Annex: Methodology 1 STRATEGY - MADR

Annex: Methodology 1 STRATEGY - MADR

Annex: Methodology 1 STRATEGY - MADR


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Updating of Mid-Term Evaluation of SAPARD in Romania for the period 2000-2005In making a reconnaissance of the system of indicators available and their possible integration,account has been taken of certain criteria, such as:• capacity to reflect adequately the state of the outputs;• clarity of definition;• adherence to the questions posed by the CEQ.A first distinction is made between the programme indicators and the context indicators. Theformer aim representing the direct effects of the programme on the portion of territory orpopulation concerned by it, while the latter refers to the entire territory and/or to the populationas a whole, enabling the results of the actions to be contextualised.The output indicators are:‣ financial indicators whereby the level of mobilisation of the financial resources ismeasured;‣ physical indicators with which the work progress is measured.Financial Indicators.These are constructed from the ratios between commitments and allocations, distinguishing:• effective capacity of progress, given by the ratio between commitments and allocations;• effective capacity of utilisation, given by the ratio between payments and commitments.Considering also the measures identified and those in process of selection, it has beenpossible to elaborate two other typologies of indicators, that is:• potential capacity to make progress;• potential commitment capacity.Physical IndicatorsTheir definition in integration of those available is linked to the quantification of the physicalobjectives of implementation, so that the distinction is drawn between physical objectivesachieved, achievable and to be achieved.The basic data collected are represented by• physical objectives achieved, referred to the allocation attributed to projects concluded;• physical objectives achievable, referred to the allocation attributed to projects beingimplemented and identified;• physical objectives to be achieved, referred to the allocations attributed to projects inthe selection phase and not yet identified.The use of indicators of result enables the direct results obtained by implementing theactions to be measured.In the course of the mid-term evaluation the indicators of result have maked it possible on theone hand to follow the physical and financial progression of the actions, and on the other handto formulate the first projections as to the achieving of permanent effects. The typology of theindicators of result selected depends on a number of characteristics both of the beneficiaries ofthe measures and of users of the outputs, such as:12

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