Master Resilience Training - 9Line LLC

Master Resilience Training - 9Line LLC Master Resilience Training - 9Line LLC


Emotional Effectiveness• We all have emotions that we handle effectivelyand other emotions that we don’t handle aseffectively as we need to.• Identify your effectiveness with a variety ofemotions.Copyright © 2010 by The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.36

Thought-ConsequenceConnectionsThoughtsLoss(I have lost something.)Danger(Something bad is going to happen and Ican’t handle it.)Trespass(I have been harmed.)Inflicting harm(I have caused harm.)Negative comparison(I don’t measure up.)Positive contribution(I contributed in a positive way.)Appreciating what you havereceived(I have received a gift that I value.)Positive future(Things can change for the better.)Emotions/ReactionsSadness/WithdrawalAnxiety/AgitationAnger/AggressionGuilt/ApologizingEmbarrassment/HidingPride/Sharing, planning futureachievementsGratitude/Giving back, payingforwardHope/Energizing, taking actionCopyright © 2010 by The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.37

Emotional Effectiveness• We all have emotions that we handle effectivelyand other emotions that we don’t handle aseffectively as we need to.• Identify your effectiveness with a variety ofemotions.Copyright © 2010 by The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.36

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