Chemical Hazard guide to NiOSH / OSHA / ASTM –Air-Sampling

Chemical Hazard guide to NiOSH / OSHA / ASTM –Air-Sampling Chemical Hazard guide to NiOSH / OSHA / ASTM –Air-Sampling


LABCLABORTECHNIKChemical Hazard guide to NiOSH / OSHA / ASTM –Air-Sampling-MethodsWith analytical and air sampling equipment.Gerfahrstoffe untersuchen mit NiOSH / OSHA / ASTM- - Methoden incl.analytischen Verfahren und benötigtem Zubehör (Geräte) für dieLuftprobennahme.Choose the kind of equipment from the sheet and ask us via e- mail for the price.We make an offer as soon as possible.Wählen Sie aus der Liste das benötigte Zubehör und fragen uns bitte per e-mail an.Wir machen Ihnen so schnell wie möglich ein Angebot.LABC-Labortechnik • Müller & Zillger GbR • Frankfurter Straße 22 b • D-53773 Hennef • TEL.: ++49-2242-4579 • Fax: • Besuchen Sie uns im Internet:

LABCLABORTECHNIK<strong>Chemical</strong> <strong>Hazard</strong> <strong>guide</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>NiOSH</strong> / <strong>OSHA</strong> / <strong>ASTM</strong> –Air-<strong>Sampling</strong>-MethodsWith analytical and air sampling equipment.Gerfahrs<strong>to</strong>ffe untersuchen mit <strong>NiOSH</strong> / <strong>OSHA</strong> / <strong>ASTM</strong>- - Methoden incl.analytischen Verfahren und benötigtem Zubehör (Geräte) für dieLuftprobennahme.Choose the kind of equipment from the sheet and ask us via e- mail for the price.We make an offer as soon as possible.Wählen Sie aus der Liste das benötigte Zubehör und fragen uns bitte per e-mail an.Wir machen Ihnen so schnell wie möglich ein Angebot.LABC-Labortechnik • Müller & Zillger GbR • Frankfurter Straße 22 b • D-53773 Hennef • TEL.: ++49-2242-4579 • Fax: • Besuchen Sie uns im Internet:

Acetyl methyl carbinol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Acetyl salicylic <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Acid black 128 <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Acid blue 9 <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Acid orange 74 <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Acid red 114 <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Acids, Inorganic NIOSH 7903 IC GK 26-10-03Acid yellow 34 <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Acid yellow 42 <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-FD F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Acridine <strong>OSHA</strong> 58 GR, HPLC-UV FLT 7 CST 2 C / HLD 1Acrolein NIOSH 2501 GC-NPD GK 26-118Acrolein (aldeh., screening) NIOSH 2539 GC-FID / MS GK 26-118Acrolein <strong>OSHA</strong> 52 GC-NPD GK 26-117Acrylamide <strong>OSHA</strong> 21 GC-NPD GK 26-10, FLT 16, CST 32, C / HLD 1Acrylic acid <strong>OSHA</strong> 28 HPLC-UV GK 26-30-08Acrylonitrile NIOSH 1604 GC-FID GK 26-01Acrylonitrile <strong>OSHA</strong> 37 GC-NPD GK 26-01Adipic acid <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-30-16Adiponitrile <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Alcohols (screening) NIOSH 2549 GC-MS GK 26-330 or GK 26-338Alcohols I (see spec. Cpds.) NIOSH 1400 GC-FID GK 26-01Alcohols II (see spec. Cpds) NIOSH 1401 GC-FID GK 26-01Alcohols III (see spec. Cpds) NIOSH 1402 GC-FID GK 26-01Alcohols IV (see spec. Cpds) NIOSH 1403 GC-FID GK 26-01Aldehydes (screening) NIOSH 2539 GC-FID / MS GK 26-118Aldehydes (screening) NIOSH 2549 GC-MS GK 26-330 or GK 26-338Aldicarb (organonitrogen pesticides) NIOSH 5601 HPLC-UV GK 26-58 or GK 26-30-16Aldicarb (Temik) <strong>OSHA</strong> 74 GC-NPD GK 26-30-16Aldrin <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Aldrin NIOSH 5502 GC-ECNF / CST 709 IMP 36-2 IT22 C / HLD 1Aldrin <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECNF / CST 709 IMP 36-2 IT22 C / HLD 1Aliphatic hydrocarbons, scr. NIOSH 2549 GC-MS GK 26-330 or GK 26-338

Alkaline dusts NIOSH 7401 TITRA FLT 17-01 CST 3 C / HLD 1Allethrin <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 HPLC-UV GK 26-92Allyl alcohol (alcohols II) NIOSH 1402 GC-FID GK 26-01Allyl alcohol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Allyl chloride NIOSH 1000 GC-FID GK 26-01Allyl chloride <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Allyl glycidyl ether (AGE) NIOSH 2545 GC-FID GK 26-35-03Allyl propyl disulfide <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2086 GC-FPD GK 26-110Aluminia (particulates respirable) NIOSH 0600 GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1CYC 1-02 CST 3alpha-Aluminia (respirable fraction) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1Aluminia (particulates <strong>to</strong>tal) NIOSH 0500 GRAluminia (aluminium & Comp.)(<strong>to</strong>tal dust as Al)alpha-Aluminia (<strong>to</strong>tal dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GRCYC 1-02 CST 3FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1CST 2NIOSH 7013 AA-F F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1CST 2Aluminium (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Aluminium welding fumes <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1CST 2Aluminium soluble salts <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Aluminium, pyro powders <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1CST 2Aluminium (respirable fraction) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 CYC 1-02 C / HLD 1Aluminium & Cpds. (<strong>to</strong>tal dust) NIOSH 7013 AA-F F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Aluminium (<strong>to</strong>tal dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1CST 2Alupent <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Amiben <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Amines NIOSH 2002 GC-FID / NSD GK 26-10Amines aliphatic NIOSH 2010 GC-FID GK 26-102-Amino-2-methylpropanol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-NPD GK 26-104-Aminobiphenyl <strong>OSHA</strong> 93 GC-ECD CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 12-Aminoethanol NIOSH 2007 GC-FID GK 26-10-042-Aminoethanol NIOSH 3509 IC IMP 36-01 IT 22

2-Aminoethanol <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2111 HPLC-UV GK 26-30-18Aminoethanol cpds. I NIOSH 2007 GC-FID GK 26-10-04Aminoethanol cpds. II NIOSH 3509 IC IMP 36-1 IT 22Aminoethylethanolamine <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2116 HPLC-UV GK 26-30-18N-Aminoethylpiperazine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-NPD GK 26-98p-Aminophenylarsonic acid NIOSH 5022 IC-AA FLT 17-01 CST 3 C / HLD 12-Aminopyridine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-35-02Amitrole <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2006 HPLC-UV IMP 36-1 IT 22Ammonia NIOSH 6015 VAS GK 26-10-06 F / CST 3-01Ammonia by IC NIOSH 6016 IC GK 26-10-06 F / CST 3-01Ammonia CLR GK 26-61Ammonia <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 188 IC-ECN GK 26-29Ammonium chloride (fume) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 188 GR, IC-ECN F / CST 803 SC C / HLD 01Ammonium hydroxide(see Ammonia)Ammonium metavanadate(see Vanadium oxides)Ammonium nitrate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-1 C / HLD 1 CST 2Ammonium sulfamate(respirable dust)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-1 C / HLD 1 CST 3 CYC 1-02Ammonium sulfamate (dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 08-1 C / HLD 1 CST 2Ammonium sulfamate (dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 188 GR, IC F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1n-Amyl acetate (esters I) NIOSH 1450 GC-FID GK 26-01n-Amyl acetate <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01sec-Amyl acetate (esters I) NIOSH 1450 GC-FID GK 26-01sec-Amyl acetate <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Amyl nitrite <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-01Aniline (amines, aromatic) NIOSH 2002 GC-FID / NSD GK 26-10Aniline NIOSH 2017 GC-FID GK 26-15 CF / CST 9004Aniline <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2079 GC-FID GK 26-98 or GK 26-10o-Anisaldehyde <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30Anisidine NIOSH 2514 HPLC-UV GK 26-30-05Anisidine (o-, and p-isomers) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30-05Anthracene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 6209 GC-MS GK 26-131 FLT 1821Anthracene (polynuclear aromatichydrocarbons)NIOSH 5506HPLC-UVFLT 17-07 GK 26-30-04SPC 23 CST 04 C / HDL 1

eta-Benzene hexachloride <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92gamma-Benzene hexachloride <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Benzene-soluble & <strong>to</strong>tal particulate(asphalt fume)NIOSH 5042 GR FLT 17-07 SP 27 CST 2Benzene-soluble particulate matter <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4600 GR FLT 7 SP 27 CST 2 C / HLD 1Benzidine NIOSH 5509 HPLC-UV FLT 16 CST 32Benzidine <strong>OSHA</strong> 65 GC-ECD CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 1Benzidine based dyes <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV FLT 17-04 CST 3 C / HLD 1Benzidine dyes (deyes, benzidine) NIOSH 5013 HPLC FLT 17 CST 3 C / HLD 1Benzo(a)pyrene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 6209 GC-MSGK 26-131 FLT 1821PEM 761-2008 FLT 1709Benzo(a)pyrene (polynuclearGK 26-30-04 FLT 17-07NIOSH 5506HPLC-FDaromatic hydrocarbons)CST 4 SPC 23 C / HLD 1Benzo(a)pyrene (polynuclearGK 26-30-04 FLT 17-07NIOSH 5515GC-FIDaromatic hydrocarbons)CST 4 SPC 23 C / HLD 1Benzo(b)fluoranthene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 6209 GC-MSGK 26-131 FLT 1821PEM 761-203B FLT 1709Benzo(b)fluoranthene (polynuclearGK 26-30-04 FLT 17-07NIOSH 5506HPLC-FDaromatic HCs)CST 4 SPC 23 C / HLD 1Benzo(b)fluoranthene (polynuclearGK 26-30-04 FLT 17-07NIOSH 5515GC-FIDaromatic HCs)CST 4 SPC 023 C / HLD 1Benzo(e)pyrene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 6209 GC-MS GK 26-131 FLT 1821Benzo(e)fluoranthene (polynuclearGK 26-30-04 FLT 17-07NIOSH 5506GC-FIDaromatic HCs)CST 4 SPC 23 C / HLD 1Benzo(e)pyrene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Benzo(g, h, i)perylene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 6209 GC-MS GK 26-131 FLT 1821Benzo(g, h, i)perylene (polynuclearGK 26-30-04 FLT 17-07NIOSH 5506HPLC-FDaromatic HCs)CST 4 SPC 23 C / HLD 1Benzo(g, h, i)perylene (polynuclearGK 26-30-04 FLT 17-07NIOSH 5515GC-FIDaromatic HCs)CST 4 SPC 23 C / HLD 1Benzo(k)fluoroantheneGK 26-30-04 FLT 17-07NIOSH 5506HPLC-FD(polynuclear aromatic HCs)CST 4 SPC 23 C / HLD 1Benzo(k)fluoroantheneGK 26-30-04 FLT 17-07NIOSH 5515GC-FID(polynuclear aromatic HCs)CST 4 SPC 23 C / HLD 1Benzoalphapyrene (BAP) <strong>OSHA</strong> 58 HPLC-FD, -UV FLT 7 CST 2 C / HLD 12,3-Benofuran <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30

Borates tetrasodium salts(anhydrous decahydrate & <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125 G ICP-AES FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2pentahydrateBoric acid <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR-ICP-DCP FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Boron <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR-ICP-DCP FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Boron carbide NIOSH 7506 X DIF F / CST 803 SC C / HLD 1 CYC 01-02Boron oxide (particulates,respirable)NIOSH 0600 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3 CYC 01-02Boron oxide (particulates,<strong>to</strong>tal)NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Boron oxid (<strong>to</strong>tal dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125 G ICP-AES FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Boron tribromide <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI IC IMP 36-2 IT 22Boron trifuoride <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI ISE IMP 36-2 IT 22Botran <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Bromacil <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV IMP 36-1 IT 22Bromine NIOSH 6011 IC CF / CST 9006 C / HLD 1Bromine <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 108 IC IMP 36-2 IT 22Bromine pentafluoride <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI IC GK 26-10-03Bromoethane (ethyl bromide) NIOSH 1011 GC-FID GK 26-01Bromoform (HCs, halogenated) NIOSH 1003 GC-FID GK 26-01Bromoform <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-011-Bromopropane <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2061 GC-FID GK 26-012-Bromopropane <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2062 GC-FID GK 26-01Bromotrifluomethane(trifluorobromomethane)NIOSH 1017 GC-FID GK 26-09Bromoxynil NIOSH 5010 HPLC-UV FLT 1713 C / HLD 1Bromoxynil octanoate NIOSH 5010 HPLC-UV FLT 1713 C / HLD 1Broncosol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC F / CST 706 C / HLD 01Brucine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 011,3-Butadiene NIOSH 1024 GC-FID GK 26-371,3-Butadiene <strong>OSHA</strong> 56 GC-FID GK 26-73Butane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-011,3-Butanediol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-571-Butanethiol (butyl mercaptan) NIOSH 2525 GC-FPD GK 26-1092-Butanone (methyl ethyl ke<strong>to</strong>ne) NIOSH 2500 GC-FID GK 26-81 A or GK 26-121

Calcium carbonateFLT 8-01 C / HLD 01NIOSH 0600GR(particulates, respirable)CYC 01-02 CST 03Calcium carbonate (particulates<strong>to</strong>tal)NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Calcium cyanamide <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Calcium hydroxide (see dust <strong>to</strong>taland respirable nuisance)Calcium hydroxide (calcium) NIOSH 7020 AA-F F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Calcium hydroxide <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Calcium oxide (calcium) NIOSH 7020 AA-F F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Calcium oxide (as Ca) (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Calcium oxide <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Calcium silicate (particulatesrespirable)NIOSH 0600GRFLT 8-01 C / HDL 1CYC 01-02 CST 3Calcium silicate (particulates, <strong>to</strong>tal) NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Calcium sulfate (see dust <strong>to</strong>tal andrespirable nuisance)Camphor (ke<strong>to</strong>nes II) NIOSH 1301 GC-FID GK 26-01Camphor <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Caprolactam <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2012 HPLC-UV GK 26-57Capsaicin NIOSH 5041 HPLC-FD FLT-16 CST 032Capa<strong>to</strong>l (difolatan) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECD GK 26-30-16Captan <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Captan (organonitrogen pesticides) NIOSH 5601 HPLC-UV GK 26-58 or GK 26-30-16Captan <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2093 HPLC-UV GK 26-30-16Carbadox <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Carbaryl <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 HPLC-UV GK 26-92Carbaryl (Sevin) NIOSH 5006 VAS F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Carbaryl (organonitrogen pesticides) NIOSH 5601 HPLC-UV GK 26-58 or GK 26-30-16Carbaryl (Sevin) <strong>OSHA</strong> 63 HPLC-UV GK 26-30-16Carbazol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-56Carbendazim(organonitrogen pesticides)NIOSH 5601 HPLC-UV GK 26-58 or GK 26-30-16Carbi<strong>to</strong>l <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2013 GC-FID GK 26-01

Carbi<strong>to</strong>l acetate <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2013 GC-FID GK 26-01Carbofuran <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 HPLC-UV GK 26-92Carbofuran(organonitrogen pesticides)NIOSH 5601 HPLC-UV GK 26-58 or GK 26-30-16Carbon black NIOSH 5000 GRFLT 8-01 CST 3SCN 26 C / HLD 01Carbon black <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 196 GR FLT 08-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Carbon dioxide NIOSH 6603 P GC-TCD Tedlar bagsCarbon dioxide <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 172 P GC-TCD Tedlar bagsCarbon disulfide NIOSH 1600 GC-FPD GK 26-01Carbon monoxide <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 210 GC-DID Tedlar bagsCarbon tetrabromide <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECD GK 26-93Carbon tetrachlorideNIOSH 1003 GC-FID GK 26-01(HCs, halogen.)Carbon tetrachloride <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Carbon, activated (see dust <strong>to</strong>tal)Carbonyl fluoride <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI ISE IMP 36-2 IT 22Carboxin <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 13-Carene (terpenes) NIOSH 1552 GC-FID GK 26-01Catechol (pyrocatechol) <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2014 HPLC-UV GK 26-95Cellosolve acetate (see 2-ethoxyethyl acetate)Cellosolve solvent (see 2-ethoxyethanol) Alcohols IVCellulose (see dust, <strong>to</strong>tal orrespirable nuisance)Cellulose (paper fiber)(particulates respirable)NIOSH 0600GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1CYC 1-02 CST 3Cellulose (paper fiber)(particulates <strong>to</strong>tal)NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Cerium <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Cesium hydroxide <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Chloramphenicol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Chlordane (technical) <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Chlordane (non-occupationalexposure)<strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92

Chlordane NIOSH 5510 GC-ECDGK 26-107 FLT 5 CST 2SCN 26 C / HLD 1Chlordane <strong>OSHA</strong> 67 GC-ECD GK 26-30-16Chlorinated & organonitrogenherbicid.NIOSH 5602 GC-ECD GK 26-58Chlorinated camphene (<strong>to</strong>xaphene) NIOSH 5039 GC-ECD F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Chloronated diphenyl ether NIOSH 5025 GC-ECD F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Chloronated diphenyl oxide NIOSH 5025 GC-ECD F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Chloronated hydrocarbons(screening)NIOSH 2549 GC-MS GK 26-330 or GK 26-338Chlorine NIOSH 6011 IC CF / CST 9006 C / HLD 1Chlorine <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 101 ISE IMP 36-02 IT 22Chlorine (prefiltered) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 101 ISEIMP 36-02 IT 22 CST 3-23SP 2901 FLT 1708Chlorine dioxide <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 202 IC-ECN IMP 36-02 IT 22Chlorine trifuoride <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI ISE IMP 36-02 IT 221-Chloro-1-nitropropane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-1131-Chloro-4-trifluoromethylbenzene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-012-Chloro-6-trifluoromethylpyridine(respirable dust)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30-162-Chloro-6-trifluoromethylpyridine(<strong>to</strong>tal dust)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30-16 CYC 105Chloroacetaldehyde NIOSH 2015 GC-ECD GK 26-15 GWSChloroacetaldehyde <strong>OSHA</strong> 76 GC-ECD GK 26-15 GWSChloroacetic acid NIOSH 2008 IC-ECN GK 26-47-01alpha-Chloroace<strong>to</strong>phenone<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-35-02(phenacychloride)Chloroacetyl chloride <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-94o-Chloroaniline <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-10p-Chloroaniline <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2109 HPLC-UV GK 26-10Chlorobenzene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-MS GK-TED-Series (Tedlar bags)Chlorobenzene(monochlorohydrocarbons,halogenated)NIOSH 1003 GC-FID GK 26-01Chlorobenzene (mono) <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-014-Chlorobenzotrifluoride <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01

Chlorobiphenyl NIOSH 5503 GC-ECD FLT 16 CST 32 GK 26-39Chlorobromomethane NIOSH 1003 GC-FID GK 26-01Chlorobromomethane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Chlorodifluoromethane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-121Chlorodiphenyl <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECD GK 26-30-16Chlorodiphenyl (21% Cl) seepolychlorinated biphenyls)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSIChlorodiphenyl (32 % Cl) seepolychlorinated biphenyls)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSIChlorodiphenyl (42 % Cl) seepolychlorinated biphenyls)NIOSH 5503Chlorodiphenyl (42 % Cl) <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2089 GC-ECD GK 26-30-16Chlorodiphenyl (48 % Cl) seepolychlorinated biphenyls)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSIChlorodiphenyl (54 % Cl) seepolychlorinated biphenyls)NIOSH 5503Chlorodiphenyl (54 % Cl) <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2088 GC-ECD GK 26-30-16Chlorodiphenyl (60 % Cl) seepolychlorinated biphenyls)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSIChlorodiphenyl (62 % Cl) seepolychlorinated biphenyls)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSIChloroethane (ethyl chloride) NIOSH 2519 GC-FID GK 26-092-Chloroethanol (ethylenechlorohydrin)NIOSH 2513 GC-FID GK 26-38Chloroform <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5466 GC-MS GK-TED-Series (Tedlar bags)Chloroform (trichloromethane)(hydrocarbons, halogenated)NIOSH 1003 GC-FID GK 26-01Chloroform (trichloromethane) <strong>OSHA</strong> 05 GC-FID GK 26-01bis-Chloromethylether <strong>OSHA</strong> 10 GC-ECD IMP 36-2 IT 22Chloromethyl methyl ether GC-ECD GK 26-125Chloromethyl methyl ether <strong>OSHA</strong> 10 GC-ECD IMP 36-2 IT 224-Chloronitrobenzene(nitrobenzenes)NIOSH 2005 GC-FID GK 26-10Chloropentafluoroethane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Chlorophene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-35o-Chlorophenol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-10

p-Chlorophenol NIOSH 2014 HPLC-UV GK 26-10Chloropicrin <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2103 GC-ECD GK 26-93beta-Chloroprene NIOSH 1002 GC-FID GK 26-01beta-Chloroprene <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01beta-Chloroprene <strong>OSHA</strong> 112 GC-ECD GK 26-111AChloropyrifos <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Chloropyrifos(organophosphorus pestizides)NIOSH 5600 GC-FPD GK 26-58Chloropyrifos (Dursban) <strong>OSHA</strong> 62 GC-FPD GK 26-30-16o-Chlorostyrene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Chlorothalonil <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Chlorothalonil <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1o-Chloro<strong>to</strong>luene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Chloro<strong>to</strong>luron <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 HPLC-UV GK 26-92Chlorotrifluoroethylene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01p-Chlorotrifluoromethyl benzene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Chloropham(organonitrogen pesticides)NIOSH 5601 HPLC-UV GK 26-58 or GK 26-30-16Chromic acid & chromates(chromium hexavalent)NIOSH 7600 VAS F / CST 803 SC C / HLD 1Chromic acid & chromates NIOSH 7604 IC-ECN F / CST 803 SC C / HLD 1Chromic acid & chromates <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 215 IC-UV F / CST 802 SC C / HLD 1Chromium & Cpds. (as Cr) NIOSH 7024 AA-F F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Chromium (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Chromium sol salts <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Chromium acetate <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Chromium carbonate <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Chromium hexavalent NIOSH 7600 VAS F / CST 802 SC C / HLD 1Chromium hexavalent NIOSH 7604 IC-ECN F / CST 802 SC C / HLD 1Chromium hexavalent (insetteld dust)NIOSH 9101CLR, VAS or ICChromium hexavalent <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 103 DPP F / CST 802 SC C / HLD 1Chromium hexavalent <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 215 IC-UV F / CST 802 SC C / HLD 1Chromium hexavalent <strong>OSHA</strong> W 4001 IC-UV FLT 8-01 or FLT 1822Chromium II (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Chromium III (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1

Chromium IV (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Chromium metal & insol cpds. <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Chromium metal & cpds. <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125G ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Chromium phosphate <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Chrysene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 6209 GC-MS GK 26-131 FLT 1821Chrysene (polynuclear aromaticGK 26-30-04 CST 4NIOSH 5506HPLC-UVhydrocarbons)SPC 23 HLD 1 FLT 17-07Chrysene (polynuclear aromaticGK 26-30-04 CST 4NIOSH 5515GC-FIDhydrocarbons)SPC 23 C / H-DLD 1 FLT 17-07Chrysene <strong>OSHA</strong> 58 GR, HPLC-UV FLT 7 CST 2 C / HLD 1Chrysotile (see asbes<strong>to</strong>s fibers) NIOSH 9000 X DIFChrysotile (see asbes<strong>to</strong>s fibers) NIOSH 7400Clopidol (respirable fraction) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1 CYC 01-02Clopidol (<strong>to</strong>tal dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Coal dust (< 5 % SIO²) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1Coal dust (< 5 % SIO²) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI X DIFCYC 01-02 CST 3F / CST 803 SC C / HLD 1CYC 1-02 CST 3Coal tar naphta (naphtas) NIOSH 1550 GC-FID GK 26-01Coal tar pitch volatiles <strong>OSHA</strong> 58 GR, HPLC-UV FLT 7 CST 2 C / HLD 1Cobalt & Cpds. (as Co) NIOSH 7027 AA-F F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Cobalt (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Cobalt metal, dust & fume (as Co.) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Cobalt metal, dust & fume <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125G ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Cobalt <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 213 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Cobalt acetate <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125G ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Cobalt carbonyl <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Cobalt hydrocarbonyl <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Coke oven emissions <strong>OSHA</strong> 58 GR, HPLC-UV FLT 7 CST 2 C / HLD 1Command (Dimethazone) <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2066 GC-ECD GK 26-30-16Copper dust NIOSH 7029 AA-F F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Copper (dust as Cu) (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Copper dusts & mists (as Cu) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Copper dusts & mists <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125G ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Copper fume NIOSH 7029 AA -F F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Copper fume (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1

Copper fume <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Copper fume <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125G ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Copper fume (ICP analysis of metal/ metalloid particulates from solder <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 206 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1operations)Co-Ral (Coumaphos) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Corn starch (see dust respirablenuisance)Coronene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Corundum (emery)FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1NIOSH 0600GR(particulates respirable)CYC 01-02 CST 3Corundum (AL 203) (see alphaaluminia)(<strong>to</strong>tal dust)Corundum (emery) (particulates) NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Cot<strong>to</strong>n dust (raw) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 CST 3Coumarin <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30-04Crag herbicide (respirable dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI CLRF / CST 803 SC C / HLD 1CYC 01-02Crag herbicide (<strong>to</strong>tal dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI CLR F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1p-Cesidine (see 5-methyl-oanisidine)Cresol, all isomeres NIOSH 2546 GC-FID GK 26-95Cresol, all isomeres <strong>OSHA</strong> 32 HPLC-UV GK 26-95Chris<strong>to</strong>balite <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 142 X DIF F / CST 803 SC C / HLD 1 CYC 1-02Chris<strong>to</strong>balite (silica, crystalline)(respirable by XRD)NIOSH 7500 X DIF F / CST 803 SC C / HLD 1 CYC 1-02Crocidolite fibers (see asbes<strong>to</strong>s) NIOSH 7400Cro<strong>to</strong>naldehyde <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5197 HPLC-UV GK 26-120 or GK 26-119Cro<strong>to</strong>naldehyde (screening) NIOSH 2539 GC-FIF / GC-MS GK 26-118Cro<strong>to</strong>naldehyde NIOSH 3516 DPP IMP 36-2 IT 22Cro<strong>to</strong>naldehyde <strong>OSHA</strong> 81 HPLC-UV CF / CST 9019 C / HLD 1Cruformate <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2015 GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Cryolite (fluorides) NIOSH 7902 ISE CF / CST 9001 C / HLD 1Cumene (HCs, aromatic) NIOSH 1501 GC-FID GK 26-01Cumene <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Cumene hydroperoxide <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV IMP 36-1 IT 22

Cupric carbonate (as Cu) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Cyanamide <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30-18Cyanazine NIOSH 5602 GC-ECD GK 26-58Cyanide (as Cn) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 120 ISE F / CST 3-01 IMP 36-2 IT 22Cyanides aerosol & gas NIOSH 7904 ISE IMP 36-2 IT 22 C / HLD 1Cyanogen <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2104 GC-NPD GK 26-117Cyanogen chloride <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-NPD GK 26-117Cyanuric acid NIOSH 5030 HPLC-UV F / CST 802 SC C / HLD 1Cyclohexane NIOSH 1500 GC-FID GK 26-01Cyclohexane <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Cyclohexanol (alcohols III) NIOSH 1402 GC-FID GK 26-01Cyclohexanol <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Cyclohexanone (ke<strong>to</strong>nes I) NIOSH 1300 GC-FID GK 26-01Cyclohexanone <strong>OSHA</strong> 01 GC-FID GK 26-110Cyclohexene (HCs BP36-126°C) NIOSH 1500 GC-FID GK 26-01Cyclohexene <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01N-Cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazolesulfonamide<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Cyclohexylamine <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2016 GC-FID GK 26-98Cyclonite (RDX) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Cyclopentane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Cyhexatin <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 197 SG AA-GF F / CST 709 C / HLD 1 GK 26-30Cypermethrin <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2063 GC-ECD GK 26-30-162,4-D(2-4-dichlorophenoxyaceticacid)NIOSH 5001 HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 12,4-D(2-4-dichlorophenoxyaceticacid)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 12,4-D acid NIOSH 5602 GC-ECD GK 26-582,4-D, BE NIOSH 5602 GC-ECD GK 26-582,4-D (2-bu<strong>to</strong>xylethyl ester) NIOSH 5602 GC-ECD GK 26-58D & C red #19 <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Dacthal <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92DAP (diallyl phthalate) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-30-16DBP (see dibutyl phthalate) <strong>OSHA</strong> 104p,p-DDE <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92DDT <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECD F / CST 709 C / HLD 1

p,p-DDT <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92DDVP (Dichlorvos) <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Decaborane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI ICP F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Decabromodiphenyl oxide <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECD F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Decyl alcohol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-012,4-D, EH NIOSH 5602 GC-ECD GK 26-58DEHP (see di-2-ethyl hexylphthalate)Dehydroabietic acid <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Dehydroisoandrosterone <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Deme<strong>to</strong>n NIOSH 5514 GC-FPDGK 26-30-05 FLT 05 SCN 26CST 2 C / HLD 1Deme<strong>to</strong>n (Sys<strong>to</strong>x) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Demosan <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECD F / CST 709 C / HLD 1DEP (see diethyl phthalate) <strong>OSHA</strong> 104Desflurane <strong>OSHA</strong> 106 GC-FID GK 26-81 ADi-(2-ethylhexyl) adipate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID FLT 0017-04 CST 3 C / HLD 1Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate NIOSH 5020 GC-FID F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-30-16Diace<strong>to</strong>ne alcohol (alcohols III) NIOSH 1402 GC-FID GK 26-01Diace<strong>to</strong>ne alcoholDiacetyl NIOSH 2557 GC GK 26-121Diallyl disulfide <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2086 GC-FPD GK 26-110Diallyl phthalate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-30-161,2-Diaminoethane NIOSH 2540 HPLC-UV GK 26-30-18o-Dianisidne <strong>OSHA</strong> 71 GC-ECD CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 1o-Dianisidne base dyes <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV FLT 17-04 CST 3 C / HLD 1o-Dianisidne dyes, dyes, bezidine NIOSH 5013 HPLC-UV FLT 17 CST 3 C / HLD 1Diazinon <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-NPD GK 26-92Diazinon (organophosphorusNIOSH 5600 GC-FPD GK 26-58pesticides)Diazinon <strong>OSHA</strong> 62 GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Diazomethane NIOSH 2515 GC-FID GK 26-23Diazomethane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-23

Dibenz (a.h.) anthracene(polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons)NIOSH 5506HPLC-FDGK 26-30-04 FLT 17-07SPC 23 CST 4 C / HLD 1Dibenz (a.h.) anthracene(polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons)NIOSH 5515GC-FIDGK 26-30-04 FLT 17-07SPC 23 CST 4 C / HLD 1Dibenz (a.h.) anthracene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Dibenzo (a.h.) anthracene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 6209 GC-MS GK 26-131 FLT 1821Diborane NIOSH 6006 PES GK 26-151 CST 32Dibrom <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-161,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECD GK 26-38Dibromofluoromethane(difluorodibromomethane)NIOSH 1012 GC-FID GK 26-011,2-Dibromoethane <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5466 GC-MS Tedlar bags1,2-Dibromoethane (ethylenedibromide)NIOSH 1008 GC-ECD GK 26-01Dibutyl amine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-NPD IMP 36-2 IT 222-Dibutyl aminoethanolNIOSH 2007 GC-FID GK 26-10-04(aminoethanol compounds I)Dibutyl phosphate NIOSH 5017 GC-FPD FLT 17-01 CST 2 C / HLD 1Dibutyl phthalate NIOSH 5020 GC-FID F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Dibutyl phthalate (DPB) <strong>OSHA</strong> 104 GC-FID GK 26-56Dibutyltin bis (isootyl)mercap<strong>to</strong>acetate (organotin Sn)NIOSH 5504 HPLC, AA-GF GK 26-30 F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Dibutyltin dilaurate (as Sn) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 218 SG AA F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Dibutyltin maleate (as Sn) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 224 SG AA-GF F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Dicamba <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Dicamba sodium salt <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 13,3-Dichloro-1,1,1,2,2-pentafluoropropane<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-012,2-Dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane GC-FID GK 26-091,3-Dichloro-1,1,2,2.3-pentafluoropropane<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-011.1-Dichloro-1-fluoroethane <strong>OSHA</strong> 113 GC-FID GK 26-1211.1-Dichloro-1-nitroethane NIOSH 1601 GC-FID GK 26-38

1.1-Dichloro-1-nitroethane <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-381.1-Dichloro-1-nitroethane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-38Dichloro acetylene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-013,4-Dichloroaniline <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC F / CST 803 SC C / HLD 1m-Dichlorobenzene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5466 GC-MS Tedlar bagsm-Dichlorobenzene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01o-Dichlorobenzene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5466 GC-MS Tedlar bagso-Dichlorobenzene (HCs, halog.) NIOSH 1003 GC-FID GK 26-01o-Dichlorobenzene <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01p-Dichlorobenzene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5466 GC-MS Tedlar bagsp-Dichlorobenzene (HCs, halog.) NIOSH 1003 GC-FID GK 26-01p-Dichlorobenzene <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-013,3-Dichloro benzidine <strong>OSHA</strong> 65 GC-ECD CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 1Dichlorodifluoroethane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Dichlorodifluoromethane NIOSH 1018 GC-FID GK 26-01 or GK 26-091,1-Dichloroethane <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5466 GC-MS Tedlar bags1,1-Dichloroethane (HCs, halog.) NIOSH 1003 GC-FID GK 26-011,1-Dichloroethane <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-011,2-Dichloroethane (ethylenedichloride)<strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-011,2-Dichloroethylen (HCs, halog.) NIOSH 1003 GC-FID GK 26-011,2-Dichloroethylene <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5466 GC-MS Tedlar bagsDichloro ethyl ether NIOSH 1004 GC-FID GK 26-01Dichloro ethyl ether <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Dichlorofluoromethane NIOSH 2516 GC-FID GK 26-25Dichloromethane (seemethylene Chloride)Dichloromethane <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5466 GC-MS Tedlar bagsDichloromonofluoromethane(dichlorofluoromethane)NIOSH 2516 GC-FID GK 26-09Dichloromonofluoromethane(dichlorofluoromethane)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-091,3-Dichloropropene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-012,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid NIOSH 5001 HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 11,2-Dichloropropane <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5466 GC-MS Tedlar bags

1,2-Dichloropropane(propylene dichloride)NIOSH 1013 GC-ECN GK 26-38cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5466 GC-MS Tedlar bagstrans-1,3-Dichloropropene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5466 GC-MS Tedlar bags3,4-Dichloro propionanilide <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI W FLT 072,2-Dichloropropionic acid <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2017 HPLC-UV GK 26-10Dichlorotetrafluoroethane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01 or GK 26-091,1-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01 or GK 26-091,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane(dichlorodifluoromethane)NIOSH 1018 GC-FID GK 26-01 or GK 26-09Dichlorotrifluoroethane GC-ECD GK 26-92Dichlorvos (DDVP) <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Dichlorvos (DDVP) <strong>OSHA</strong> 62 GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Dicloran <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Dicofol <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Dicro<strong>to</strong>phos <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 HPLC-UV GK 26-92Dicro<strong>to</strong>phos (organ.-phos.-pest.) NIOSH 5600 GC-FPD GK 26-58Dicro<strong>to</strong>phos (Bidrin) <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2099 GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Dicyclopentadiene <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2098 GC-FID GK 26-01Dicyclopentadienyl iron (dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Dicyclopentadienyl iron (respirabledust)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3Dieldrin <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Dieldrin <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECD F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Diesel exhaust particulates (seeelement carbon)NIOSH 5040Diesel emissions (seeelement carbon)NIOSH 5040Diethanolaminoethanol (DEA) NIOSH 3509 IC IMP 36-01 IT 22Diethanolamine SHA PV 2018 HPLC-UV GK 26-30-18Diethylamine (amines, aliphatic) NIOSH 2010 GC-FID GK 26-10Diethylamine <strong>OSHA</strong> 41 HPLC GK 26-962-Diethylaminoethanol(aminoethanol compounds I)NIOSH 2007 GC-FID GK 26-10-042-Diethylaminoethanol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-10-04Diethylaminopropylamine (DEP) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-NPD IMP 36-1 IT 22

Diethylene dioxide (see dioxane)Diethylene ether (see dioxane)Diethylene glycol (glycols) NIOSH 5523 GC-FID GK 26-57Diethylene glycol methyl ether <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Diethylene glycol monobutyletheracetate<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Diethylene glycol monoethylether <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Diethylenetriamine (DETA) <strong>OSHA</strong> 60 HPLC-UV GK 26-30-18Diethylether (ethyl ether) NIOSH 1610 GC-FID GK 26-01Diethyl ke<strong>to</strong>ne <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Diethyl phthalate (DEP) <strong>OSHA</strong> 104 GC-FID GK 26-56Diethyl sulfate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-10Difluorodibromoethane NIOSH 1012 GC-FID GK 26-01Difluorodibromoethane <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Digycolamine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-NPD IMP 36-1 IT 22Diglyme <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Dihexylphthalate <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2076 GC-FID GK 26-56Dihydrocapsaicin NIOSH 5041 HPLC-FD FLT 16 CST 32Diisobutyl ke<strong>to</strong>ne (ke<strong>to</strong>nes I) NIOSH 1300 GC-FID GK 26-01Diisobutyl ke<strong>to</strong>ne <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Diisocyanates <strong>OSHA</strong> 42 HPLC-UVCF / CST 9002 or CF / CST 9013C / HLD 1Diisopropylamine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID IMP 36-1 IT 22Dimethacone <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2066 GC-ECD GK 26-30-16Dimethoate <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2113 GC-FPD GK 26-30-162,5-Dimethoxyaniline <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30-04Dimethoxymethane (methylal) NIOSH 1611 GC-FID GK 26-01Dimethoxymethane (methylal) <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Dimethyl 1,2-dibromo-2,2-<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-16dichloroethyl phosphate2,3-Dimethyl-2,3-dinitrobutane GC-ECD GK 26-35-03Dimethyl acetamide NIOSH 2004 GC-FID GK 26-10Dimethyl acetamide <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-10Dimethyl adipate <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2019 GC-FID GK 26-01Dimethylamine NIOSH 2010 GC-FID GK 26-10

Dimethylamine <strong>OSHA</strong> 34 HPLC GK 26-964-Dimethylaminoazobenzene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UVF / CST 706 C / HLD 1 IMP 36-1 IT22Dimethylaminobenzene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-102,4-Dimethylaminobenzene(amines, aromatic)NIOSH 2002 GC-FID GK 26-10N,N-Dimethylaniline(amines, aromatic)NIOSH 2002 GC-FID GK 26-10N,N-Dimethylaniline <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01N,N-Dimethylaniline <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2064 GC-FID GK 26-98Dimethyl arsenic acid (organo) NIOSH 5022 IC-AA FLT 17-07 CST 2 C / HLD 1trans-1,4-Dimethyl cyclohexane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-012,5-Dimethylbenzaldehyde <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5197 HPLC-UV GK 26-120 or GK 26-119Dimethyldisulfide <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Dimethylenediamine NIOSH 2540 HPLC-UV GK 26-30-18N,N-Dimethylethanolamine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-10-04N,N-Dimethylethylamine <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2096 GC-NPD GK 26-18N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) NIOSH 2004 GC-FID GK 26-10N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) <strong>OSHA</strong> 66 GC-NPD GK 26-01Dimethyl glutarate <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2020 GC-FID GK 26-011,1-Dimethyl hydrazine NIOSH 3515 VAS IMP 36-2 IT 221,1-Dimethyl hydrazine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI CLR IMP 36-2 IT 22Dimethyl phthalate (DMP) <strong>OSHA</strong> 104 GC-FID GK 26-56N,N-Dimethyl p-<strong>to</strong>ludine(amines, aromatic)NIOSH 2002 GC-FID GK 26-10Dimethyl succinate <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2021 GC-FID GK 26-01Dimethyl sulfate NIOSH 2524 GC-ECN GK 26-114Dimethyl sulfate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-115Dimethyl sulfide <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-01Dimethyl sulfoxide <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Dimethyltin Dichloride NIOSH 5526 GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Di-n-hexyl phthalate <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2076 GC-FID GK 26-56Dini<strong>to</strong>lmide <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Dinitrobenzene (all isomers) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30-16Dinitro-o-cresol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 3-01 IMP 36-1 IT 224,6-Dinitro-0-sec-butyl phenol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-95

2-(2,4-Dinitrophenoxy) ethanol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-10Dinitro<strong>to</strong>luene (DNT) <strong>OSHA</strong> 44 GC-TEA GK 26-56Di-n-octyl-phthalate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECD GK 26-56Di-n-octyl-phthalate (DNOP) <strong>OSHA</strong> 104 GC-FID GK 26-56n-Dioctyl phthalate (DNOP) <strong>OSHA</strong> 104 GC-FID GK 26-56Dioxane NIOSH 1602 GC-FID GK 26-01Dioxane (diethylene dioxide) <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Dooxathion (Delnav) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Diphenyl NIOSH 2530 GC-FID GK 26-35-012-Diphenylacetyl-1,3-Indandione <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Diphenylamine <strong>OSHA</strong> 78 HPLC-UV CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 1Diphenyl ether <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2022 GC-FID GK 26-955,5-Diphenylhydan<strong>to</strong>in <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV FLT 7 CST 3 C / HLD 1Diphenyl methane-4,4`-diisocyanate(MDI) 4,4-Methylene bisphenyl NIOSH 5521 HPLC-UV IMP 36-1 IT 22isocyanate (isocanates)p.p-Diphenyl methane diisocanate(MDI) see methylene bisphenyl<strong>OSHA</strong> 47(isocyanate)Dipropyl disulfide <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2086 GC-FPD GK 26-110Dipropyl glycol methyl ether <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Dipropyl glycol methyl ether <strong>OSHA</strong> 101 GC-FID GK 26-01Dipropyl ke<strong>to</strong>ne <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-121Diquat <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Direct black 38 (dyes, benzidine) NIOSH 5013 HPLC FLT 17 CST 3 C / HLD 1Direct black 38 <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Direct blue <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Direct blue 2 <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Direct blue 6 (dyes, benzidine) NIOSH 5013 HPLC FLT 17 CST 3 C / HLD 1Direct blue 6 <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Direct blue 8 (dyes, benzidine) NIOSH 5013 HPLC FLT 17 CST 3 C / HLD 1Direct blue 98 <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Direct brown 31 <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Direct brown 95 (dyes, benzidine) NIOSH 5013 HPLC FLT 17 CST 3 C / HLD 1Direct brown 95 <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Direct red 2 (dyes, benzidine) NIOSH 5013 HPLC FLT 17 CST 3 C / HLD 1

Direct red 2 <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Direct red 28 (dyes, benzidine) NIOSH 5013 HPLC FLT 17 CST 3 C / HLD 1Direct red 81 <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Di-sec-octyl phthalate (see 2-ethylhexyl phthalate)Disperse yellow 3 <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Disulfiram(tetraethylthiuramdisulfide)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Disulfo<strong>to</strong>n (organophosphoruspesticides)NIOSH 5600 GC-FPD GK 26-58Disulfo<strong>to</strong>n <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2105 GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Disys<strong>to</strong>n <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-162,6-Di-tert-butyl-p-Cresol <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2108 GC-FID GK 26-572,2`-Dithiobis(benzothiazole) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Diuron <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 HPLC-UV GK 26-92Diuron (organonitrogen pesticides) NIOSH 5601 HPLC-UV GK 26-58 or GK 26-30-16Divinyl benzene <strong>OSHA</strong> 89 GC-FID GK 26-73Divinyl sulfide <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC GK 26-012-4-D-ME (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid)NIOSH 5602 GC-ECD GK 26-58DMP (see dimethyl phthalates) <strong>OSHA</strong> 104DNOP (see di-n-octyl phthalates) <strong>OSHA</strong> 104DNT (dinitro<strong>to</strong>luene) <strong>OSHA</strong> 44 GC-TEA GK 26-56Dodecyl alcohol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Dodine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30Dursban (chloropyrifos)(organophosphorus pesticides)NIOSH 5600 GC-FPD GK 26-58Dust (respirable) (in workplace<strong>ASTM</strong> 4532GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1atmospheres)Dust (respirable nuisance)(particulates)NIOSH 0600Dust, respirable nuisance <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GRDust, <strong>to</strong>tal nuisance (particulates) NIOSH 0500 GRGRCYC 01-02 CST 3FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1CYC 01-02 CST 3FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1CYC 01-02 CST 3FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1CST 2

Dust, <strong>to</strong>tal, particulates no<strong>to</strong>therwise regulatedNIOSH 0500Dust, <strong>to</strong>tal nuisance <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GRGRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1CST 2FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1CST 2Dyes, benzidine, o-<strong>to</strong>lidine, o-DianisidineNIOSH 5013 HPLC-UV FLT 17 CST 3 C / HLD 1Dyfonate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Elemental carbon (diesel exhaust) NIOSH 5040 EGA-TOS CYC 01-02 C / HLD 1Elements (lead, cadmium,chromuim compounds)NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Elements (see specific Cpds.) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Elements qualitative <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 204 X FL F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Emery (corundum)FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1NIOSH 0600GR(particulates, respirable)CYC 01-02 CST 3Emery (respirable dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1CYC 01-02 CST 3Emery (corundum)FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1NIOSH 0500GR(particulates, <strong>to</strong>tal)CST 2Emery (<strong>to</strong>tal dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1CST 3Endosulfan (Thiodan) <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2023 GC-ECD GK 26-30-16Endrin NIOSH 5519 GC-ECDGK 26-104 CST 2SCN 26 C / HLD 1Enflurane <strong>OSHA</strong> 103 GC-FID GK 26-121 or GK 26-81 AEnflurane <strong>OSHA</strong> 29 GC-FID GK 26-01Environmental <strong>to</strong>bacco smokeFLT 1710 C / HLD 1<strong>ASTM</strong> D 5955GR / HPLC-UV -FD(respirable particulates)CYC 01-02 CST 3Environmental <strong>to</strong>bacco smokeFLT 1710 C / HLD 1<strong>ASTM</strong> D 6271HPLC-UV(solanesol, respirable particulates)CYC 01-02 CST 3Environmental <strong>to</strong>bacco smoke(nicotine and 3-etythenylpyridine)GC-NSD GK 26-170Epichlorohydrin NIOSH 1010 GC-FID GK 26-01Epichlorohydrin <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01EPN NIOSH 5012 GC-FPD F / CST 709 C / HLD 1EPN <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-161,2-Epoxyethyl benzene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-35

1,2-Epoxypropane (seepropylene oxide)2,4-D-Esters <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Esters I (see specific Cpds.) NIOSH 1450 GC-FID GK 26-01Estradiol <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2001 HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Estriol <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2001 HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Estrone <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2001 HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 11,2-Ethanediol (ethylene glycol)(glycols)NIOSH 5523 GC-FID GK 26-571,2-Ethanediol dinitrate <strong>OSHA</strong> 43 HPLC-TEA GK 26-35-032-(2-Methoxyethoxy) Ethanol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Ethanolamine <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2111 HPLC-UV GK 26-30-183-Ethenylpyridine GC-NSD GK 26-1703-Ethenylpyridine and nicotine <strong>ASTM</strong> 5075 GC-NPD GK 26-93Ethion (organophosphoruspesticides)NIOSH 5600 GC-FPD GK 26-58Ethion (Nialate) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Ethoprop(organophosphorus pesticides)NIOSH 5600 GC-FPD GK 26-581-Ethoxy-2-propanol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-012-Ethoxyethanol (alcohols IV) NIOSH 1403 GC-FID GK 26-012-Ethoxyethanol (CELLOSOLVEsolvent ) (alcohols IV)NIOSH 1403 GC-FID GK 26-012-Ethoxyethanol(CELLOSOLVE solvent )<strong>OSHA</strong> 79 GC-FID GK 26-012-Ethoxyethyl acetate (esters I) NIOSH 1450 GC-FID GK 26-012-Ethoxyethyl acetate(CELLOSOLVE acetate)<strong>OSHA</strong> 79 GC-FID GK 26-01Ethrane (enflurane) <strong>OSHA</strong> 29 GC-FID GK 26-01Ethyl 2-cyanoacrylate <strong>OSHA</strong> 55 HPLC-UV GK 26-98Ethyl-3-ethoxypropionate <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2025 GC-FID GK 26-01Ethyl acetate NIOSH 1457 GC-FID GK 26-01Ethyl acetate <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Ethyl acrylate (esters I) NIOSH 1450 GC-FID GK 26-01Ethyl acrylate GC-FID GK 26-81 AEthyl acrylate <strong>OSHA</strong> 92 GC-FID GK 26-73

Ethyl alcohol (Alcohol I) NIOSH 1400 GC-FID GK 26-01Ethyl alcohol (ethanol) <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Ethyl alcohol (ethanol) <strong>OSHA</strong> 100 GC-FID GK 26-82Ethylamine <strong>OSHA</strong> 36 HPLC-UV GK 26-96Ethyl amyl ke<strong>to</strong>ne <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Ethyl benzene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5466 GC-MS Tedlar bagsEthyl benzene (HCs, aromatic) NIOSH 1501 GC-FID GK 26-01Ethyl benzene <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Ethyl benzene <strong>OSHA</strong> 1002 GC-FID GK 26-01Ethyl bromide NIOSH 1011 GC-FID GK 26-01Ethyl bromide <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Ethyl butyl ke<strong>to</strong>ne (ke<strong>to</strong>nes II) NIOSH 1301 GC-FID GK 26-01Ethyl butyl ke<strong>to</strong>ne (3-heptanon) <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Ethyl chloride <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5466 GC-MS Tedlar bagsEthyl chloride NIOSH 2519 GC-FID GK 26-25Ethyl chloride <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Ethylene chlorohydrin NIOSH 2513 GC-FID GK 26-38Ethylene chlorohydrin <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-38Ethylenediamine NIOSH 2540 HPLC-UV GK 26-30-18Ethylenediamine (EDA) <strong>OSHA</strong> 60 HPLC-UV GK 26-30-18Ethylene dibromide NIOSH 1008 GC-ECD GK 26-01Ethylene dibromide (1,2-dibromoethane)<strong>OSHA</strong> 02 GC-ECD GK 26-01Ethylene dichloride (HCs, halog.) NIOSH 1003 GC-FID GK 26-01Ethylene dichloride <strong>OSHA</strong> 03 GC-ECD GK 26-01 GWSEthylene glycol (glycol) NIOSH 5523 GC-FID GK 26-57Ethylene glycol dinitrate(nitroglycerine)NIOSH 2507 GC-ECD GK 26-35-03Ethylene glycol dinitrate <strong>OSHA</strong> 43 HPLC-TEA GK 26-35-03Ethylene glycol isopropyl ether(isopropyl Cellosolve solvent)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Ethylene glycol monohexyl ether <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Ethylenimine NIOSH 3514 HPLC-UV IMP 36-2 IT 22Ethylene oxide <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4413 GC-FID GK 26-16 or GK 26-36Ethylene oxide <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5578 GC-ECD GK 26-38-03Ethylene oxide NIOSH 1614 GC-ECD GK 26-38-03

Ethylene oxide <strong>OSHA</strong> 50 GC-ECD GK 26-38-03Ethylene thiourea NIOSH 5011 VAS F / CST 802 SC C / HLD 1Ethylene thiourea <strong>OSHA</strong> 95 HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Ethyl ether NIOSH 1610 GC-FID GK 26-01Ethyl ether <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Ethyl formate NIOSH 1452 GC-FID GK 26-01Ethyl formate <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-012-Ethylhexanol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Ethyl hexyl acetate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-012-Ethyl hexyl acrylate <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2026 GC-FID GK 26-73Di-2-ethyl hexyl phthalate (DEHP) <strong>OSHA</strong> 104 GC-FID GK 26-56Ethyl lactate <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2081 GC-FID GK 26-01Ethyl mercaptan (mercaptans) NIOSH 2542 GC-FPD CF / CST 9007 C / HLD 1Ethyl mercaptan (mercaptans) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD CF / CST 9007 C / HLD 1Ethyl methacrylate <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2100 GC-FID GK 26-01N-Ethylmorpholine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-10Ethyl O-(p-nitrophenyl)phenylphosphonothionateNIOSH 5012 GC-FPD F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Ethyl parathion <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-NPD GK 26-92Ethyl propionate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC GK 26-01Ethyl silicate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-30-04Ethylvinyl benzene <strong>OSHA</strong> 89 GC-FID GK 26-73ETS (see EnvironmentalTobacco smoke)Famiphos(organophosphorus pesticides)NIOSH 5600 GC-FPD GK 26-58Fenamiphos <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Fenarimol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30-16Fensulfothion (Danasit) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Fenthion <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Fenvalerate <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 HPLC-UV GK 26-92Ferbam <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30-16Ferric chloride (see iron salts,soluble as Fe)<strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121Ferrovanadium dust as iron NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Ferrovanadium dust <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125 G ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1

Fibers (see specific Cpds.)Fibrous glass dust <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 CST 2 C / HLD 1Fibrous glassFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1NIOSH 0600GR(particulates, respirable)CYC 01-02 CST 3Fibrous glass(particulates, <strong>to</strong>tal)NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 CST 2 C / HLD 1Flax dust, <strong>to</strong>tal and respirablenuisance<strong>OSHA</strong> CSIFluoboric acid <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI ISE IMP 36-2 IT 22Fluometuron <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 HPLC-UV GK 26-92Fluoranthene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 6209 GC-MS GK 26-131 FLT 1821Fluoranthene(polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons)Fluoranthene(polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons)NIOSH 5506NIOSH 5515HPLC-FDGC-FIDFLT 17-07 CST 4 SPC 23GK 26-30-04 C / HLD 1FLT 17-07 CST 4 SPC 23GK 26-30-04 C / HLD 1Fluoranthene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Fluorene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 6209 GC-MS GK 26-131 FLT 1821Fluorene (polynuclear aromaticFLT 17-07 CST 4 SPC 23NIOSH 5506HPLC-UVhydrocarbons)GK 26-30-04 C / HLD 1Fluorene (polynuclear aromaticFLT 17-07 CST 4 SPC 23NIOSH 5515GC-FIDhydrocarbons)GK 26-30-04 C / HLD 1Fluorene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Fluorides <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4765 ISE CF / CST 9001 C / HLD 1Fluorides (aerosol & gas) by ISE NIOSH 7902 ISE CF / CST 9001 C / HLD 1Fluorides (as F) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 110 ISE CF / CST 9001 C / HLD 1Fluorine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI ISE IMP 36-2 IT 22Fluortrichlormethane(trichlorofluoromethane)NIOSH 1006 GC-FID GK 26-095-Fluorouracil <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30-16Folpet <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Fonofos(organophosphorus pesticides)NIOSH 5600 GC-FPD GK 26-58Fonofos (Dyfonate) <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2027 GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Formaldehyde <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5197 HPLC-UV GK 26-120 or GK 26-119

Formaldehyde NIOSH 2016 HPLC-UV GK 119Formaldehyde(aldehydes, screening)NIOSH 2539 GC-FID, GC-MS GK 26-118Formaldehyde NIOSH 2541 GC-FID GK 26-118Formaldehyde NIOSH 3500 VASFLT 17-01 IT 22 CST 2C / HLD 1 IMP 36-1Formaldehyde <strong>OSHA</strong> 52 GC-NPD GK 26-117 or GK 26-54Formamide <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-NPD GK 26-10Formetanate(organonitrogen pesticides)NIOSH 5601 HPLC-UV GK 26-58 or GK 26-30-16Formic acid NIOSH 2011 IC-ECNFLT 1708 CST 3-25GK 26-10-03 C / HLD 1Freon 11 <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5466 GC-MS Tedlar bagsFreon 113 <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5466 GC-MS Tedlar bagsFreon 113 <strong>OSHA</strong> 113 GC-FID GK 26-121Freon 114 <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5466 GC-MS Tedlar bagsFreon 12 <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5466 GC-MS Tedlar bagsFreon 123 GC-FID GK 26-09Freon 141 b <strong>OSHA</strong> 113 GC-FID GK 26-121Fumarin <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Furfural NIOSH 2529 GC-FID GK 26-118Furfural (aldehyd, screening) NIOSH 2539 GC-FID / GC-MS GK 26-118Furfural <strong>OSHA</strong> 72 GC-FID GK 26-38Furfuryl alcohol NIOSH 2505 GC-FID GK 26-115Gallium <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Gasoline <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2028 GC-FID GK 26-01Gentian violet <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV FLT 7 CST 2 C / HLD 1Germanium oxide <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA-GF F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Germanium tetrahydride <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA-GF GK 26-01Glass Fibrous (seeasbes<strong>to</strong>s fibers)Glass Fibrous dust <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Glutaraldehyde NIOSH 2532 HPLC-UV GK 26-119Glutaraldehyde GC-FID GK 26-10Glutaraldehyde <strong>OSHA</strong> 64 HPLC-UV CF / CST 9003 C / HLD 1

Glycerin, mist(particulates, respirable)NIOSH 0600Glycerin, mist (respirable) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GRGRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1CYC 01-02 CST 3FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1CYC 01-02 CST 3Glycerin, mist (<strong>to</strong>tal dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3Glycidol NIOSH 1608 GC-FID GK 26-01Glycidol (2,3-epoxy-1-propanol) <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Glycol chlorhydrin(see Ethylene chlorohydrin)Glycols NIOSH 5523 GC-FID GK 26-57Glyphosate <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2067 HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Gold <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Grain dust (coats, wheat, barley) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Graphite (synthetic)particulates, respirableGraphite (synthetic)respirable dustNIOSH 0600<strong>OSHA</strong> CSIGraphit Natural (respirable dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 142 GR, X DIFGRGRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1CYC 01-02 CST 3FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1CYC 01-02 CST 3FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1CYC 01-02 CST 3Graphite (synthetic)particulates, <strong>to</strong>talNIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Graphite (synthetic), <strong>to</strong>tal dust <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Gypsum (particulates, respirable) NIOSH 0600 GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1CYC 01-02 CST 3Gypsum (particulates, <strong>to</strong>tal) NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Hafnium <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Halothane <strong>OSHA</strong> 103 GC-FID GK 26-121 or GK 26-81 AHalothane <strong>OSHA</strong> 29 GC-FID GK 26-01Heptachlor <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Heptachlor <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2029 GC-ECD GK 26-30-16Heptachlor epoxide <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Heptanal (aldehydes, screening) NIOSH 2539 GC-FID / GC-MS GK 26-118n-Heptane (HCs BP 36-126°C) NIOSH 1500 GC-FID GK 26-01n-Heptane <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-011-Heptene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Hexachloro-1,3-cyclopentadiene NIOSH 2518 GC-ECD GK 26-116

Hexachlorobenzene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECD F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Hexachlorobutadiene NIOSH 2543 GC-ECD GK 26-30-04Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-124Hexachlorocyclopentadiene(hexachloro-1,3-cycloentadiene)NIOSH 2518 GC-ECD GK 26-116Hexachloroethane (HCs, halog.) NIOSH 1003 GC-FID GK 26-01Hexachloroethane <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Hexachloronaphthalene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECD F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Hexamethylenediamine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30-18Hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI)(isocyanates)NIOSH 5521 HPLC-ELCHM-UV IMP 36-1 IT 22Hexamethylene diisocyanate NIOSH 5522 HPLC-FD IMP 36-1 IT 22Hexamethylene diisocyanate biuret <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2030 HPLC-UV FLT 7 CST 3 C / HLD 11,6-Hexamethylene diisocyanateCF / CST 9002 or CF / CST 9013<strong>OSHA</strong> 42HPLC-UV(HDI)C / HLD 1Hexamethylenetetramine (HMTA) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-NPD F / CST 3-01 IMP 36-1 IT 22Hexanal <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5197 HPLC-UV GK 26-120 or GK 26-119Hexanal (aldehydes screening) NIOSH 2539 GC-FID / GC-MS GK 26-118Hexane (isomers other than n-Hexane)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01n-Hexane (HCs BP 36-126°C) NIOSH 1500 GC-FID GK 26-01n-Hexane <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-011,6-Hexanediol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-09Hexanediol diacrylate (HDDA) GC-FID GK 26-561,6-Hexanediol diacrylate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC GK 26-952-Hexanone (ke<strong>to</strong>nes I) NIOSH 1300 GC-FID GK 26-012-Hexanone (MBK) <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Hexone (methyl isobutyl ke<strong>to</strong>ne)(ke<strong>to</strong>nes I)NIOSH 1300 GC-FID GK 26-01Hexone (methyl isobutyl ke<strong>to</strong>ne) <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Hexone <strong>OSHA</strong> 1004 GC-FID GK 26-121n-Hexyl acetate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01sec-Hexyl acetate <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Hexyl alcohol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01

Hexyl carbi<strong>to</strong>l <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Hexylene glycol <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2101 GC-FID GK 26-01HMX <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2032 HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Hydramethylnon (AMDRO) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Hydrazine NIOSH 3503 VAS IMP 36-2 IT 22Hydrazine CLR GK 26-42-02Hydrazine <strong>OSHA</strong> 108 IC-UV CF / CST 9012 C / HLD 1Hydrazine <strong>OSHA</strong> 20 HPLC-UV GK 26-42-02Hydrazoic acid HPLC-UV GK 26-55Hydrazoic acid <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 211 IC-UVGK 26-55 FLT 8-01 CST 2SPC 23 C / HLD 1Hydrobromic acid NIOSH 7903 IC GK 26-10-03Hydrocarbons BP 36-126°C(see specific compounds)NIOSH 1500 GC-FID GK 26-01Hydrocarbons aromatic (seespecific compounds)NIOSH 1501 GC-FID GK 26-01Hydrocarbons, halogenated(see specific compounds)NIOSH 1003 GC-FID GK 26-01Hydrofluoric acid (fluorides) NIOSH 7906 IC-ECN CF / CST 9001 C / HLD 1Hydrogenated terphenyls <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID FLT 17-04 CST 2 C / HLD 1Hydrogen bromide (inorg. acid) NIOSH 7903 IC GK 26-10-03Hydrogen bromide <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 165 SG IC GK 26-10-03Hydrogen chloride (inorg. acid) NIOSH 7903 IC GK 26-10-03Hydrogen chloride <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 174 SG IC GK 26-10-03Hydrogen cyanide NIOSH 6010 VAS GK 26-28Hydrogen cyanide (cyanides) NIOSH 7904 ISEFLT 1705 CST IMP 36-2 IT 22 C /Hydrogen cyanide <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 120 ISEHLD 1CST 3 IMP 36-2 IT 22 FLT 5 SPC23Hydrogen fluoride (fluorides) NIOSH 7902 ISE CF / CST 9001 C / HLD 1Hydrogen fluoride (inorg. acid) NIOSH 7903 IC GK 26-10-03Hydrogen fluoride NIOSH 7906 IC-ECN CF / CST 9001 C / HLD 1Hydrogen fluoride (fluorides) NIOSH 7906 IC-ECN CF / CST 9001 C / HLD 1Hydrogen fluoride (as F) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 110 ISE CF / CST 9001 C / HLD 1Hydrogen peroxide (90%) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 126 SG DPP IMP 36-2 IT 22Hydroguinone NIOSH 5004 HPLC-UV F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1

Hydroguinone <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2094 HPLC-UV GK 26-982-Hydroxy-4-methoxyace<strong>to</strong>phenone <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-304-Hydroxy-4-methyl-2-pentanone(see diace<strong>to</strong>ne alcohol)m-Hydroxyacetphenone <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30-04m-Hydroxybenzoic acid <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 14-Hydroxycoumarin <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30-04Hydroxyethyl acrylate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-15 GWS2-Hydroxyethyl methacrylate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-012-Hydroxypropyl acrylate <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2078 GC-FID GK 26-732-Imidazolidinethione NIOSH 5011 VAS F / CST 803 SC C / HLD 1Indeno <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-110Indeno (1,2,3-cd)pyrene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 6209 GC-MS GK 26-131 FLT 1821Indeno (1,2,3-cd)pyrene(polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons)NIOSH 5506HPLC-FDFLT 17-07 GK 26-30-04CST 4 C / HLD 1 SPC 23Indeno (1,2,3-cd)pyrene(polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons)NIOSH 5515GC-FIDFLT 17-07 GK 26-30-04CST 4 C / HLD 1 SPC 23Indium & Cpds. (as In) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI ICP-DCP F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Indium <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Inorganic acids NIOSH 7903 IC GK 26-10-03Iodine NIOSH 6005 IC GK 26-67Iodine IC GK 26-67Iodine <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 177 IC GK 26-67Iodine (particulates) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 212 IC GK 26-142Iodine (vapor) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 212 IC GK 26-80Iodoform <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECD GK 26-93 F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Iridium <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA F / CST 3-01Iron (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Iron <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Iron and compounds (as Fe) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Iron (bulk) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125 SG ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Iron oxide fume <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Iron oxide fume <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125 SG ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1

Iron pentacarbonyl (as Fe) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI CLR IMP 36-2 IT 22Iron salts soluble (as Fe) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Isoamyl acetate (esters I) NIOSH 1450 GC-FID GK 26-01Isoamyl acetate <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Isoamyl alcohol (alcohols III) NIOSH 1402 GC-FID GK 26-01Isoamyl alcohol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Isoamyl nitrite <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-01Isobutyl acetate (esters I) NIOSH 1450 GC-FID GK 26-01Isobutyl acetate <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Isobutyl acrylate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Isobutyl alcohol (alcohols II) NIOSH 1401 GC-FID GK 26-01Isobutyl alcohol <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Isobutylbenzene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Isobutyl isobutyrate <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2090 GC-FID GK 26-01Isobutyl nitrite <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-01Isobutylaldehyde (screening) NIOSH 2539 GC-FID/-MS GK 26-118Isobutxric acid <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-110Isobutyronitrile <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Isocyanates NIOSH 5521 HPLC-ELCHM-UV IMP 36-1 IT 22Isocyanates NIOSH 5522 HPLC-FD IMP 36-1 IT 22Isophenphos <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Isoflurane <strong>OSHA</strong> 103 GC-FID GK 26-121 or GK 26-81 AIsooctyl alcohol <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2033 GC-FID GK 26-01Isophorone NIOSH 2508 GC-FID GK 26-38Isophorone <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-38Isophorone diisocyanate <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2034 HPLC-UV CF / CST 9002Isophtalite acid <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UVIsopropyl acetate NIOSH 1454 GC-FID GK 26-01Isopropyl acetate <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Isopropyl alcohol (alcohols I) NIOSH 1400 GC-FID GK 26-01Isopropyl alcohol <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Isopropyl alcohol <strong>OSHA</strong> 109 GC-FID GK 26-82Isopropylamine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID IMP 36-2 IT 22N-Isopropylaniline <strong>OSHA</strong> 78 HPLC-UV CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 1Isopropyl bromide <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01

Isopropyl CELLOSOLVE solvent(see ethylene glycol isopropyl ether)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSIIsopropyl ether NIOSH 1618 GC-FID GK 26-01Isopropyl ether <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Isopropyl glycidyl ether (IGE) NIOSH 1620 GC-FID GK 26-01Isopropyl glycidyl ether (IGE) <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Isopropyl m-chlorocarbanilate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV IMP 36-1 IT 22Isovaleraldehyde <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5197 HPLC-UV GK 26-120 or GK 26-119Isovaleraldehyde (screening) NIOSH 2539 GC-FID/-MS GK 26-118Jet fuel <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Kaolin (particulates, respirable) NIOSH 0600 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 1 CST 3Kaolin (respirable dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 1 CST 3Kaolin (particulates, <strong>to</strong>tal) NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Kaolin (<strong>to</strong>tal dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3Kepone NIOSH 5508 GC-ECD F / CST 3-01 IMP 36-1 IT 22Kepone <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECD F / CST 3-01 IMP 36-1 IT 22Kerosene (naphthas) NIOSH 1550 GC-FID GK 26-01Kerosene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Ke<strong>to</strong>nes (screening) NIOSH 2549 GC-MS GK 26-330 or GK 26-338Ke<strong>to</strong>nes I (see specific Cpds.) NIOSH 1300 GC-FID GK 26-01Ke<strong>to</strong>nes II (see specific Cpds.) NIOSH 1301 GC-FID GK 26-01Lake Red C <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Landrin <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30-16Lasso (aroclor) <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2035 HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Lead NIOSH 7082 AA-F F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Lead NIOSH 7105 AA-GF F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Lead (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Lead chromate (as Pb) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Lead fumes & dusts <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Lead inorganic fumes & dusts <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125 G ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Lead oxide (as Pb) NIOSH 7082 AA-F F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Lead oxide (as Pb) NIOSH 7105 AA-GF F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Lead oxide by ultrasound / ASV NIOSH 7701 PASV F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Lead oxide by field portable XRF NIOSH 7702 X FL F / CST 3-01

Lead sulfide (as Pb) NIOSH 7505 X DIFLimes<strong>to</strong>ne (see dust, <strong>to</strong>tal andrespirable nuisance)Limes<strong>to</strong>ne (see calcium carbonate)F / CST 803 SC C / HLD 1 CYC 01-02Limonene (terpenes) NIOSH 1552 GC-FID GK 26-01Limonene <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2036 GC-FID GK 26-01Lindane (gamma-BHC) <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Lindane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECDF / CST 706 C / HLD 1 IMP 36-1 IT22Linuron <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 HPLC-UV GK 26-92Linuron <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Lithium (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Lithium <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Lithium hydride (as Li) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Lithium hydroxide (alkaline dust) NIOSH 7401 TITRA FLT 17-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Lithium hydroxide (as Li) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Machette <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Magnesite (see dust, <strong>to</strong>tal andrespirable nuisance)FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 01-02 CST3Magnesite (particulates, respirable) NIOSH 0600 GRMagnesite (particulates, <strong>to</strong>tal) NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Magnesium (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Magnesium <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Magnesium oxide fume<strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES, GR F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 01-02(respirable dust)Magnesium oxide fume (<strong>to</strong>tal dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Malathion <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-NPD GK 26-92Malathion (organophosphorusNIOSH 5600 GC-FPD GK 26-58pesticides)Malathion <strong>OSHA</strong> 62 GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Maleic anhydride NIOSH 3512 HPLC-UV IMP 36-2 IT 22Maleic anhydride <strong>OSHA</strong> 62 HPLC-UV GK 26-30-07 GK 26-30Maleic anhydride <strong>OSHA</strong> 86 HPLC-UV CF / CST 9021 C / HLD 1Maneb <strong>OSHA</strong> 107 HPLC-UV F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1

Manganese (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Manganese & Cpds. (as Mn) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Manganese & Cpds. (as Mn) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125 G ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Manganese cyclopentadienyltricarbonyl (as Mn)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA F / CST 3-01 IMP 36-2 IT 22Manganese fume (as Mn) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Manganese tetroxide (as Mn) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Manganese tetroxide (as Mn) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125 G ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Marble (see dust, <strong>to</strong>tal andrespirable nuisance)Marble (particulates, respirable) NIOSH 0600 GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 01-02 CST3Marble (particulates, <strong>to</strong>tal) NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2MCPA (2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC F / CST 706 C / HLD 1MCPP <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1MDI (4,4`-methylene biphenylisocyanate) (isocanates)NIOSH 5521 HPLC-ELCHM-UV IMP 36-1 IT 22MDI (4,4`-methylene biphenylCF / CST 9002 or CF / CST 9013 C /<strong>OSHA</strong> 41HPLC-UVisocyanate)HLD 1Melamine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Melengestrol acetate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Menadione <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30Mercaptans (see specific Cpds.) NIOSH 2542 GC-FPD CF / CST 9007 C / HLD 1Mercap<strong>to</strong>ethanol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-10Mercury NIOSH 6009 AA GK 26-17-01 F / CST 3-01Mercury (Rathje & Macero) AA GK 26-17-01Mercury (Rathje & Macero) AA GK 26-17-03Mercury (vapor) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 140 AA GK 26-17-01Mercury aryl and inorganic(particulate Hg)<strong>OSHA</strong> ID 145 AA F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Methyloxide (ke<strong>to</strong>nes II) NIOSH 1301 GC-FID GK 26-01Mesityl oxide <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Mestranol <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2068 HPLC F / CST 802 SC C / HLD 1Metal and metalloid particulates <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Metal and metalloid particulates <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125 G ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1

Metal removal fluid (aerosol) <strong>ASTM</strong> PS 42-97 GRFLT 17-07 CST 2 FNL 605 C / HLD1Metals, Trace (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Metals in worktrace atmosphere <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4185 AAS F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Metal working fluids (aerosoles) <strong>ASTM</strong> PS 42-97 GRFLT 17-07 CST 2 FNL 605 C / HLD1Methacrylic acid <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2005 HPLC-UV GK 26-30-08Methamidophos (organicphosphoruspesticides)NIOSH 5600 GC-FPD GK 26-58Methamidophos <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Metham sodium <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-58Methanol (methyl alcohol) NIOSH 2000 GC-FID GK 26-51Methidathion <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2074 GC-ECD GK 26-58Methiocarb(organonitrogen pesticides)NIOSH 5601 HPLC-UV GK 26-58 or GK 26-30-16Methomyl (organonitrogenpesticides)NIOSH 5601 HPLC-UV GK 26-58 or GK 26-30-16Methomyl <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2114 HPLC-UV GK 26-30-16Methotrexate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30-162-methoxy-1-propanol <strong>OSHA</strong> 99 GC-FID GK 26-012-methoxy-1-propyl-acetate <strong>OSHA</strong> 99 GC-FID GK 26-011-methoxy-1-propanol <strong>OSHA</strong> 99 GC-FID GK 26-011-methoxy-2-propyl-acetate <strong>OSHA</strong> 99 GC-FID GK 26-01Methoxychlor <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Methoxychlor <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2038 GC-ECD GK 26-30-162-Methoxyethanol (methylCELLOSOLVE solvent)NIOSH 1403 GC-FID GK 26-01(alcohols IV)2-Methoxyethanol (methylCELLOSOLVE solvent)<strong>OSHA</strong> 79 GC-FID GK 26-012-Methoxyethyl acetate<strong>OSHA</strong> 79 GC-FID GK 26-01(methyl CELLOSOLVE acetate)Methoxyflurane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-012-Methoxyphenol <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2039 GC-FID GK 26-953-Methoxyphenol <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2039 GC-FID GK 26-954-Methoxyphenol <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2039 GC-FID GK 26-95

6-Methoxytetralone <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30Methyl-2-cyanoacrylate (MCA) <strong>OSHA</strong> 55 HPLC-UV GK 26-983-methyl-2-cyclopenten-2-ol-one <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30-041-Methyl-2-pyrrolidione <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2043 GK 26-01N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidione NIOSH 1302 GC-NPD, FID GK 26-01N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidione <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2043 GC-FID GK 26-015-Methyl-3-heptanone (ke<strong>to</strong>nes II) NIOSH 1301 GC-FID GK 26-01Metyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) NIOSH 1615 GC-FID GK 26-37Methylacetate NIOSH 1458 GC-FID GK 26-01Methylacetate <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Methylacethylene (propyne) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Methyl acethylene-propadiene mix(MAPP)<strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Methyl acrylate NIOSH 1459 GC-FID GK 26-01Methyl acrylate GC-FID GK 26-81 AMethyl acrylate <strong>OSHA</strong> 92 GC-FID GK 26-73Methyl acrylonitrile <strong>OSHA</strong> 37 GC-NPD GK 26-01Methylal (see dimethoxymethane)Methylal NIOSH 1611 GC-FID GK 26-01Methyl alcohol (methanol) NIOSH 2000 GC-FID GK 26-51Methyl alcohol (RH

Methyl CELLOSOLVE solvent (2-me<strong>to</strong>xyethanol)<strong>OSHA</strong> 79 GC-MS Tedlar bagsMethyl chloride NIOSH 1001 GC-FID GK 26-09 or GK 26-01Methyl Chloroform (1,1,1-Trichloroethane)(HCs, halogenated)NIOSH 1003 GC-FID GK 26-01Methyl Chloroform (1,1,1-Tri-chloroethane)<strong>OSHA</strong> 14 GC-FID GK 26-016-Methylcoumarin <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30Methyl cyclohexane, Bp 36-126°C NIOSH 1500 GC-FID GK 26-01Methyl cyclohexane <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Methylcyclohexanol NIOSH 1404 GC-FID GK 26-01Methylcyclohexanol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Methyl cyclohexanone NIOSH 2521 GC-FID GK 26-115o-Methylcyclohexanone <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-115Methyl cyclopentadienyl manganesetricarbonyl (as Mn)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA GK 26-30Methyl deme<strong>to</strong>n <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-16N-Methyl dicyclohexylamine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-10N-Methyldiethanolamine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-NPD GK 26-42-022,2`-Methylene-bis-(4-chlorophenol) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Methylene-bis-(4-cyclohexylisocyanate)<strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2092 HPLC-UV CF / CST 9013 C / HLD 14,4`-Methylene-bis-(2-chloroaniline)MOCA<strong>OSHA</strong> 71 GC-ECD CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 14,4`-Methylene bisphenyl isocyanate(MDI) (isocyanates)NIOSH 5521 HPLC-ELCHM-UV IMP 36-1 IT 224,4`-Methylene bisphenyl isocyanateCF / CST 9002 or CF / CST 9013 C /<strong>OSHA</strong> 47HPLC-UV(MDI)HLD 1Methylene chloride NIOSH 1005 GC-FID GK 26-01Methylene chloride <strong>OSHA</strong> 59 GC-FID GK 26-09-02Methylene chloride <strong>OSHA</strong> 80 GC-FID GK 26-1214,4`-Methylene dianiline (MDA) NIOSH 5029 HPLC-UV CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 14,4`-Methylene dianiline (MDA) <strong>OSHA</strong> 57 GC-ECD CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 14,4`-Methylene diphenyl isocyanate(MDI)NIOSH 5522 HPLC-FD IMP 36-1 IT 22

Methyl ethyl ke<strong>to</strong>ne (see2-butanone)NIOSH 2500 GC-FID GK 26-81 A or GK 26-121Methyl ethyl ke<strong>to</strong>ne <strong>OSHA</strong> 1004 GC-FID GK 26-121Methyl ethyl ke<strong>to</strong>ne peroxide NIOSH 3508 VAS IMP 36-01 IT 22Methyl ethyl ke<strong>to</strong>ne peroxide <strong>OSHA</strong> 77 HPLC-UV GK 26-93Methyl formate <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2041 GC-FID GK 26-83Methyl iodide NIOSH 1014 GC-FID GK 26-01Methyl iodide <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Methyl isoamyl acetate (esters I) NIOSH 1450 GC-FID GK 26-01Methyl isoamyl ke<strong>to</strong>ne <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2042 GC-FID GK 26-01Methyl isobutyl carbinol(alcohols III)NIOSH 1402 GC-FID GK 26-01Methyl isobutyl carbinol <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Methyl isobutyl ke<strong>to</strong>ne (hexone)(ke<strong>to</strong>nes I)NIOSH 1300 GC-FID GK 26-01Methyl isobutyl ke<strong>to</strong>ne (hexone) <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Methyl isobutyl ke<strong>to</strong>ne <strong>OSHA</strong> 1004 GC-FID GK 26-121Methyl isocyanate (MIC) <strong>OSHA</strong> 54 HPLC-FD GK 26-94Methylisopropyl ke<strong>to</strong>ne <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Methyl isothiocyanate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-16Methyl mercaptan NIOSH 25-42 GC-FPD CF / CST 9007 C / HLD 1Methyl mercaptan <strong>OSHA</strong> 26 GC-FPD FLT 7 CST 2 C / HLD 1Methyl methacrylate NIOSH 2537 GC-FID GK 26-30-06Methyl methacrylate GC-FID GK 26-81 AMethyl methacrylate <strong>OSHA</strong> 94 GC-FID GK 26-734-Methyl morpholine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-98Methyl n-amyl ke<strong>to</strong>ne (ke<strong>to</strong>nes II) NIOSH 1301 GC-FID GK 26-01Methyl n-amyl ke<strong>to</strong>ne (2-heptanone)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-015-Methyl o-anisidine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30-04Methyl parathion <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-NPD GK 26-92Methyl parathion(organophosphorus pesticides)NIOSH 5600 GC-FPD GK 26-58Methyl parathion <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2112 GC-FPD GK 26-30-162-Methyl pentane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-013-Methyl pentane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC GK 26-01

Methyl propyl ke<strong>to</strong>ne <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Methyl silicate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-30-04Alpha-Methyl styrene (hydrocarbons,aromatic)NIOSH 1501 GC-FID GK 26-01Alpha-Methyl styrene <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-0117-a-Methyltes<strong>to</strong>sterone <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2001 HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Methyltetrahydrophalic anhydride GC-FID GK 26-30Methyltin Dichloride NIOSH 5526 GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Methyl tin mercaptide (tin,<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA-GF GK 26-30-16organic Cpds.) (sa Sn)Me<strong>to</strong>lachlor <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Me<strong>to</strong>lachlor NIOSH 5602 GC-ECD GK 26-58Metribuzin <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2044 GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Mevinphos (phosdrin)(organophosphorus pesticides)NIOSH 5600 GC-FPD GK 26-58Mevinphos (phosdrin) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Mexacarbate <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92MIC (methyl isocyanate) <strong>OSHA</strong> 54 HPLC-FD GK 26-94Mica <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 42 GR, X DIFCYC 1-02 F / CST 8003 SC C / HLD1Nineral spirits (naphthas) NIOSH 1550 GC-FID GK 26-01Mineral wool fiber <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Mineral wool fiberFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3 CYC 1-NIOSH 0600GR(particulates, respirable)02Mineral wool fiber (<strong>to</strong>tal) NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Mirex <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Mocap <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Molybdenum (elements) NIOSH 7300 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Molybdenum insolubles (as Mo) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125 G ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Molybdenum insolubles (as Mo)(respirable fraction)<strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES, GR F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 1-02Monensin <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI CLR F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Monochloroacetic acid (chloroaceticacid)NIOSH 2800 IC-ECN GK 26-47-01Monochloroacetic acid <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI IC GK 26-47-01

Monocro<strong>to</strong>phos(organophosphorus pesticides)NIOSH 5600 GC-FPD GK 26-58Monocro<strong>to</strong>phos (Azodrin) <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2045 GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Monoethanolamine (see2-aminoethanol)Monoethanolamine (MEA) NIOSH 3509 IC IMP 36-1 IT 22Monomethyl aniline NIOSH 3511 GC-FID IMP 36-2 IT 22Monomethyl aniline <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID IMP 36-2 IT 22Monomethyl hydrazine NIOSH 3510 VAS IMP 36-2 IT 22Monomethyl hydrazine <strong>OSHA</strong> 20 HPLC-UV GK 42-02-02Monuron <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 HPLC-UV GK 26-92Morpholine <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2123 GC-FID GK 26-98Naphtha (Coal tar) NIOSH 1550 GC-FID GK 26-01Naphtha (Coal tar) <strong>OSHA</strong> 48 GC-FID GK 26-01Naphthalene (HCs, aromatic) NIOSH 1501 GC-FID GK 26-01NaphthaleneFLT 17-07 GK 26-30-04NIOSH 5506HPLC-UV(polynuclear aromatic HCs)CST 4 C / HLD 1 SPC 23NaphthaleneFLT 17-07 GK 26-30-04NIOSH 5515GC-FID(polynuclear aromatic HCs)CST 4 C / HLD 1 SPC 23Naphthalene <strong>OSHA</strong> 35 GC-FID GK 26-110Naphthas (see specific Cpds.) NIOSH 1550 GC-FID GK 26-01beta Naphthol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV IMP 36-1 IT 22alpha-Naphthylamine <strong>OSHA</strong> 93 GC-ECD CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 1beta-Naphthylamine <strong>OSHA</strong> 93 GC-ECD CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 1Naphthylamines (alpha & beta) NIOSH 5518 GC-FID FLT 16 CST 32 GK 26-51Naphthylene diisocyanate (NDI)(isocyanate)NIOSH 5521 HPLC-ELCHM-UV IMP 36-1 IT 22Naphthylthiooures (see ANTU)Naphthalene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 6209 GC-MS GK 26-131 FLT 18211,5-Naphthalene diisocyanate <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2046 HPLC-UV, FD CF / CST 9013 C / HLD 1Nickel (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Nickel (metal, soluble and insolubleas Ni)<strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Nickel (soluble Cpds., as Ni) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Nickel (metal & insoluble Cpds.) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125 G ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Nickel (soluble Cpds., as Ni) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125 G ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1

Nickel carbonyl NIOSH 6007 AA-GF F / CST 3-01Nickel carbonyl <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA-GFF / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1 IMP 36-2 IT22Nicotine NIOSH 2544 GC-NPD GK 26-30-04Nicotine NIOSH 2551 GC-NPD GK 26-93Nicotine GC-NSD GK 26-170Nicotine & 3-ethenylpyridine <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5075 GC-NPD GK 26-93Nitric acid (acids, inorganic) NIOSH 7903 IC GK 26-10-03Nitric acid <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 165 SG IC GK 26-10-03Nitric oxide <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 190 IC GK 26-40Nitric oxide & nitrogen dioxide NIOSH 6014 VAS GK 26-405-Nitro-2-furaldehydesemicarbazone<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1p-Nitroaniline NIOSH 5033 HPLC-UV F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1p-Nitroaniline <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Nitrobenzene NIOSH 2005 GC-FID GK 26-10Nitrobenzene NIOSH 2017 GC-FID CF / CST 9004 GK 26-154-Nitrophenyl <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-30-16p-Nitrochlorobenzene(nitrobenzenes)NIOSH 2005 GC-FID GK 26-10p-Nitrochlorobenzene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-104-Nitrodiphenyl <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2082 GC-FID GK 26-30-16Nitroethane NIOSH 2526 GC-FID GK 26-3002 ANitrofurazone <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2069 HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Nitrogendioxide NIOSH 6014 VAS GK 26-40-02Nitrogendioxide <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 182 IC GK 26-40 or GK 26-40-02Nitrogen dioxide & nitric oxide NIOSH 6014 VAS GK 26-40Nitrogen dioxide & nitric oxide CLR GK 26-40Nitrogen dioxide & nitric oxide <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 182 IC GK 26-40Nitroglycerin NIOSH 2507 GC-ECD GK 26-35-03Nitroglycerin <strong>OSHA</strong> 43 HPLC GK 26-35-03Nitromethane NIOSH 2527 GC-NSD GK 26-111ANitromethane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-NPD GK 26-111Ap-Nitrophenol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV IMP 36-1 IT 221-Nitropropane <strong>OSHA</strong> 46 GC-FID GK 26-932-Nitropropane NIOSH 2628 GC-FID GK 26-110

2-Nitropropane <strong>OSHA</strong> 46 GC-FID GK 26-931-Nitropyrene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1N-Nitrosodiethanolamine <strong>OSHA</strong> 31 GC-TEA F / CST 706 C / HLD 1N-Nitrosodiphenylamine <strong>OSHA</strong> 23 HPLC-UV IMP 36-2 IT 22Nitro<strong>to</strong>luene (nitrobenzenes) NIOSH 2005 GC-FID GK 26-10Nitro<strong>to</strong>luene (m-isomer) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-10o-Nitro<strong>to</strong>luene (nitroaromaticNIOSH 2005 GC-FID GK 26-10compounds)p-Nitro<strong>to</strong>luene (nitroaromatic) NIOSH 2005 GC-FID GK 26-10trans-Nanochlor <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Nonane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Nonpolar organic Cpds. GC GK 26-129Nonyl alcohol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Nonyl phenyl <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-95Norethindrone <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2070 HPLC-UV F / CST 802 SC C / HLD 1Nuisance dust (seedust respirable nuisance)Nuisance dust(particulates, respirable)GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 1-02 CST3Nuisance dust(particulates, <strong>to</strong>tal)NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Octachloronaphthalene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECD F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Octadecanol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Octane <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Octane (HCs, Bp 36-126°C) NIOSH 1500 GC-FID GK 26-011-Octanethiol NIOSH 2510 GC-FPDS GK 26-35-03Di-n-Octyl phthalate (DNOP) <strong>OSHA</strong> 104 GC-FID GK 26-56Oil mist (vegetable) (see dust, <strong>to</strong>tal& respirable nuisance)Oil mist mineral NIOSH 5026 IR FLT 5 or FLT 8-01 SP 27 CST 2Oil mist mineral NIOSH 5026 IR F / CST 802 SC C / HLD 1Oil mist mineral <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 128 GR, Fluor FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Oil mist mineral <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 178 SG GR, IR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Oil mist (<strong>to</strong>tal aerosol) GR FLT 8-04 C / HLD 1Oil of vitriol (acids, inorganic) NIOSH 7903 IC GK 26-10-03Organic Vapors <strong>ASTM</strong> D 3686 GC-FID GK 26-01

Organonitrogen pesticides (seespecific Cpds.)NIOSH 5601 HPLC-UV GK 26-58 or GK 26-30-16Organophosphorus pesticides NIOSH 5600 GC-FPD GK 26-58Organotin Cpds. as Sn NIOSH 5504 HPLC, AA-GF GK 26-30 F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Orthene (acephate) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Orycalin <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UVF / CST 706 C / HLD 1 IMP 36-1 IT22Osmium tetroxide (as Os) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI ICP F / CST 3-01 IMP 36-1 IT 22Oxalic acid <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2115 IC F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Oxamyl (organonitrogen pesticides) NIOSH 5601 HPLC-UV GK 26-58 or GK 26-30-16Oxamyl (vydate) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC GK 26-30-16Oxychlordane <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Oxydeme<strong>to</strong>n methyl <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-16PAHs <strong>ASTM</strong> D 6209 GC-MS GK 26-131 FLT 1821Palladium (seedust, <strong>to</strong>tal nuisance)Pancreatin <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI IRA FLT 1713 C / HLD 1Papain <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID FLT 7-07Paper fiber (cellulose)(particulates, respirable)NIOSH 0600 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 1-02 CST 3Paper fiber (cellulose)(particulates, <strong>to</strong>tal)NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2PAPI <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV FLT 7 CST 3 C / HLD 1Paraffin wax fume <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2047 GC-FID F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Paraquat NIOSH 5003 HPLC-UV FLT 17-01 CST 2 C / HLD 1Paraquat (respirable dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV FLT 17-01 CST 2 C / HLD 1Parathion(organophosphorus pesticides)NIOSH 5600 GC-FPD GK 26-58Parathion <strong>OSHA</strong> 62 GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Particulates respirable NIOSH 0600 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 1 CST 3Particulates not otherwise regulated,respirable<strong>OSHA</strong> 0600 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 1 CST 3Particulates not otherwise regulated,respirable fraction<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 1 CST 3

Particulates <strong>to</strong>tal (seespecific compounds)NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Particulates not otherwise regulated,<strong>to</strong>tal dust<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2PCBs (42 % Cl) (seepolychlorobiphenyls)NIOSH 5503PCBs (54 % Cl) (seepolychlorobiphenyls)NIOSH 5503Pentaborane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI ICP IMP 36-2 IT 22Pentac (bis (pentachloro-2,4-FLT 9 CST 3 IMP 36-1 IT 22 C /<strong>OSHA</strong> CSIHPLC-UVcyclopentadien-1-yl))HLD 1Pentachlorobenzene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Pentachlorobenzene(pentachlorobenzenes)NIOSH 5517 GC-ECD GK 26-30-04 FLT 17-02 CST 3Pentachloroethane NIOSH 2517 GC-ECD GK 26-59-04Pentachloroethane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECD GK 26-59-04Pentachloronaphthalene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECD GK 26-30-16Pentachlorophenol <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Pentachlorophenol NIOSH 5512 HPLC-UVCST 3 IMP 36-2 IT 22 FLT 5 SNC26Pentachlorophenol <strong>OSHA</strong> 39 HPLC-UV GK 26-97Pentaerythritiol (particulatesrespirable)NIOSH 0600 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 1 CST 3Pentaerythritiol (respirable dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 1 CST 3Pentaerythritiol (particulates <strong>to</strong>tal) NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Pentaerythritiol (<strong>to</strong>tal dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3Pentamethyldiethylenetriamine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC, NPD IMP 36-1 IT 22Pentamidine isethionate NIOSH 5032 HPLC-FD CST 4 FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1Pentan <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01n-Pentane (HC, BP 36-126°C) NIOSH 1500 GC-FID GK 26-012-Pentanone (ke<strong>to</strong>nes I) NIOSH 1300 GC-FID GK 26-012-Pentanone <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-011-Pentene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Perchloric acid <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 115 SG CLR IMP 36-2 IT 22Perchlorethylene(hydrocarbons, halogenated)NIOSH 1003 GC-FID GK 26-01

Perchlorethylene(tetrachloroethylene)<strong>OSHA</strong> 1001 GC-FID GK 26-01Perchloryl fluoride <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI ISE IMP 36-2 IT 22Perlite (1 % Quartz) (see dust, <strong>to</strong>tal& respirable nuisance)cis-Permethrin <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 HPLC-UV GK 26-92trans-Permethrin <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 HPLC-UV GK 26-92Pesticides carbamate <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 HPLC-UV GK 26-92Pesticides organochlorine <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 varies GK 26-92 or GK 26-124Pesticides organophosphorus <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 varies GK 26-92 or GK 26-124Pesticides pyrethrin <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 HPLC-UV GK 26-92Pesticides triazine <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Pesticides organonitrogen (seespecific compounds)NIOSH 5601 HPLC-UV GK 26-58 or GK 26-30-16Petroleum distillate (naphthas) NIOSH 1550 GC-FID GK 26-01Petroleum distillate fraction (PDF) <strong>OSHA</strong> 48 GC-FID GK 26-01Petroleum ether(benzin / naphthas)NIOSH 1550 GC-FID GK 26-01Petroleum naphtha (naphthas) NIOSH 1550 GC-FID GK 26-01Phenanthrene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 6209 GC-MS GK 26-131 FLT 1821Phenanthrene (polynuclear aromaticFLT 17-07 GK 26-30-04NIOSH 5506HPLC-UVhydrocarbons)CST 4 C / HLD 1 SPC 23Phenanthrene (polynuclear aromaticFLT 17-07 GK 26-30-04NIOSH 5515GC-FIDhydrocarbons)CST 4 C / HLD 1 SPC 23Phenanthrene <strong>OSHA</strong> 58 GR, HPLC-UV FLT 7 CST 2 C / HLD 1Phenol (creosols) NIOSH 2546 GC-FID GK 26-95Phenol <strong>OSHA</strong> 32 HPLC-UV GK 26-95Phenolics (screening) NIOSH 2549 GC-MS GK 26-330 or GK 26-338Phenothiazine <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2048 GC-NPD F / CST 706 C / HLD 12-Phenoxyethanol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-012-Phenoxyethyl acrylate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-221-Pheny-1-cyclohexene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01n-Phenyl 1-naphthylamine <strong>OSHA</strong> 96 HPLC-FD CF / CST 9015 C / HLD 1n-Phenyl 2-naphthylamine <strong>OSHA</strong> 96 HPLC-FD CF / CST 9015 C / HLD 14-Phenyl cyclohexene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01m-Phenylenediamine <strong>OSHA</strong> 87 HPLC-UV CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 1

o-Phenylenediamine <strong>OSHA</strong> 87 HPLC-UV CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 1p-Phenylenediamine <strong>OSHA</strong> 87 HPLC-UV CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 1Phenyl ether NIOSH 1617 GC-FID GK 26-01Phenyl ether <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Phenyl ether <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2022 GC-FID GK 26-95Phenyl ether - biphenyl mix NIOSH 2013 GC-FID GK 26-10Phenyl ether - biphenyl mix <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-95Phenyl glycidyl ether NIOSH 1619 GC-FID GK 26-01Phenyl glycidyl ether <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Phenyl hydrazine NIOSH 3518 VAS IMP 36-2 IT 22Phenyl hydrazine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI CLR IMP 36-2 IT 22Phenyl mercaptan <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2975 GC-FID FLT 7 CST 3 C / HLD 1Phenyloxirane (see styrene oxide) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-35o-Phenylphenol <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 HPLC-UV GK 26-92o-Phenylphenol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-35Phorate <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-NPD GK 26-92Phorate(organophosphorus pesticides)NIOSH 5600 GC-FPD GK 26-58Phorate (Thimet) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Phosdrin Mevinphos(organophosphorus pesticides)NIOSH 5600 GC-FPD GK 26-58Phosdrin (Mevinphos) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Phosgene <strong>OSHA</strong> 61 GC-NPD GK 26-117Phosgene & Chloroformates GC-FPD GK 26-153Phosmet (Imidan) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Phosphime NIOSH 6002 UV-VAS GK 26-165Phosphine <strong>OSHA</strong> 1003 ICP-AES CF / CST 9018 C / HLD 1Phosphoric acid <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 111 IC F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Phosphoric acid <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 165 SG IC GK 26-10-03m-Phosphoric acid (inorg. acid) NIOSH 7903 IC GK 26-10-03o-Phosphoric acid NIOSH 7903 IC GK 26-10-03Phosphorus (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Phosphorus NIOSH 7905 GC-FPD GK 26-35-03Phosphorus (yellow) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-35-03Phosphorus oxychloride <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI IC IMP 36-1 IT 22

Phosphorus pentachloride <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI CLRF / CST 803 SC IMP 36-1 IT 22 SNC26Phosphorus pentasulfide <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 128 SC IC F / CST 802 SC C / HLD 1Phosphorus pen<strong>to</strong>xide <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 111 IC F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Phosphorus trichloride NIOSH 6402 VAS IMP 36-2 IT 22Phosphorus trichloride <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI CLR IMP 36-2 IT 22Phosvel <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECD GK 26-30-16Phthalic acid <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV FLT 7 CST 3 C / HLD 1Phthalic anhydride <strong>OSHA</strong> 90 HPLC-UV GK 26-01Picloram (<strong>to</strong>rdon) respirable dust <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 1-02 CST3Picloram (<strong>to</strong>rdon) <strong>to</strong>tal dust <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2049 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3Picric acid <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Pindone <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UVFLT 17-07 CST 2 GK 26-35-03 C /HLD 1alpha-Pinene (terpenes) NIOSH 1552 GC-FID GK 26-01alpha-Pinene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01beta-Pinene (terpenes) NIOSH 1552 GC-FID GK 26-01beta-Pinene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Piperazine dihydrochloride <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-NPD F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Piperidine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECD GK 26-01Piperonyl bu<strong>to</strong>xide <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2110 HPLC-UV GK 26-30-16Pipron <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECDF / CST 706 C / HLD 1 IMP 36-1 IT22Primiphos methyl <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2071 GC-ECD GK 26-30-16Plaster of Paris (particulates) NIOSH 0600 GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 1-02 CST3Plaster of Paris (see dust, respirablenuisance)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSIGRPlaster of Paris (particulates <strong>to</strong>tal) NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Platinum elements NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Platinum (as Pt), metal <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA-EF F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Platinum (as Pt), metal <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Platinum (as Pt) soluble salts <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Platinum <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 130 SG AA F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1

PNAs (see specific Cpds.) NIOSH 5506 HPLC-UVFLT 17-07 CST 4 SPC 23GK 26-30-04 C / HLD 1PNAs (see specific Cpds.) NIOSH 5515 GC-FIDFLT 17-07 CST 4 SPC 23GK 26-30-04 C / HLD 1PNAs selected <strong>OSHA</strong> 58 GR, HPLC-UV FLT 7 CST 2 C / HLD 1Polychlorinate biphenyls <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 varies GK 26-92 or GK 26-124Polychlorinate biphenyls NIOSH 5503 GC-ECD FLT 16 CST 32 GK 26-39Polychlorinate biphenyls <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECD GK 26-30-16Polychlorobenzenes (seeGK 26-30-04 FLT 17-07 CST 33 C /NIOSH 5517GC-ECDspecific compounds)HLD 1Polychlorobiphenyls (42 % Cl) NIOSH 5503 GC-ECD FLT 16 CST 32 GK 26-39Polychlorobiphenyls (54 % Cl) NIOSH 5503 GC-ECD FLT 16 CST 32 GK 26-39Polycyclic aromatic compoundsGK 26-30-04 CST 4 orNIOSH 58Fluor(PACs), <strong>to</strong>talFLT 17-07 SPC 23 CST 2Polyfunctional aziridine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-57Polynuclear aromatic HCs <strong>ASTM</strong> D 6209 GC-MS GK 26-131 FLT 1821Polynuclear aromatic HCsGK 26-30-04 FLT 17-07NIOSH 5506HPLC-UV(see specific Cpds)SPC 23 CST 4 C / HLD 1Polynuclear aromatic HCsGK 26-30-04 FLT 17-07NIOSH 5515GC-FID(see specific Cpds)SPC 23 CST 4 C / HLD 1Portland cementFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 1-02 CSTNIOSH 0500GR(particulates, respirable)3Portland cementFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 1-02 CST<strong>OSHA</strong> ID 142GR, X FL(respirable dust)3Portland cement(particulates, <strong>to</strong>tal)NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3Portland cement (<strong>to</strong>tal dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 207 GR, X FL FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3Potasium cyanide (cyanides) NIOSH 7904 ISEFLT 1705 CST 2 IMP 36-2 IT 22 C /HLD 1Potasium and compounds <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Potasium hydroxide (alkaline dust) NIOSH 7401 TITRA FLT 17-07 CST 2 C / HLD 1Potasium hydroxide (as K) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Prami<strong>to</strong>l <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30-16Progesterone <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2001 HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Propane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-1211, 2, 3-Propanetriol trinitrate HPLC-UV GK 26-35-03

Propargyl alcohol <strong>OSHA</strong> 97 GC-ECD GK 26-38-03Propazine <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-NPD GK 26-92Propham(organonitrogen pesticides)NIOSH 5601 HPLC-UV GK 26-58 or GK 26-30-16Propionaldehyde <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5197 HPLC-UV GK 26-10 or GK 26-119Propionaldehyde(aldehydes, screening)NIOSH 2539 GC-FID GK 26-118Propionic acid <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-15Propoxur (Baygon) <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 HPLC-UV GK 26-92Propoxur(organonitrogen pesticides)NIOSH 5601 HPLC-UV GK 26-58 or GK 26-30-16Propoxur (Baygon) <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2007 HPLC-UV GK 26-30-162-Propoxyethnanol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01n-Propyl acetate (esters I) NIOSH 1450 GC-FID GK 26-01n-Propyl acetate <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Propyl alcohol <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01n-Propyl alcohol (alcohol II) NIOSH 1401 GC-FID GK 26-01Propyl bromide <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Propylene dichloride NIOSH 1013 GC-ECD GK 26-38Propylene dichloride <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Propylene glycol NIOSH 5523 GC-FID GK 26-571,2-Propylene glycol dinitrate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC GK 26-35-03Propylene glycol monomethyl ether <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Propylene glycolmonomethyl ether acetate<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Propyleneimide <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV IMP 36-2 IT 22Propylene oxide NIOSH 1612 GC-FID GK 26-01Propylene oxide <strong>OSHA</strong> 88 GC-FID GK 26-81 An-Propyl nitrate <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-38Propyl paraben <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Pyrene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 6209 GC-MS GK 26-131 FLT 1821Pyrene (polynuclearFLT 17-07 GK 26-30-04 SPC 23NIOSH 5506HPLC-FDorganic hydrocarbons)CST 4 C / HLD 1Pyrene (polynuclear aromaticFLT 17-07 GK 26-30-04 SPC 23NIOSH 5515GC-FIDhydrocarbons)CST 4 C / HLD 1

Pyrene <strong>OSHA</strong> 58 GR, HPLC-UV FLT 7 CST 2 C / HLD 1Pyrethrin pesticides(see specific compounds)<strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Pyrethrum <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 HPLC-UV GK 26-92Pyrethrum NIOSH 5008 HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1 SP 27Pyrethrum <strong>OSHA</strong> 70 GC-ECD GK 26-30-16Pyridine NIOSH 1613 GC-FID GK 26-01Pyridine <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Pyrimethamine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Quartz (silica, crystalline)(respirable) by XRDNIOSH 7500 X FIF F / CST 803 SC CYC 1-02 C / HLD 1Quartz respirable in coal dust (silicain coal mine dust)NIOSH 7603 IR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 1-02Quinone <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30-04Rabon <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECD GK 26-30-16Ramrod <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Resmethrin (propachlor) <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 HPLC-UV GK 26-92Resmethrin <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2052 HPLC-UV GK 26-30-16Resorcinol NIOSH 5701 GC-FID GK 26-57Rhodamine B <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2072 HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Rhodamine metal fume & dust(as Rh)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA-GF F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Rhodium soluble salts (as Rh) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA-GF F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Ribavirin NIOSH 5027 HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Ronnel <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Ronnel (organophosphoruspesticides)NIOSH 5600 GC-FPD GK 26-58Ronnel <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2054 GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Rosaniline <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLCRotenone NIOSH 5007 HPLC-UV FLT 17-01 CST 2 C / HLD 1Rotenone <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV FLT 17-01 CST 2 C / HLD 1Rouge (particulates, respirable) NIOSH 0600 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 1-02Rouge (respirable dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 2 CST 3Rouge (particulates, <strong>to</strong>tal) NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Rouge (<strong>to</strong>tal dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3Roundup <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1

Rozol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Rubber solvent NIOSH 1550 GC-FID GK 26-01Rubidium <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA-GFF / CST 709 C / HLD 1 IMP 36-2 IT22Safrotin <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2050 GC-ECD F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Sarin <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Selenium (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Selenium <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Selenium Cpds. (as Se) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA-GF F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Sevin (see carbaryl)Silica (cris<strong>to</strong>balite) crystallineby VISNIOSH 7601 VAS F / CST 803 SC CYC 1-02 C / HLD 1Silica (quartz) crystalline by VIS NIOSH 7601 VAS F / CST 803 SC CYC 1-02 C / HLD 1Silica (tridymite) crystalline by VIS NIOSH 7601 VAS F / CST 803 SC CYC 1-02 C / HLD 1Silica crystalline by IR NIOSH 7602 IR F / CST 803 SC CYC 1-02 C / HLD 1Silica (quartz) crystalline by IR NIOSH 7602 IR F / CST 803 SC CYC 1-02 C / HLD 1Silica (tridymite), crystalline by IR NIOSH 7602 IR F / CST 803 SC CYC 1-02 C / HLD 1Silica quartz in coal dustFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 01-02NIOSH 7603IR(silica in coal mine dust by IR)CST 3Silica amorphous <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3Silica crystalline (respirable) byF / CST 803 SC CYC 01-02 C / HLDNIOSH 7500X DIFXRD1Silica amorphous (respirable) NIOSH 7501 X DIFF / CST 803 SC CYC 01-02 C / HLD1Silica cris<strong>to</strong>balite, respirable dust <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 142 X DIF, GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 01-02 CST3Silica crystalline quartz,FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 01-02 CST<strong>OSHA</strong> ID 142X DIF, GRrespirable dust3Silica crystalline tridymite,FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 01-02 CST<strong>OSHA</strong> ID 142X DIFrespirable dust3

Silica crystalline tripol,FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 01-02 CST<strong>OSHA</strong> ID 142X DIFrespirable dust3Silica fused, respirable dust <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 142 GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 01-02 CST3Silica (Quartz), non-respirable(see dust, <strong>to</strong>tal nuisance)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSISilicon <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3Silicon carbide (particulates,FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 01-02 CSTNIOSH 0600GRrespirable)3Silicon carbide (respirable dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 01-02 CST3Silicon carbide (particulates,<strong>to</strong>tal)NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3Silicon carbide (<strong>to</strong>tal dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3Silicon (particulates, respirable) NIOSH 0600 GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 01-02 CST3Silicon (respirable dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 01-02 CST3Silicon tetrahydride (silane) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA-GF IMP 36-2 IT 22Silicon (particulates, <strong>to</strong>tal) NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Silver (Ag) (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Silver metal & sol Cpds. (as Ag) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Silver metal % Cpds. (ICP analysisof metal / metalloid particulates fromsolder operations)<strong>OSHA</strong> ID 206 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Simazine <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 HPLC-UV GK 26-92Simazine NIOSH 5502 GC-ECD GK 26-58Simazine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Soaps<strong>to</strong>ne (respirable dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Sodium azide <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 211 IC-UVGK 26-55 FLT 8-01 CST 2SPC 23 C / HLD 1Sodium bisulfide <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Sodium carbonate (see dust,respirable nuisance)Sodium fluoride (fluorides) NIOSH 7902 ISE CF / CST 9001 C / HLD 1

Sodium fluoride (fluorides) NIOSH 7906 IC-ECN CF / CST 9001 C / HLD 1Sodium fluoroacetate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Sodium hexafluoroaluminate(fluorides)NIOSH 7902 ISE CF / CST 9001 C / HLD 1Sodium hexafluoroaluminateNIOSH 7906 IC-ECN CF / CST 9001 C / HLD 1(fluorides)Sodium hydroxide (alkaline dust) NIOSH 7401 TITRA FLT 17-01 CST 3 C / HLD 1Sodium hydroxide <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Sodium metabisulfide <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Sodium metasilicate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI NVM F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Sodium nitrate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA or IC F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Sodium nitrite <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA or IC F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Sodium o-phenyl phenate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-35 F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Sodium polyacrylate (see superabsorbent polymer)Solanesol (enviromental) (Tabaccosmoke, respirable particulates)Solder fume (ICP analysis ofmetal / metalloid particulatesfrom solder operations)Stannous-2-ethyl hexaonate(tin, organic Cpds.) (as Sn)Starch (see dust, <strong>to</strong>tal andrespirable nuisance)<strong>ASTM</strong> D 6271HPLC-UVFLT 1710 CST 3 CYC 1-02 C / HLD1<strong>OSHA</strong> ID 206 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA-GF GK 26-30-16Starch (particulates, respirable) NIOSH 0600 GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 1-02 CST3Starch (particulates, <strong>to</strong>tal) NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Stibine NIOSH 6008 VAS GK 26-10-02S<strong>to</strong>ddard solvent (naphthas) NIOSH 1550 GC-FID GK 26-01S<strong>to</strong>ddard solvent <strong>OSHA</strong> 48 GC-FID GK 26-01Strontium <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Strychnine NIOSH 5016 HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Strychnine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Styrene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5466 GC-MS Tedlar bagsStyrene (phenylethylene)hydrocarbons, aromaticNIOSH 1501 GC-FID GK 26-01

Styrene GC-FID GK 26-81 AStyrene (phenylethylene) <strong>OSHA</strong> 09 GC-FID GK 26-01Styrene (phenylethylene) <strong>OSHA</strong> 09 GC-FID GK 26-73Styrene oxide <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-36Subtiisins (proteolytic enzymes) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI BulkSucrose (see dust, <strong>to</strong>tal orrespirable nuisance)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSISucrose (particulates, respirable) NIOSH 0600 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 1-02 CST 3Sucrose (particulates, <strong>to</strong>tal) NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Sudan <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Sudan III <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Sulfamethazine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Sulfamic acid <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI IC F / CST 709 C / HLD 1m-Sulfabenzoic acid <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Sulfur (see dust <strong>to</strong>tal &respirable nuisance)Sulfur dioxide NIOSH 6004 IC CF / CST 9006 C / HLD 1Sulfur dioxide <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 104 IC F / CST 3-01 IMP 36-2 IT 22Sulfur dioxide <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 200 IC GK 26-80Sulfur dioxide (using prefilter) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 200 ICGK 26-80 FLT 1708 CST 3 C / HLD1Sulfuric acid (acids, inorganic) NIOSH 7903 IC GK 26-10-03Sulfuric acid <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 113 IC F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Sulfuric acid <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 165 SG IC GK 26-10-03Sulfuric acid mist <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4856 IC F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Sulfur monochloride <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI IC IMP 36-2 IT 22Sulfur tetrafluoride <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 110 ISE IMP 36-2 IT 22Sulfuryl fluoride NIOSH 6912 IC-ECN GK 16-09Sulfuryl fluoride <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI IC GK 26-16Sulprofos (organophosphorusNIOSH 5600 GC-FPD GK 26-58pesticides)Sulprofos <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2037 GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Super adsorbent polymers NIOSH 5035 ICP-AES or AA F / CST 802 SC C / HLD 1Sys<strong>to</strong>x (see deme<strong>to</strong>n)2, 4, 5-T <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1

Talc (containing asbes<strong>to</strong>s) (seeasbes<strong>to</strong>s)Talc (respirable, with no asbes<strong>to</strong>s) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3 CYC 1-02Tannin <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Tantalum metal, oxide duts <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3TDI (see <strong>to</strong>luene-2,4-diisocyanate)2,4-TDI (<strong>to</strong>luene diisocyanate) NIOSH 5522 HPLC-FD IMP 36-2 IT 222,4-TDI (<strong>to</strong>luene diisocyanate) <strong>OSHA</strong> 42 HPLC-UVCF / CST 9002 or CF / CST 9013 C /HLD 12,6-TDI (<strong>to</strong>luene diisocyanate) NIOSH 5522 HPLC-FD IMP 36-1 IT 222,6-TDI (<strong>to</strong>luene diisocyanate) <strong>OSHA</strong> 42 HPLC-UVCF / CST 9002 or CF / CST 9013 IT22TEDP <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Tellurium (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Tellurium <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Tellurium hexafluoride (as Te) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA GK 26-01 F / CST 3-01Temophos (respirable dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2056 GC-FPD F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Temophos (<strong>to</strong>tal dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-16TEPP <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Terbuphos (organophosphoruspesticides)NIOSH 5600 GC-FPD GK 26-58Terbuphos <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Tebuthiuron <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 HPLC-UV GK 26-92Tegi<strong>to</strong>l NP-33 <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-57Terpenes (see specific Cpds.)o-Terphenyl NIOSH 5021 GC-FID FLT 17-07 CST 2 SPC 23 C / HLD 1o-Terphenyl (see Terphenyls)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSITerphenyls <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-FD F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Terpinoil <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Tes<strong>to</strong>terone <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2001 HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Tetrabromobisphenol A <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 11, 2, 2-Tetrabromoethane NIOSH 2003 GC-FID GK 26-01Tetrabutyltin (organotin compounds)(as Sn)NIOSH 5504 HPLC, AA-GF GK 26-30 F / CST 709 C / HLD 1

1, 1, 2, 2-Tetrachloro- 1,2-di-fluorethaneNIOSH 1016 GC-FID GK 26-011, 1, 1, 2-Tetrachloro- 1,2-di-fluorethane<strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-011, 1, 1, 2-Tetrachloro- 2,2-di-fluorethaneNIOSH 1016 GC-FID GK 26-011, 1, 1, 2-Tetrachloro- 2,2-di-fluorethane<strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-011, 2, 3, 4-Tetrachlorobenzene <strong>ASTM</strong> GC-ECD GK 26-1241, 2, 3, 5-Tetrachlorobenzene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECDFLT 17-03 CST 23 GK 26-30-04 C /HLD 11, 2, 3, 5-Tetrachlorobenzene(polychlorobenzenes)NIOSH 5517 GC-ECD FLT 17-03 CST 232, 3, 7, 8-Tetrachlorobenzo-p-doxin <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI NVM IMP 36-1 IT 222, 3, 7, 8-Tetrachlorobenzofuran <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI NVM IMP 36-1 IT 221, 1, 2, 2-Tetrachloroethane NIOSH 1019 GC-FID GK 26-381, 1, 2, 2-Tetrachloroethane <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-38Tetrachloroethylene(hydrocarbons, halogenated)NIOSH 1003 GC-FID GK 26-01Tetrachloroethylene(perchloroethylene)<strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Tetrachloroethylene(perchloroethylene)<strong>OSHA</strong> 1001 GC-FID GK 26-01Tetrachloronaphthalene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-30-162, 3, 4, 6-Tetrachlorophenol <strong>OSHA</strong> 45 HPLC-UV GK 26-97Tetraethylene glycol NIOSH 5523 GC-FID GK 26-57Tetraethylene glycol diacrylate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-95Tetraethylene glycol dimethacrylate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-95Tetraethylenepentamine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV FLT 7 CST 2 C / HLD 1Tetraethyl lead (as Pb) NIOSH 2533 GC-FID GK 26-30-04Tetraethyl lead (as Pb) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA GK 26-01 F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Tetraethyl pyrophosphate NIOSH 2504 GC-FPD GK 26-105Tetraethyl tin <strong>OSHA</strong> 110 GC-FID GK 26-95Tetrahydrofuran NIOSH 1609 GC-FID GK 26-01Tetrahydrofuran <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01

1, 2, 3, 4-Tetraethyl benzene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-011, 2, 3, 5-Tetraethyl benzene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-011, 2, 4, 5-Tetraethyl benzene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Tetramethyldiamine benzophenone <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1N`, N`, N`-Tetramethylethylenediamine<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-NPD IMP 36-1 IT 22Tetramethyl lead (as Pb) NIOSH 2534 GC-FID GK 26-30-06Tetramethyl lead (as Pb) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA F / CST 709 C / HLD 1 GK 26-01Tetramethyl succinonitrile <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Tetramethyl thiouram disulfide(see Thiram, 2427)Tetramethyl Thiourea NIOSH 3505 VAS IMP 36-01 IT 22Tetramethyl tin <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2057 GC-FID GK 26-01Tetranitromethane NIOSH 3513 GC-NPD IMP 36-1 IT 22Tetranitromethane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-NPD IMP 36-1 IT 22Tetrasodium pyrophosphate <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 GR, IC FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Tetrasodium pyrophosphate <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Teryl (2, 4, 6-Trinitrophenylmethylnitramine)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI CLR F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Thallium (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Thallium (soluble) (as Tl) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Timet (phorate) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-16Thiobencarb (organonitrogenpesticides)NIOSH 5501 HPLC-UV GK 26-58 or GK 26-30-164,4`-Thiobis 6-tert-butyl-m-cresol(respirable dust)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 14,4`-Thiobis 6-tert-butyl-m-cresol(<strong>to</strong>tal dust)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Thioglycolic acid <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV IMP 36-1 IT 22Thionyl chloride <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI IC IMP 36-1 IT 22Thiophanate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Thiophanate-methyl <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2058 HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Thiophene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-01Thiourea <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2059 HPLC-UV F / CST 706 C / HLD 1Thiram NIOSH 5005 HPLC-UV FLT 17-01 CST 2 C / HLD 1Thorium <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI N ACT F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1

L-Thyroxine <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2117 HPLC-UV F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Tin (organic Cpds.) (as Sn)(organotin Cpds.)NIOSH 5504 HPLC, AA-GF GK 26-30 F / CST 706Tin (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Tin (organic Cpds.) (as Sn)(see specific Cpds.)Tin (inorganic Cpds., except oxides)(as Sn)<strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Tin ICP analysis of metal / metalloidparticulates from solder operations<strong>OSHA</strong> ID 206 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Tin oxide (as Sn) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Titanium (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Titanium (see titanium dioxide)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSITitanium dioxideFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 01-02 CSTNIOSH 0600GR(particulates, respirable)3Titanium dioxide(particulates, <strong>to</strong>tal)NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Titanium dioxide (<strong>to</strong>tal dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3TNT (2, 4, 6-trinitro<strong>to</strong>luene) <strong>OSHA</strong> 44 GC-TEA-EAP GK 26-56o-Tolidine <strong>OSHA</strong> 71 GC-ECD CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 1o-Tolidine based dyes <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV FLT 17-7 CST 3 C / HLD 1o-Tolidine dyes (dyes, benzidine) NIOSH 5113 HPLC-UV FLT 17-7 CST 3 C / HLD 1m-Tolualdehyde <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5197 HPLC-UV GK 26-120 or GK 26-119o-Tolualdehyde <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5197 HPLC-UV GK 26-120 or GK 26-119p-Tolualdehyde <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5197 HPLC-UV GK 26-120 or GK 26-119o-Toluamide <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Toluene (HCs, Bp 36-126°C) NIOSH 1500 GC-FID GK 26-01Toluene (HCs, aromatic) NIOSH 1501 GC-FID GK 26-01Toluene <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Toluene <strong>OSHA</strong> 111 GC-FID GK 26-81 A or GK 26-01Toluene-2,4-diamine <strong>OSHA</strong> 65 GC-ECD CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 1Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate (TDI) <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5836 HPLC-UV, -FD CF / CST 9002 C / HLD 1Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate (TDI) NIOSH 2535 HPLC-UV Special orderToluene-2,4-diisocyanate (TDI)(isocyanates)NIOSH 5521 HPLC-ELCHM-UV IMP 36-1 IT 22

Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate (TDI) <strong>OSHA</strong> 42 HPLC-UVCF / CST 9002 or CF / CST 9013 C /HLD 1Toluene-2,6-diamine <strong>OSHA</strong> 65 GC-ECD CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 1Toluene-2,6-diisocyanate (TDI) <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5836 HPLC-UV, FD CF / CST 9002 C / HLD 1Toluene-2,6-diisocyanate (TDI)(isocyanates)NIOSH 5521 HPLC-ELCHM IMP 36-1 IT 22Toluene-2,6-diisocyanate (TDI) <strong>OSHA</strong> 42 HPLC-UV CF / CST 9002 + 9013 C / HLD 12,4-Toluenediamine NIOSH 5516 HPLC-UV IMP 36-1 IT 222,4-Toluenediamine <strong>OSHA</strong> 65 GC-ECD CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 12,6-Toluenediamine NIOSH 5516 HPLC-UV IMP 36-1 IT 222,6-Toluenediamine <strong>OSHA</strong> 65 GC-ECD CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 1p-Toluene sulfonic acid NIOSH 5043 HPLC-UV FLT 16 CST 32p-Toluene sulfonic acid <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV IMP 36-1 IT 22p-Toluene sulfonic acid <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV IMP 36-1 IT 22m-Toluidine <strong>OSHA</strong> 73 GC-ECD CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 1o-Toluidine (amines, aromatic) NIOSH 2002 GC-FID GK 26-10o-Toluidine NIOSH 2017 GC-FID CF / CST 9004 GK 26-15o-Toluidine <strong>OSHA</strong> 73 GC-ECD CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 1p-Toluidine <strong>OSHA</strong> 73 GC-ECD CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 1o-Toluidine based dyes <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV FLT 17-04 CST 3 C / HLD 1Tremolite (see asbes<strong>to</strong>s fibers) NIOSH 7400Tremolite Fibers (see asbes<strong>to</strong>s) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 160Trially isocyanurate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-NPD GK 26-01Triazine pesticides <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Tributyl phosphate NIOSH 5043 GC-FPD F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Tributyl phosphate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Tributyl phosphorotrithioate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID IMP 36-1 IT 22Tributyl phosphorotrithioate (DEF) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD IMP 36-1 IT 22Tributyltin benzoate (tin, organicCpds.) (as Sn)<strong>OSHA</strong> ID 222 SG AA-GF F / CST 803 SC C / HLD 1Tributyltin chloride (organotin Cpds.)(as Sn)NIOSH 5504 HPLC, AA-GF GK 26-30 F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Tributyltin fluoride (tin organicCpds.) (as Sn)<strong>OSHA</strong> ID 223 SG AA-GF F / CST 803 SC C / HLD 1Tributyltin neodecanoate (see tin,organic Cpds.)

Trichlorfon <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FPD GK 26-30-161, 1, 2-Trichloro-1, 2, 2-trifluoroethaneNIOSH 1020 GC-FID GK 26-011, 1, 2-Trichloro-1, 2, 2-trifluoroethane<strong>OSHA</strong> 113 GC-FID GK 26-011-1-1-Trichloro-2,2,2-trichloroethane <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Trichloroacetic acid <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2017 HPLC-UV GK 26-101, 2, 3-Trichlorobenzene <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-1241, 2, 3-Trichlorobenzene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECDGK 26-30-04 FLT 17-03 CST 33 C /HLD 11, 2, 4-TrichlorobenzeneGK 26-30-04 FLT 17-03 CST 33 C /NIOSH 5517GC-ECD(polychlorobenzenes)HLD 11, 2, 4-Trichlorobenzene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECDGK 26-30-04 FLT 17-03 CST 33 C /HLD 11, 1, 1-Trichloroethane (methylchloroform) (HCs, halogenated)NIOSH 1003 GC-FID GK 26-011, 1, 2-Trichloroethane <strong>OSHA</strong> 11 GC-FID GK 26-121Trichloroethylene NIOSH 1022 GC-FID GK 26-01Trichloroethylene <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Trichloroethylene <strong>OSHA</strong> 1001 GC-FID GK 26-01Trichlorofluoromethane(fluorotrichloromethane)NIOSH 1006 GC-FID GK 26-09Trichloronaphthalene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-ECD GK 26-30-162, 4, 5-Trichlorophenol <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-922, 4, 5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid(see 2,4,5-T)1, 2, 3-Trichloropropane(HCs, halogenated)NIOSH 1003 GC-FID GK 26-011, 2, 3-Trichloropropane <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-012, 3, 6-Trichloro<strong>to</strong>luene <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Tricyclohexyltin hydroxide (organotinCpds.) (as Sn)NIOSH 5504 HPLC, AA-GF GK 26-30 F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Tridymite (silica, crystalline)F / CST 803 SC CYC 01-02 C / HLDNIOSH 7500X DIF(respirable) by XRD1

Triethanolamine (TEA)(aminoethanol Cpds. II)NIOSH 3509 IC IMP 36-1 IT 22Triethanolamine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Triethylamine <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2060 GC-FID GK 26-98Triethylene glycol NIOSH 5523 GC-FID GK 26-57Triethylenetetramine (TETA) <strong>OSHA</strong> 60 HPLC-UV GK 26-30-18Trifluorobromomethane NIOSH 1017 GC-FID GK 26-01 GK 26-092, 2, 2-Trifluoroethanol <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-01Trifluoromonobromomethane(trifluorobromoethane)NIOSH 1017 GC-FID GK 26-01 GK 26-09Trifluoromonobromomethane <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01 GK 26-09Trifluralin <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Trifluralin <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-921, 3, 5-Triglycidyl isocyanate <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2055 GC-ECD FLT 7 CST 2 C / HLD 1Trimellitic anhydride (TMA) NIOSH 5036 GC-FID F / CST 802 SC C / HLD 1Trimellitic anhydride (TMA) <strong>OSHA</strong> 98 HPLC-UV FLT 7 CST 3 C / HLD 12, 2, 4-Trimethyl-1,3-pentane-dioldiisobutyrate<strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2002 GC-FID GK 26-10Trimethylamine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-NPD GK 26-98Trimethylbenzene <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2091 GC-FID GK 26-011, 2, 3-Trimethylbenzene (seetrimethyl benzene)<strong>OSHA</strong> PV 20911, 2, 4-Trimethylbenzene(see trimethyl benzene)<strong>OSHA</strong> PV 20911, 3, 5-Trimethylbenzene(see trimethyl benzene)<strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2091N, N, N`-Trimethyl-N`-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-1,3-propanediamine<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-NPD IMP 36-1 IT 22Trimethylolethane trinitrate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-35-03Trimethylolpropane triacrylate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-25Trimethyltin dichloride NIOSH 5526 GC-FPD GK 26-30-162, 4, 7-Trinitro-9-fluorenone <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV FLT 17 CST 3 C / HLD 12, 4, 7-Trinitrofuoren-9-one NIOSH 5018 HPLC-UV FLT 17-04 CST 3 C / HLD 12, 4, 6-Trinitro<strong>to</strong>luene (TNT) <strong>OSHA</strong> 44 GC-TEA-EAP GK 26-56Triorthocresyl phosphate NIOSH 5037 GC-FPD F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1

Triphenylamine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV IMP 36-2 IT 22Triphenyl phosphate NIOSH 5038 GC-FPD F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Triphenyltin fluoride (tin, organicCpds.) (as Sn)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI AA-GF F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Triphenyltin hydroxide (tin, organicCpds.) (as Sn)<strong>OSHA</strong> ID 225 SG AA-GF F / CST 709 C / HLD 1Tripropylene glycol diacrylate(TPGDA)GC-FID GK 26-56Tripropylene glycol diacrylate <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-95Trypsin <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI IRA FLT 1713 C / HLD 1Tungsten, insoluble NIOSH 7074 AA-F F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Tungsten, soluble NIOSH 7074 AA-F F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Tungsten, insoluble (as W) Elem. NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Tungsten & Cpds. (insol.) (as W) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 213 ICP F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Tungsten & Cpds. (sol.) (as W) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 213 ICP F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Turpentine NIOSH 1551 GC-FID GK 26-01Uranium (insoluble Cpds.) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI ICP F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Uranium (as U) soluble Cpds. <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI DPCSP F/ CST 803 SC C / HLD 1Uranium (soluble Cpds.) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 170 SG POL F/ CST 803 SC C / HLD 1Urea pesticides <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4861 GC-ECD GK 26-92Valeraldehyde <strong>ASTM</strong> D 5197 HPLC-UV GK 26-120 or GK 26-119Valeraldehyde NIOSH 2526 GC-FID GK 26-118n-Valeraldehyde (aldehydes,screening)NIOSH 2539 GC-FID, -MS GK 26-118n-Valeraldehyde <strong>OSHA</strong> 85 HPLC-UV CF / CST 9020 C / HLD 1Vanadium Metal (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Vanadium fume (V205) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125 SG ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Vanadium oxides NIOSH 7504 X DIFF / CST 803 SC C / HLD 1 CYC 01-02Vanadium pen<strong>to</strong>xide (seeVanadium oxides)NIOSH 7504X DIFVanadium pen<strong>to</strong>xideF / CST 803 SC C / HLD 1 CYC 01-<strong>OSHA</strong> ID 185X DIF(confirmation of)02Vanadium (respirable dust) (V205) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125 SG ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 / HLD 1 CYC 01-02Vanadium trioxide (see V. oxides)

Vegetable oil mist (see dust,respirable & <strong>to</strong>tal nuisance)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSIVermiculite (see dust, respirable &<strong>to</strong>tal nuisance)N-Vinyl-2-pyrrolidione <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2106 GC-FID GK 26-01Vinyl acetate GC GK 26-68Vinyl bromide NIOSH 1009 GC-FID GK 26-09Vinyl bromide <strong>OSHA</strong> 08 GC-FID GK 26-01Vinyl chloride <strong>ASTM</strong> D 4766 GC-FID GK 26-16Vinyl chloride NIOSH 1007 GC-FID GK 26-01Vinyl cyclohexene dioxide <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2083 GC-FID GK 26-30Vinylidene chloride NIOSH 1015 GC-FID GK 26-01Vinylidene chloride <strong>OSHA</strong> 19 GC-FID GK 26-01Vinyl <strong>to</strong>luene (HCs, aromatic) NIOSH 1015 GC-FID GK 26-01Vinyl <strong>to</strong>luene <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01VM & P naphtha (naphthas) NIOSH 1550 GC-FID GK 26-01VM & P naphtha <strong>OSHA</strong> 48 GC-FID GK 26-01Volatile organic compounds <strong>ASTM</strong> D 6196 GCGK 26-336 or GK 26-332 orGK 26-328, 26-337, 26-330Volatile organic compounds(screening)NIOSH 2549 GC-MS GK 26-330 or GK 26-338Volatile organica GC-PID-ENC GK 26-127Vydate (Oxamyl) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC GK 26-30-16Warfarin NIOSH 5002 HPLC-UV FLT 17-01 CST 2 C / HLD 1Welding fumes (<strong>to</strong>tal, particulate) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125 G ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Wemicide CW 104 <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI HPLC-UV GK 26-30-16Wollas<strong>to</strong>nite (see dust, <strong>to</strong>tal andrespirable nuisance)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSIWood alcohol (methanol) NIOSH 2000 GC-FID GK 26-51Wood dust (except westernred cedar)<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3Wood dust (western red cedar) <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3Wood dust, hardwood <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3Wood dust, softwood <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3Wood spirit (methanol) NIOSH 2000 GC-FID GK 26-51Xylene (HCs, aromatic) NIOSH 1501 GC-FID GK 26-01

Xylene (o-, m- & p-isomers) <strong>OSHA</strong> 07 GC-FID GK 26-01Xylene (o-, m- & p-isomers) <strong>OSHA</strong> 1002 GC-FID GK 26-01m-Xylenediamine (mXDA) <strong>OSHA</strong> 105 HPLC-UV CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 1p-Xylenediamine (pXDA) <strong>OSHA</strong> 105 HPLC-UV CF / CST 9004 C / HLD 1Xylidine <strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GC-FID GK 26-102,4-Xylidine (amines, aromatic) NIOSH 2002 GC-FID, -NSD GK 26-10Yttrium (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Yttrium <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Zinc & Cpds. (as Zn) NIOSH 7030 AA-F F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Zinc (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Zinc <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Zinc <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125 G ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Zinc bromide (see<strong>to</strong>tal and nuisance)Zinc chloride fume <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Zinc chloride fume <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125 G ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Zinc chromates (as CrO3) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 215 G IC-UV F / CST 802 SC C / HLD 1Zinc dibutyldithiocarbamate <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2065 HPLC-UV GK 26-30-16Zinc oxide (as Zn) (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Zinc oxide NIOSH 7502 X DIF FLT 807 CST 3Zinc oxide dust (see dust,<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI<strong>to</strong>tal & respirable)Zinc oxide fume <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Zinc oxide fume <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125 G ICP-AES FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Zinc oxide fume <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 143 GR, X DIF FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Zinc oxide fume (ICP analysis ofMetal / Metalloid particulates fromsolder operations)<strong>OSHA</strong> ID 206 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Zinc oxide (particulates, respirable) NIOSH 0600 GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 01-02 CST3Zinc oxide (particulates, <strong>to</strong>tal) NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 2Zinc stearate(particulates, respirable)Zinc stearate(respirable, dust)NIOSH 0600GRFLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CYC 01-02 CST3<strong>OSHA</strong> CSI GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3

Zinc stearate(particulates, <strong>to</strong>tal)NIOSH 0500 GR FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3Zinc stearate (<strong>to</strong>tal dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Zinc stearate (<strong>to</strong>tal dust) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 125 G ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Zineb <strong>OSHA</strong> 107 HPLC-UV F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Ziram <strong>OSHA</strong> PV 2073 HPLC-UV GK 26-30-16Zirconium (elements) NIOSH 7300 ICP-AES F / CST 3-01 C / HLD 1Zirconium Cpds. (as Zr) <strong>OSHA</strong> ID 121 AA or AES FLT 8-01 C / HLD 1 CST 3

LABCLABORTECHNIKLuftprobennahmezubehör / Airsampling equipmentC Kapsel HLD SammelkopfCF / CST behandelte Filter in Kassette IMP ImpingerC / HLD Filterkassetten und Zyklon- IT Impinger-FalleHalterCSS wiederverwendbare Kassette PUF Polyurethan-SchaumCST Filterkassette SB ProbenahmebeutelDRT Trockenröhrchen SNC SiebF / CST vorgelegene Filter SP StützscheibenFLT Filter GK GK-AdsorptionsröhrchenFLT / CL Filterkassette mit KonusAnalyseverfahren / Analytical-methodsAA A<strong>to</strong>madsorption GC- Gaschroma<strong>to</strong>graphy,FPDPAA-F A<strong>to</strong>madsorption flame phosphorus specific flameAA-FLARGAN A<strong>to</strong>madsorption flame pho<strong>to</strong>metric detec<strong>to</strong>rArsineproduction GC-MS Gaschroma<strong>to</strong>graphy massAA-GF A<strong>to</strong>madsorption spectros- spectrometrycopy graphite a<strong>to</strong>mizer GC-NPD Gaschroma<strong>to</strong>graphy nitrogenAA-HGA A<strong>to</strong>madsorption spectros- phosphorus detec<strong>to</strong>rcopy high temperature GC-NSD Gaschroma<strong>to</strong>graphy nitrogengraphite a<strong>to</strong>mizerspecific detec<strong>to</strong>rAES A<strong>to</strong>mic emission spectroscopy GC-PID Gaschroma<strong>to</strong>graphy, pho<strong>to</strong>-ASV Anodic stripping voltammetry ionization detec<strong>to</strong>rCLR Spectropho<strong>to</strong>metric method GC-TCD Gaschroma<strong>to</strong>graphy thermalor colorimeterconductivity detec<strong>to</strong>rDET TB Color-indicating detec<strong>to</strong>r tube GC-TEA Gaschroma<strong>to</strong>graphy withDPCSP Differential pulse cathodic thermal energy analyzerstripping polarography GR Gravimetric analysisDR Direct reading GR+SE Gravimetric with solvent extractionDRI Direct reading instrument HD Heat desorptionDPP Differential pulse polarography HPLC High pessure liquid chroma<strong>to</strong>graphyEAP Explosives analysis package HPLC- High pessure liquid chroma<strong>to</strong>graphyFDEC-FID Electrolytic capture-flame with fluoresence detec<strong>to</strong>rionization detec<strong>to</strong>rHPLC-UVHigh pessure liquid chroma<strong>to</strong>graphySeite 1LABC-Labortechnik • Müller & Zillger GbR • Frankfurter Straße 22 b • D-53773 Hennef • TEL.: ++49-2242-4579 • Fax: • Besuchen Sie uns im Internet:

LABCLABORTECHNIKEGA-TOS Envolved gas analysis with with UV detec<strong>to</strong>rthermal-optical sensor IC Ion chroma<strong>to</strong>graphyELCHM Electrochemical detec<strong>to</strong>r IC-ECN Ion chroma<strong>to</strong>graphy/electro-FLUOR Fluorsence lytic conductivity detec<strong>to</strong>rGC Gaschroma<strong>to</strong>graphy IC-AA Ion chroma<strong>to</strong>graphy with a<strong>to</strong>micGC-AED Gaschroma<strong>to</strong>graphy a<strong>to</strong>mic adsorption spectropho<strong>to</strong>meteremission detectiondetec<strong>to</strong>rGC-AL-FID Gaschroma<strong>to</strong>graphy alkali ICP-DCP Inductively coupled plasma/flame ionization detec<strong>to</strong>rdirectly coupled plasmaGC-DID Gaschroma<strong>to</strong>graphy discharge IR Infrared spectropho<strong>to</strong>metryionization detec<strong>to</strong>r IRA Immunoradiometric assayGC-ECD Gaschroma<strong>to</strong>graphy electron N ACT Neutron activationcapture detec<strong>to</strong>r NVM No validated methodGC-ECN Gaschroma<strong>to</strong>graphy OVA Organic vapor analyzerelec<strong>to</strong>lytic conductivity PES Plasma emission spectrometrydetec<strong>to</strong>r PCM Phase contrast microscopyGC-FID Gaschroma<strong>to</strong>graphy flame POL Polarographyionization detec<strong>to</strong>r SP I EL Specific ion electrodeGC-FPD Gaschroma<strong>to</strong>graphy flame TEA Thermal energy analyzerpho<strong>to</strong>metric detec<strong>to</strong>r TEM Transmission electron microscopyGC-FPDS Gaschroma<strong>to</strong>graphy, sulfur- TITRA Titrationspecific flame pho<strong>to</strong>metric VAS Visible adsorption spectropho<strong>to</strong>metrydetec<strong>to</strong>r W WipeX DIF X-Ray diffractionX FL X-Ray fluoresenceSeite 2LABC-Labortechnik • Müller & Zillger GbR • Frankfurter Straße 22 b • D-53773 Hennef • TEL.: ++49-2242-4579 • Fax: • Besuchen Sie uns im Internet:

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