strong>the</strong> ministry.From Paul, we must learn that <strong>the</strong> work of<strong>the</strong> ministry is too difficult and demandingfor any man to enter it without a deep senseof a divine calling and appointment. Onlya man with an unshaken persuasion thatGod has called and commissioned him for<strong>the</strong> task can be successful in <strong>the</strong> ministry.Such an understanding of <strong>God's</strong> call <strong>into</strong> <strong>the</strong>ministry rejects any notion of a self-assumedoffice in <strong>the</strong> work of <strong>the</strong> church. It alsoprohibits Christians from appointing thosewho are not called by God <strong>into</strong> <strong>the</strong> ministryof <strong>the</strong> church.An abiding conviction about his call to <strong>the</strong>ministry filled Paul's heart, and it is seen inall his epistles. Paul's preaching was alwayscharacterized by a fresh awareness of <strong>the</strong>divine call he received.Such unswerving conviction about hiscall fashioned him to be a single-minded,devoted, enthusiastic minister of <strong>the</strong>Gospel. In all circumstances, whe<strong>the</strong>rconvivial or hostile, preaching <strong>the</strong> Gospelwas Paul's singular passion. Even whenhe was bound in chains, he looked foropportunities to preach <strong>the</strong> Word. So, inEphesians 6:19-20, he wrote, "And for me,Let us also take note that it is those whoare unsure of a definite call from Godthat leave <strong>the</strong>ministry, whereasthose who arefully persuadedwill remainresponsible andeffective even in<strong>the</strong> midst of manyadversities.Has God calledyou <strong>into</strong> <strong>the</strong>ministry?4 <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>

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