Schedule 1 - Faculty of Arts - Monash University

Schedule 1 - Faculty of Arts - Monash University

Schedule 1 - Faculty of Arts - Monash University


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If necessary this period <strong>of</strong> four years can be extended by a further six months in accordancewith the rules in force at both <strong>of</strong> the institutions.Date <strong>of</strong> first enrolment___________________________________________Period <strong>of</strong> prior candidature (where relevant) ___________________________________________Intended dates and duration <strong>of</strong> study at home institution _________________________________Intended dates and duration <strong>of</strong> study at host institution ___________________________________4. <strong>University</strong> where candidate pays enrolment feesThe Candidate is enrolled as a doctoral candidate in (insert discipline). The Candidate willrenew her/his enrolment for each year <strong>of</strong> candidature. The Candidate will pay enrolment feesor charges, as applicable, to <strong>Monash</strong> <strong>University</strong>/Freie Universität Berlin (delete as relevant)and <strong>Monash</strong> <strong>University</strong>/Freie Universität Berlin (delete as relevant) will exempt her/him frompaying enrolment fees to it.5. Candidate responsibilityThe Candidate is required to:- obtain the required candidate visa and any other document which covers temporaryresidency in Germany/Australia (delete as relevant), at her/his own expense. FreieUniversität Berlin/<strong>Monash</strong> <strong>University</strong> (delete as relevant) will provide any necessary visadocuments.- purchase health insurance for overseas candidates while in Germany/Australia (delete asrelevant), for which the Candidate will receive information from Freie UniversitätBerlin/<strong>Monash</strong> <strong>University</strong> (delete as relevant).The Candidate must abide by all rules and regulations <strong>of</strong> Freie Universität Berlin/<strong>Monash</strong><strong>University</strong> (delete as relevant) while at Freie Universität Berlin/<strong>Monash</strong> <strong>University</strong> (delete asrelevant) and is subject to the normal disciplinary policies <strong>of</strong> the host university.The Candidate is responsible for the following:- accommodation;- transportation to and from Freie Universität Berlin/<strong>Monash</strong> <strong>University</strong> (delete as relevant);- medical insurance and/or medical expenses;- insurances covering travel and personal liabilities incurred while not on the universitycampus;- textbooks, clothing, food and personal expenses;- passport and visa costs;- incidental fees and charges;- all debts incurred during the course <strong>of</strong> the period <strong>of</strong> study at Freie UniversitätBerlin/<strong>Monash</strong> <strong>University</strong> (delete as relevant).6. Candidate incomeThe Candidate is in receipt <strong>of</strong> (insert scholarship details if any).The Candidate must ensure that he/she has adequate income support in addition to anyscholarship support to cover all costs associated with participating in the program asindicated in clause 5 above.7. SupervisionAt <strong>Monash</strong>, the Candidate will prepare his/her doctoral thesis under the supervision <strong>of</strong> (insertfull name <strong>of</strong> supervisor) (academic unit).agreement.docx2 FUB_<strong>Arts</strong>_MOU 2012 Engl final thesis

At Freie Universität Berlin the Candidate will prepare his/her doctoral thesis under thesupervision <strong>of</strong> (insert full name <strong>of</strong> other supervisor) (academic unit).The two Supervisors will undertake to collaborate in their guidance <strong>of</strong> the Candidate. As aresult, they will combine their efforts and will communicate regularly with one another in orderto evaluate the progress <strong>of</strong> the PhD candidate in his/her research.The contracting Universities, through the <strong>of</strong>fices <strong>of</strong> their respective thesis supervisors,undertake to exchange all information and documentation useful for the purposes <strong>of</strong>organizing the co-direction <strong>of</strong> the Candidate’s PhD thesis which is the subject <strong>of</strong> the presentagreement.8. General conditions <strong>of</strong> candidatureUnless expressly varied by agreement, the Freie Universität Berlin/<strong>Monash</strong> <strong>University</strong> (deleteas relevant) guidelines and regulations pertaining to the following shall apply to thiscandidate:• eligibility for admission (including language – insert details if required)• development <strong>of</strong> research proposal• confirmation <strong>of</strong> candidature• ongoing formal assessment <strong>of</strong> programs• ethics approval• variations to candidature• termination and discipline/research misconduct proceduresIn the following areas, the regulations that apply at the institution wherever the candidate iscurrently residing and studying shall apply:9. Examination• Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental protocols and/or regulations• Grievance and Appeal ProceduresThe examination will be conducted under the following principles:1. The PhD thesis will be submitted in writing to both supervisors prior to final submission,who will assess it for suitability and quality. The format <strong>of</strong> the thesis will follow guidelinesto the satisfaction <strong>of</strong> both institutions. The thesis shall normally be no longer than100,000 words in length and will be written in the language <strong>of</strong> the home institution. A500-word summary abstract will be prepared in both the language <strong>of</strong> the home institutionand the language <strong>of</strong> the host institution.2. The thesis will be evaluated by four people, appointed and approved by both institutions,consisting <strong>of</strong>:- Two external and independent examiners (<strong>Monash</strong> requirement)- The two supervisors/ internal examiners (Freie Universität Berlin requirement).3. The examiners shall submit a written assessment <strong>of</strong> the thesis with a recommendationthat the thesis be passed (including a proposed grade), be resubmitted once in a revisedformat, or be failed.4. An overall pass for the thesis component will require a pass assessment from aminimum <strong>of</strong> 3 <strong>of</strong> the 4 thesis examiners, including the two external examiners. If the twoexternal examiners disagree on passing the thesis, a third external referee shall beappointed, whose assessment will be final.5. Upon acceptance <strong>of</strong> the thesis, the Candidate will undergo a public oral examinationprocess according to the procedures in use at Freie Universität Berlin involving allmembers <strong>of</strong> the examiners commission. The examiners commission will be made up <strong>of</strong>six people, appointed and approved by both institutions, consisting <strong>of</strong>:- Two external examiners (<strong>Monash</strong> requirement)agreement.docx3 FUB_<strong>Arts</strong>_MOU 2012 Engl final thesis

- The two supervisors/ internal examiners (Freie Universität Berlin requirement)- One additional pr<strong>of</strong>essor each from <strong>Monash</strong> and Freie Universität Berlin.6. The oral exam should take place within four months <strong>of</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong> the examinersassessment <strong>of</strong> the thesis.7. The oral exam for the Candidate will take place at Freie Universität Berlin. TheCandidate must be present in person.8. All members <strong>of</strong> the examiners commission should participate in the oral exam.9. The language <strong>of</strong> the oral exam must be fluently understood by all examiners. The roles<strong>of</strong> all examiners in the examination process will be made explicit before they are <strong>of</strong>ficiallyinvited to examine the work.10. Any travel and accommodation costs associated with attending the oral examination willbe borne by the candidate’s home academic unit. Any other costs associated withrunning the oral examination will be borne by Freie Universität Berlin. Confirmation <strong>of</strong>funding for the examination process must be in place at the commencement <strong>of</strong> thecandidature.11. Upon completion <strong>of</strong> the oral defence the final grade will be determined, by taking intoconsideration the individual grades <strong>of</strong> the thesis and oral exam. The thesis and oralexam will be graded with the following grades:- summa cum laude (with distinction)- magna cum laude (very good)- cum laude (good)- rite (satisfactory)The grade will appear on the testamur with a statement confirming the grade is awardedas a requirement <strong>of</strong> Freie Universität Berlin degree regulations.12. In the case <strong>of</strong> a fail, the Candidate can re-sit the oral exam once. The exam must takeplace no earlier than three months after the first failed attempt and no later than sixmonths after the first failed attempt.13. Once the examination is finalised, the thesis must be published, either in hard copy or asan e-thesis, according to publication <strong>of</strong> thesis regulations <strong>of</strong> both institutions. <strong>Monash</strong>requires hard copy publication. The publication must be made within two years after thedate <strong>of</strong> the oral exam in order for the Candidate to be eligible for the joint-award title.14. Candidates may wish to apply a temporary embargo on publication <strong>of</strong> their thesis in bothhard copy and electronic form while pursuing intellectual property rights or a relevantpatent on the commercial outcomes <strong>of</strong> their research material. As publication <strong>of</strong> thethesis is a requirement for graduation for Freie Universität Berlin in such casescandidates must deposit a full text file <strong>of</strong> the eThesis in the online repository <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Monash</strong> <strong>University</strong> Library, but may request an embargo <strong>of</strong> the e-thesis from publicaccess up to a maximum <strong>of</strong> two years from the date <strong>of</strong> the oral exam. During this timethe title and abstract will be publicly available but confidential material may be removedfrom the abstract <strong>of</strong> the eThesis until the embargo is lifted. In such cases candidates willnot be eligible to carry the title <strong>of</strong> their degree until the embargo is lifted.15. Candidates wishing to follow <strong>Monash</strong> regulations allowing the right to embargo a thesisfor up to three years will fail to meet the Freie Universität Berlin requirement to have thethesis published within two years, and therefore will forfeit the opportunity to graduatewith a degree from Freie Universität Berlin (such candidates will be advised to withdrawfrom the joint program and to instead enrol only in the <strong>Monash</strong> program, prior to the finalsubmission <strong>of</strong> their thesis).16. The last chance for the Candidate to withdraw from the joint award program (for anyreason), and instead take out a single award with Freie Universität Berlin is prior tosubmission <strong>of</strong> the thesis. The Candidate may however withdraw from the joint awardagreement.docx4 FUB_<strong>Arts</strong>_MOU 2012 Engl final thesis

program after submission <strong>of</strong> the thesis (for any reason) and apply for the single <strong>Monash</strong>award instead (if eligible).10. Publication <strong>of</strong> thesisAt <strong>Monash</strong>, the procedures for depositing and publishing theses are regulated by the<strong>University</strong>’s Research Graduate School Regulations. At Freie Universität Berlin theseprocedures are governed by the Doctoral Regulations <strong>of</strong> the Department <strong>of</strong> Philosophy andHumanities.The thesis will be deposited at both universities.11. Title and Diploma/CertificateThe testamur for this award is a joint testamur and will be produced in both English andGerman.The format <strong>of</strong> the testamur is as attached in <strong>Schedule</strong> 2.Candidates are advised that production <strong>of</strong> testamurs may take some time and that sufficientnotice <strong>of</strong> intention to graduate must be given to each institution.12. Intellectual PropertyThe Candidate will own copyright in the thesis.Where a candidate creates Intellectual Property during the course <strong>of</strong> the project (other thanthe copyright in his or her thesis) the candidate will own that Intellectual Property unless thecandidate has assigned his or her rights to one or both <strong>of</strong> the Parties. An assignment by thecandidate must be in writing.agreement.docx5 FUB_<strong>Arts</strong>_MOU 2012 Engl final thesis

13. ExecutionSigned for and on behalf <strong>of</strong> )<strong>Monash</strong> <strong>University</strong> by )Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Max King,) ……………………………………………………Chair )<strong>Monash</strong> Research Graduate School Committee )In the presence <strong>of</strong>:…………………………………………………Signed for and on behalf <strong>of</strong> )Freie Universität Berlin by )Pr<strong>of</strong>. Dr. Doris Kolesch, )……………………………………………………..Dean )Department <strong>of</strong> Philosophy and Humanities )In the presence <strong>of</strong>:………………………………………………..The Candidate acknowledges that he or she has read and understood the Joint Thesis Agreement:.................................................. .................................................(name <strong>of</strong> signatory)(signature)..................................................(date)agreement.docx6 FUB_<strong>Arts</strong>_MOU 2012 Engl final thesis

<strong>Schedule</strong> 2M O N A S HU N I V E R S I T Y[pdf 1] [pdf 2]Der Fachbereich (Name des Fachbereichs)der Freien Universität Berlinunter der Präsidentin / dem PräsidentenUniv.-Pr<strong>of</strong>. Dr. N.N.undder Universitätsratder <strong>Monash</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Clayton (Australia)unter der Präsidentin / dem PräsidentenPr<strong>of</strong>. N.N.verleihen gemeinsamHerrn / Frau (Name, Vorname)geboren am (Datum) in (Ort)den Grad einesDoctor <strong>of</strong> Philosophy (Ph.D.)Er / Sie hat in einem ordnungsgemäßen, gemeinsam von beiden Einrichtungen durchgeführtenPromotionsverfahren durch die Dissertation(Titel der Dissertation) mit der Note (Prädikat)und eine mündlichen Prüfung (Disputation) mit der Note (Prädikat)seine / ihre wissenschaftliche Befähigung bewiesen und als Gesamturteil(Prädikat)erhalten.[Seal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Monash</strong> <strong>University</strong> embossed on pre-printed seal mark]SignatureChancellorSignatureVice-Chancellor and President[Seal <strong>of</strong> theFreie Universität Berlin andsignatures as required]agreement.docx7 FUB_<strong>Arts</strong>_MOU 2012 Engl final thesis

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