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[17] I.Ya.Aref’eva. 1/N expansion for scalar theories, Zapiski LOMI, 77(1978)24-32.[18] I.Ya.Aref’eva. Phase transition in the three dimensional chiral field, Ann.Phys.(N.Y.)117(1979)393-406.[19] I.Ya.Aref’eva. On the integral formulation <strong>of</strong> gauge theories, Wroclaw preprint,480(1979)36p.[20] I.Ya.Aref’eva. Elimination <strong>of</strong> divergences in the integral formulation <strong>of</strong> Yang-Mills theory,PismaJETP , 31(1980)393.[21] I.Ya.Aref’eva, V.K.Krivoschokov and P.B.Medvedev. 1/N perturbation theory and quantumconservation laws for supersymmetric chiral field, I,Teor.Math.Phys. 40(1980)3-14.[22] I.Ya.Aref’eva, V.K.Krivoschokov and P.B.Medvedev. 1/N perturbation theory and quantumconservation laws for supersymmetric chiral field, II,Teor.Math.Phys. 42(1980)306-314.[23] I.Ya.Aref’eva and S.I.Azakov. Renormalization and phase transition in the quantum CP N−1model (D=2,3), Nucl. Phys.162(1980)298-310.[24] I.Ya.Aref’eva, P.P Kulish, E.Nisimov and S.Pacheva. Infinite set <strong>of</strong> conservation laws forquantum chiral field in two-dimensional space-time, LOMI-preprint, E-1-1978. 2)[25] I.Ya.Aref’eva, The gauge field as chiral field on the path and ’t Ho<strong>of</strong>t-Mandelstam duality,Proceedings <strong>of</strong> Alushta conference, JINR, P2-12462, 200-222, 1979.[26] I.Ya.Aref’eva, The integral formulation <strong>of</strong> gauge theories - strings, bags or something else,Lectures in:”Karpacz 1980”, Proceedings, ”Developments in the theory <strong>of</strong> fundamental interactions”,pp.295-330.[27] I.Ya.Aref’eva. Gauge theory and bags, proceedings <strong>of</strong> Zvenigorod conference, December,1979.[28] I.Ya.Aref’eva , E.Nisimov and S.Pacheva. BPHZL renormalization <strong>of</strong> 1/N expansion andcritical behaviour <strong>of</strong> the three dimensional chiral field, Commun. Math. Phys. 1(1980)213-246.[29] I.Ya.Aref’eva and A.A.Slavnov. Geometrical origin <strong>of</strong> the Higgs model, Teor.Math.Phys.44(1980)3-16.[30] I.Ya.Aref’eva. The gauge field as chiral field on the path and its integrability Lett.Math.Phys.3(1979)241-247.[31] I.Ya.Aref’eva. Quantum countour field equations, Phys. Lett.3B(1980)7p.[32] I.Ya.Aref’eva and A.A.Slavnov, Theory <strong>of</strong> gauge fields Lectures in: ”Dubna 1980”, Proceedings,”High Energy physics for young scientists”, pp.36-100.[33] I.Ya.Aref’eva and I.V.Volovich, Functional higher conservation laws for gauge theories, Proceedings<strong>of</strong> conference ”Distributions in Mathematical Physics”, MIAN, 1981.[34] I.Ya.Aref’eva, Reduced large N models. Invited talk on ”Ahrenshoop meeting on particlephysics, 1982”. Proceedings,: ”Special topics in gauge field theories”, pp.12-21.2

[35] I.Ya.Aref’eva, Reduced large N models. Invited talk on ”IV Adriatic summer meeting onparticle physics, 4,1983”. Proceedings, eds. Dj.Sijacki et al., World Scientific.8[36] I.Ya.Aref’eva , Gauge fields beyond perturbative theory Lectures in: ”Dubna 1982”, Proceedings,”High Energy physics for young scientists”, pp.314-392.[37] I.Ya.Aref’eva. Non-Abelian Stokes formula, Teor.Math.Phys. 43(1980)111-116.[38] I.Ya.Aref’eva. Gauge theory and bags, Phys. Lett.5B(1980) 269-272.[39] I.Ya.Aref’eva. Functional equations for planar graphs, Phys. Lett.04B(1981)453.[40] I.Ya.Aref’eva. An approach to the planar approximation in quantum field theory,Teor.Math.Phys. 52(1983)835-837.[41] I.Ya.Aref’eva. Reduced large N models as amorphous systems, Phys. Lett.24B(1983)221-224.[42] I.Ya.Aref’eva. Quantum field theory models with a large number <strong>of</strong> colours and the statisticalphysics <strong>of</strong> disorder systems, Teor.Math.Phys. 54(1983)154-160.[43] I.Ya.Aref’eva and A.A.Slavnov. Renormalization <strong>of</strong> gauge-invariant and essentially nonlinearmodels <strong>of</strong> quantum field theory, Trudy MIAN, 3 (1988) 69-88.[44] I.Ya.Aref’eva and I.V.Volovich. Higher conservation laws for supersymmetric gauge theories.Phys.Lett.149B(1984)131.[45] I.Ya.Aref’eva, A.C.Ilchev and B.K.Mitruchkin. Phase structure <strong>of</strong> matrix NxN Goldstounemodel in the large N limit. Invited talk on ”III international Symposium on selected topicsin statistical mechanics”, Dubna 22-26 August, 1984; D17-84-850.[46] I.Ya.Aref’eva, I.V.Volovich. Higher conservation laws for supersymmetric gauge theories.(1984) Proc.3rd Seminar on Quantum Gravity, World Scientific, p.363.[47] I.Ya.Aref’eva and I.V.Volovich, Topological expansion in quantum field theory and the asymptotics<strong>of</strong> Hankel Matricies, Proceedings <strong>of</strong> School ”Methods <strong>of</strong> complex variables in MathematicalPhysics”, Donezk, 1984.[48] I.Ya.Aref’eva and I.V.Volovich. Hidden-symmetry algebra for a supersymmetric gaugeinvariantmodel. Lett.Math.Phys.9(1985)231-234.[49] I.Ya.Aref’eva and I.V.Volovich, Reconstruction <strong>of</strong> superconnection from physical fields in theN=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, Class.Quant.Grav.3(1986)617.[50] I.Ya.Aref’eva and I.V.Volovich. Kaluza-Klein Theories and the signature <strong>of</strong> space-time, PismaJETP 41(1985)654.[51] I.Ya.Aref’eva and I.V.Volovich. Kaluza-Klein Theories and the signature <strong>of</strong> space-time, Phys.Lett.164 (1985)535-537?287-291.[52] I.Ya.Aref’eva and I.V.Volovich. Spontaneous compactification <strong>of</strong> O(32) superstrings, Phys.Lett.58B (1985)31-32.3

[53] I.Ya.Aref’eva, B.Dragovich and I.V.Volovich. The extra time-like dimensions lead to a vanishingcosmological constant Phys. Lett.77B(1986)357.[54] I.Ya.Aref’eva, B.Dragovich and I.V.Volovich. On vacuum solutions in Kaluza-Kalein theorieswith arbitrary signature, Fizika 18(1986)150-156.[55] I.Ya.Aref’eva and I.V.Volovich. Hyperbolic manifolds as vacuum solutions in Kaluza-Kaleintheories, Nucl. Phys.274 (1986)619.[56] I.Ya.Aref’eva and I.V.Volovich. Manifolds <strong>of</strong> constant negative curvature as vacuum solutionsin Kaluza-Kalein and superstring theories, Teor.Math.Phys. 64(1985)866-871.(Russian 329-335)[57] I.Ya.Aref’eva and I.V.Volovich. Supersymmetry: Kaluza-Kalein theory, anomalies and superstrings, Usp.Phys.Nauk 146(1985)655-681.[58] I.Ya.Aref’eva, B.Dragovich, I.V.Volovich Spontaneous reduction in multidimensional(D=10,11) supergravity theories with arbitrary signature Teor.Math.Phys. 70(1987)422-431.[59] I.Ya.Aref’eva, I.V.Volovich. Covariant quantization <strong>of</strong> gauge invariant string field theories,Teor.Math.Phys. 67(1986)521.[60] I.Ya.Aref’eva and I.V.Volovich. Gauge invariant action <strong>of</strong> interacting bosonic strings,Teor.Math.Phys. 67(1986)630.[61] I.Ya.Aref’eva and I.V.Volovich. Gauge invariant string interaction and nonassociative algebra,Phys. Lett.82B(1986)159.[62] I.Ya.Aref’eva and I.V.Volovich. String field algebra, Phys.Lett.B182(1986)312-316.[63] I.Ya.Aref’eva and I.V.Volovich, Gauge invariant string field theory and nonassociative algebra,Lectures in:”Karpacz 1986, Proceedings, Developments in the theory <strong>of</strong> fundamentalinteractions”, p.266.[64] I.Ya.Aref’eva and I.V.Volovich, Gauge invariant string field theory, Lectures in :”MoscowState University, 1987 school”, Proceedings, ”High Energy physics for young scientists”[65] I.Ya.Aref’eva and I.V.Volovich. Vielbain formalizm in string field theory, Teor.Math.Phys.71(1987)318-320.[66] I.Ya.Aref’eva and I.V.Volovich. General relativity invariance and string field theory,IC/87/61.[67] I.Ya.Aref’eva and L.O.Chekov Closed string fields as parameters <strong>of</strong> extra gauge symmetry <strong>of</strong>open string field theory, IC/87/62.[68] I.Ya.Aref’eva, Superstring field theory, in: Conformal Invariance and String Theory, 1987,eds. P.Dita and V.Geordescu, Academic Press, INC.[69] I.Ya.Aref’eva, Superstring field theory, Invited talk on the Workshop on superstring, Trieste,ICTP, 13-15 April, 1987, preprint SMI(1987).4

[70] I.Ya.Aref’eva, Superstring field theory, Invited talk on the Alushta conference, October,1987.Proceedings,D2-87-798, pp.117-140.[71] I.Ya.Aref’eva and I.V.Volovich, String, Gravity and p-adic spacetime. Proc.4rd Seminar onQuantum Gravity, World Scientific, 1988.[72] I.Ya.Aref’eva, B.Dragovich and I.V.Volovich On the adelic string amplitudes. Phys.Lett.B209 (1988) 445-450.[73] I.Ya.Aref’eva, B.Dragovich and I.V.Volovich, On the p-adic summability <strong>of</strong> the anharmonicoscillator. Phys.Lett.B200(1988)512.[74] I.Ya.Aref’eva, B.Dragovich and I.V.Volovich Open and closed p-adic strings and quadraticextensions <strong>of</strong> number fields. Phys.Lett. 212(1988)283.[75] I.Ya.Aref’eva, B.Dragovich and I.V.Volovich, p-adic super-strings, Phys.Lett.214B, (1988)339.[76] I.Ya.Aref’eva and P.B.Medvedev, Field theory <strong>of</strong> interacting open superstrings in fermionicghost representation Nucl. Phys.310(1988) 101.[77] I.Ya.Aref’eva and P.B.Medvedev, Anomalies in Witten’s field theory <strong>of</strong> the NSR string, Phys.Lett. 212B (1988) 299;[78] I.Ya.Aref’eva and P.B.Medvedev,Truncation, picture changing operation and space time supersymmetryin Neveu-Schwarz-Ramond string, Phys. Lett. 202B (1988) 510.[79] I.Ya.Aref’eva, P.B.Medvedev, B.Uroshevic and A.P.Zubarev, BRST cohomology and generalizedbosonization <strong>of</strong> the superconformal ghosts, Phys. Lett. 225B (1989) 240.[80] I.Ya.Aref’eva, P.B.Medvedev and A.P.Zubarev, Background formalism for superstring fieldtheory, Phys. Lett.240(1990)356.[81] I.Ya.Aref’eva and P.B.Medvedev, Oscillator representation for picture changing operators,Teor.Math.Phys.82, (1990) 34-46.[82] I.Ya.Aref’eva, Physics at Planck length and p-adic field theory. Proc.XVIIIth conference onDifferential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics, World Scientific, 1990.[83] I.Ya.Aref’eva, P.B.Medvedev and A.P.Zubarev, New representation for string field solvesthe consistence problem for open superstring field, Nucl.Phys.B341,(1990) N2, 464-498.[84] I.Ya.Aref’eva, P.B.Medvedev and A.P.Zubarev, Non-perturbative vacuum for superstringfield theory and supersymmetry breaking, Mod.Phys.Lett.A6(1991)949.[85] I.Ya.Aref’eva and I.V.Volovich, Two-dimensional gravity, string field theory and spinglasses Phys.Lett.B255(1991)197-201.[86] I.Ya.Aref’eva and P.Frampton, Beyond Planck energy to non- Archimedean geometry,Mod.Phys.Lett.A6: 313-316, 1991.5

[87] I.Ya.Aref’eva, P.Frampton, B.Dragovich and I.V.Volovich, Wave function <strong>of</strong> the Universeand p-adic gravity, Inter.Mod.Phys.A6(1991)4341-4358.[88] I.Ya.Aref’eva,and I.V.Volovich. Quantum group gauge theory, Mod.Phys.Lett.A6(1991) 893-907.[89] I.Ya.Aref’eva,and I.V.Volovich. Quantum Group Chiral Fields and Differential Yang-BaxterEquations. Phys.Lett.B264(1991)62-69.[90] I.Ya.Aref’eva,and I.V.Volovich. Quantum Group Particles and Non-Archimedean Geometry.Phys.Lett.B268(1991)179-187.[91] I.Ya.Aref’eva, and A.P.Zubarev. Semi-free representation and string field theory in 2Dgravity,Mod.Phys.Lett.v.7(1992)677.[92] I.Ya.Aref’eva, and A.P.Zubarev. Divergences <strong>of</strong> Discrete States Amplitudes and EffectiveLagrangian in 2D String Theory, Mod.Phys.Lett.A8(1993)1469.[93] I.Ya.Aref’eva, P.B.Medvedev and A.P.Zubarev, Interaction <strong>of</strong> d=2 c=1 Discrete Statesfrom String Field Theory, Mod.Phys.Lett. A8 (1993) 2167.[94] I.Ya. Arefeva, A.P. Zubarev, Noncritical NSR string field theory and discrete states interactionin 2-d supergravity, hep-th/9202049.[95] I.Ya.Aref’eva, Quantum group gauge fields. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> A.D.Sakharov memorial conference[96] I.Ya.Aref’eva and G.E.Arutyunov , Search for Minimal Quantum Group SU q(2) Gauge FieldTheory , Proceedings <strong>of</strong> XXVIII Karpacz Winter School <strong>of</strong> Theoretical Physics ”Infinite DimensionalGeometry in Physics”, Karpacz, Poland, 17.II-29.II.1992. J.Geometry and Physics(1993)339.[97] I.Ya.Aref’eva, G.E.Arutyunov and P.M.Medvedev, Bicovariant differential calculus on quantumgroups from Poisson-Lie structure , Proceedings <strong>of</strong> XXX Karpacz Winter School <strong>of</strong> TheoreticalPhysics Quantum groups, Formalism and Applications” Polish Scientific PublishersPWN, Poland.[98] I.Ya.Aref’eva, Large-N Quenching in the Kazakov-Migdal Model, Phys.Lett. B 308 (1993)347.[99] I.Ya.Aref’eva, A Simple Model Inducing QCD, Phys.Lett.B308(1993)340.[100] I.Ya.Aref’eva and G.E.Arutyunov , Search for Minimal Quantum Group SU q (2) GaugeField Theory, J.Geometry and Physics (1993)339.[101] I.Ya.Aref’eva, Large N QCD at High Energies as Two-Dimensional Field Theory,Phys.Lett.B328 (1994)411-419[102] I.Ya.Aref’eva and G.E.Arutyunov , Uniqueness <strong>of</strong> U q (N) as a quantum gauge group andrepresentations <strong>of</strong> its differential algebra, ”Trudi MIAN, 1993.6

[103] I.Ya.Aref’eva, R.Parthasarathy, K.S.Viswanathan and I.V.Volovich, Coherent States, Dynamicsand Semiclassical Limit on Quantum Group, Mod.Phys.Lett.A 9(1994) 689.[104] I.Ya.Aref’eva, Regge Regime in QCD and Asymmetric Lattice Gauge Theory, Phys.Lett.B325 (1994) 171[105] I.Ya.Aref’eva, G.E.Arutyunov and P.M.Medvedev, Bicovariant 3D calculus for SL q (2) fromPoisson-Lie structure J.Math.Phys, 35 (1994) 6658.[106] I.Ya.Aref’eva, P.B.Medvedev and A.P.Zubarev, N-point Amplitudes for d=2 c=1 DiscreteStates from String Field Theory,, Mod.Phys.Lett.A10(1995)2225.[107] L.Accardi, I.Ya.Aref’eva, S.V.Kozyrev and I.V.Volovich, The Master Field for Large-NMatrix Models and Quantum Groups, Mod.Phys.Lett.A10(1995)2323.[108] I.Ya.Aref’eva, K.S. Viswanathan and I.V.Volovich, Planckian Energy Scattering, CollidingPlane Gravitational Waves and Black Hole Creation, Nucl.Phys.B452 (1995) 346[109] I.Aref’eva, Hidden Symmetry and s-duality in N=4 D=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory , Proc.<strong>of</strong> Quantum Gravity Conf., Moscow, 1995, World Scientific[110] I.Ya.Aref’eva and I.V.Volovich, Anisotropic Asymptotic and High Energy Scattering in QCD, in ”Quarks’94” eds. D.Grigoriev at all, World Scientific, 1995, p. 155-170[111] I.Aref’eva and A.Zubarev, The Master Field for the Half-Planar Approximation for LargeN Matrix Models and Boltzmann Field Theory Proc. <strong>of</strong> Buckow Symposium, Nucl.Phys. B(Proc.Suppl.) 49 (1996) 161-167. hep-th/9512166.[112] I.Aref’eva, ’Large N QCD and q deformed quantum field theories’ Aug 1996, in: SakharovConference 1996:342-345[113] I.Ya.Aref’eva, Large N Matrix Models and q-Deformed Quantum Field Theories. In:”FromField Theory to Quantum Groups”, World Scientific, 1996, p.77-97. eds. B.Jancewicz,J.Sobczyk.[114] I.Ya.Aref’eva and I.V.Volovich, The Master Field for QCD and q-Deformed Quantum FieldTheory, Nucl.Phys.B 462 (1996) 600.[115] I.Ya. Arefeva, K.S. Viswanathan, I.V. Volovich, On black hole creation in planckian energyscattering. Int.J.Mod.Phys.D5:707-722,1996, hep-th/9512170.[116] I.Ya.Aref’eva and A.P.Zubarev, Parquet approximation in large N matrix theoriesPhys.Lett. B386 (1996) 258-268[117] I.Ya. Arefeva, A.P. Zubarev, Interaction representation in Boltzmann field theory. hepth/9609007[118] I.Ya. Aref’eva, O.A. Rychkov. Incidence matrix description <strong>of</strong> intersecting p-brane solutions.hep-th/9612236,Amer.Math.Soc.Transl.201:19-38,20007

[119] I.Ya.Aref’eva Large N Matrix Models and q-Deformed Quantum Field Theories. In:”FromField Theory to Quantum Groups”, World Scientific, 1996, p.77-97. eds. B.Jancewicz,J.Sobczyk.[120] I.Ya. Aref’eva, Planar approximation as two field Boltzmann theory , Proceedings, Quarks’96, volume 2, pp.22-30, hep-th/9610029,[121] L. Accardi, I.Ya. Arefeva, I.V. Volovich. Half-planar field theory as Boltzmann field theory,Proc. <strong>of</strong> Quarks’96, vol. 2, pp. 31-38[122] I.Ya. Aref’eva, Classical and quantum composite p-branes , Lectures given at 33rd KarpaczWinter School <strong>of</strong> Theoretical Physics: Duality - Strings and Fields, Karpacz, Poland, 13-22Feb 1997. Published in Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 61A:124-130, 1998, hep-th/9705067[123] L. Accardi, I.Ya. Arefeva, I.V. Volovich. Photon splitting cascades and a new statistics.hep-ph/9708289[124] I.Arefeva, A.Volovich, Composite p-branes in diverse dimensions. Class.Quant.Grav.14:2991-3000,1997[125] I.Ya. Aref’eva, M.G. Ivanov, I.V. Volovich. Nonextremal intersecting p-branes in variousdimensions. Phys.Lett.B406:44-48,1997[126] I.Ya. Aref’eva, P.B. Medvedev, O.A. Rytchkov, I.V. Volovich. Chaos in M(atrix) theory,Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, v.10 (1999) 213-223[127] I.Ya. Aref’eva, K.S. Viswanathan, I.V. Volovich. p-brane solutions in diverse dimensions.Phys.Rev.D55:4748-4755,1997 3[128] I.Ya. Arefeva, K.S. Viswanathan, A.I. Volovich, I.V. Volovich. Composite p-branes in variousdimensions . Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl.56B:52-60,1997[129] I.Ya. Aref’eva, P.B. Medvedev, O.A. Rytchkov, I.V. Volovich. Chaos in D0 Brane Dynamics,Proc. ”Quantum Probability”, Banach Center for Publications, v.43 (1998) pp.41-51.[130] I.Ya. Aref’eva, M.G. Ivanov, O.A. Rytchkov, I.V. Volovich, Nonextremal localized branesand vacuum solutions in M theory. Class.Quant.Grav., 16 (1998) 3335.[131] I.Ya. Aref’eva, M.G. Ivanov, O.A. Rychkov. Properties <strong>of</strong> intersecting p-branes in variousdimensions , In: ”Supersymmetry and Quantum Field Theory”, Volkov’s Memorial Conf.,eds. J.Wess and Vl.Akulov, Springer, Lectures Notes in Physics p.25-41, 1998[132] I.Ya. Arefeva, I.V. Volovich. Knots and matrix models, Infinite Dim.Anal., Quantum Prob.1 (1998) 167-173[133] I.Ya. Aref’eva, A.S. Koshelev and P.B. Medvedev. Chaos order transition in Matrix theory,Mod. Phys. Lett. A13 (1998) 2481. hep-th/9804021,[134] I.Ya. Aref’eva and I.V. Volovich. On the breaking <strong>of</strong> conformal symmetry in the AdS / CFTcorrespondence. Phys.Lett., 433 (1998) 49.8

[135] I. Ya. Aref’eva, G. Ferretti, A.S. Koshelev. Taming the non-Abelian Born-Infeld action.Mod. Phys. Lett. A13 (1998) 2399. hep-th/9804018.[136] I.Ya. Aref’eva, I.V. Volovich. Matrix theory in curved space . Talk presented at the BirthdayConference dedicated to A. Arvilski, Feb 1998. hep-th/9802091, (1998).[137] I.Ya. Aref’eva, I.V. Volovich. On large N conformal theories, field theories in anti-de Sitterspace and singletons . hep-th/9803028, published in Proc. <strong>of</strong> ”Quarks,98”,[138] I.Ya. Aref’eva, “On the Background Method and Renormalization <strong>of</strong> the Dirichlet Functionalin the AdS/CFT Correspondence”, Trudi MIAN, v.226, p.11, 1999.(in Russian)[139] L. Accardi, I. Ya. Aref’eva, I. V. Volovich Non-Equilibrium Quantum Field Theory andEntangled Commutation Relations Proc. <strong>of</strong> the Steklov Mathematical Institute dedicated tothe 90th birth day <strong>of</strong> N.N.Bogoliubov, v.228, p.116, 2000; hep-th/9905035[140] I. Ya. Aref’eva, I. V. Volovich, ”The Large Time Behaviour in Quantum Field Theory andQuantum Chaos”, Volume dedicated to S.Albeverio, Canadian Math.Soc., Conferences Proc.29 (2000) 15-27, quant-ph/9910109.[141] I. Ya. Aref’eva, I. V. Volovich On The Large Time Behaviour <strong>of</strong> Quantum Field Theory ,Infinite Dim.Anal., Quantum Prob.3(2000)453-482.[142] I. Ya. Aref’eva, I. V. Volovich Noncommutative Gauge Fields on Poisson Manifolds Lecturespresented at the Madeira workshop on Noncommutative Infinite Dimensional Analysis, July1999 and M.Born symposium, Poland, ”New symmetries and integrable models” 8-17, WorldScientific, hep-th/9907114.[143] I.Ya. Aref’eva, On the holographic S matrix . In Proc. ”High energy physics and quantumfield theory”, 333-338, Moscow 1999, hep-th/9902106.[144] I.Ya. Aref’eva, High Energy Scattering in the Brane-World and Black Hole Production, Partillesand Nuclei, v.31, 2000, p.169, hep-th/9910269[145] I.Ya. Aref’eva, A.S. Koshelev, P.B. Medvedev, On stable sector in supermembrane matrixmodel, Nucl.Phys.B579:411-436,2000, hep-th/9911149.[146] I.Ya. Arefeva, A.S. Koshelev, P.B. Medvedev, Pure discrete sector in D0-branes . In Proc.”High energy physics and quantum field theory”, 339-350, Moscow 1999[147] I.Ya. Aref’eva, D.M. Belov, A.S. Koshelev, Two loop diagrams in noncommutative phi**4(4)theory, Phys.Lett.B476:431-436,2000, hep-th/9912075[148] I.Ya. Aref’eva, D.M. Belov, A.S. Koshelev, A note on UV/IR for noncommutative complexscalar field, hep-th/0001215[149] I. Ya. Aref’eva, D. M. Belov, A. S. Koshelev, O. A. Rytchkov, Renormalizability andUV/IR Mixing in Noncommutative theories with Scalar Fields, Phys.Lett.B 487(2000)357,hep-th/0003276.9

[150] I. Ya. Aref’eva, M. G. Ivanov, W. Mueck, K. S. Viswanathan, I. V. Volovich, ”ConsistentLinearized Gravity in Brane Backgrounds” Nucl.Phys. B590 (2000) 273-286, hep-th/0004114[151] I. Ya. Aref’eva, M. G. Ivanov, W. Mueck, K. S. Viswanathan, I. V. Volovich, LinearizedGravity on Thick Branes , In proceedings <strong>of</strong> International Seminar ”Quarks-2000”.[152] Ya. Aref’eva, D. M. Belov, A. S. Koshelev, P. B. Medvedev, Tachyon condensation in cubicsuperstring field theory , in Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the International Conference ”Quantization, GaugeTheory and Strings”, dedicated to the memory <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>. Efim Fradkin, Moscow, Russia, June5-10, 2000: World Scientific, v.1, 21.[153] I. Y. Aref’eva, A. S. Koshelev, D. M. Belov and P. B. Medvedev, Nucl. Phys. B 638, 3(2002) [arXiv:hep-th/0011117].[154] I. Y. Arefeva, D. M. Belov, A. S. Koshelev and P. B. Medvedev, Nucl. Phys. B 638, 21(2002) [arXiv:hep-th/0107197].[155] Ya. Aref’eva, D. M. Belov, A. S. Koshelev, O. A. Rytchkov, UV/IR Mixing for NoncommutativeField Theories . Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl.102:11-17,2001. In Kharkov 2000, Supersymmetryand quantum field theory, 11-17, hep-th/0003176.[156] I. Y. Arefeva, D. M. Belov and A. A. Giryavets, “Construction <strong>of</strong> the vacuum string fieldtheory on a non-BPS brane,” JHEP 0209, 050 (2002) [arXiv:hep-th/0201197].[157] I. Y. Arefeva, A. A. Giryavets and P. B. Medvedev, “NS matter sliver,” Phys. Lett. B 532,291 (2002) [arXiv:hep-th/0112214].[158] I. Y. Arefeva, A. A. Giryavets and A. S. Koshelev, “NS ghost slivers,” Phys. Lett. B 536,138 (2002) [arXiv:hep-th/0203227].[159] I. Y. Arefeva and A. A. Giryavets, “Open superstring star as a continuous Moyal product,”Russ. Phys. J. 45, 651 (2002) [Izv. Vuz. Fiz. 2002N7, 5 (2002 JHEPA,0212,074.2002)][arXiv:hep-th/0204239].[160] I. Y. Aref’eva, L. V. Joukovskaya and A. S. Koshelev, “Time evolution in superstring fieldtheory on non-BPS brane. I: Rolling tachyon and energy-momentum conservation,” JHEP0309, 012 (2003) [arXiv:hep-th/0301137].[161] I. Y. Arefeva, “Rolling tachyon in NS string field theory,” Fortsch. Phys. 51, 652 (2003).[162] I. Y. Aref’eva, “Nonlocal string tachyon as a model for cosmological dark energy,” AIP Conf.Proc. 826, 301 (2006) [arXiv:astro-ph/0410443].[163] I. Y. Aref’eva, L. V. Joukovskaya and A. S. Koshelev, “Time evolution in superstring fieldtheory on non-BPS brane. I: Rolling tachyon and energy-momentum conservation,” JHEP0309, 012 (2003) [arXiv:hep-th/0301137].[164] I. Y. Aref’eva, A. S. Koshelev and S. Y. Vernov, “Exactly Solvable SFT Inspired PhantomModel,” Theor. Math. Phys. 148, 895 (2006) [Teor. Mat. Fiz. 148, 23 (2006)] [arXiv:astroph/0412619].10

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[181] I. Y. Aref’eva, R. V. Gorbachev, D. A. Grigoryev, P. N. Khromov, M. V. Maltsev andP. B. Medvedev, “Pure Gauge Configurations and Tachyon Solutions to String Field TheoriesEquations <strong>of</strong> Motion,” JHEP 0905, 050 (2009) [arXiv:0901.4533 [hep-th]].[182] I. Y. Arefeva, T. Ishiwatari and I. V. Volovich, “Cauchy Problem on Non-globally HyperbolicSpacetimes,” Theor. Math. Phys. 157, 1646 (2008) [arXiv:0903.0567 [hep-th]].[183] I. Y. Aref’eva, R. V. Gorbachev and P. B. Medvedev, “Pure Gauge Configurations andSolutions to Fermionic Superstring Field Theories Equations <strong>of</strong> Motion,” J. Phys. A 42,304001 (2009) [arXiv:0903.1273 [hep-th]].[184] I. Y. Aref’eva, N. V. Bulatov, L. V. Joukovskaya and S. Y. Vernov, “The NEC Violation andClassical Stability in the Bianchi I Metric,” Phys. Rev. D 80, 083532 (2009) [arXiv:0903.5264[hep-th]].[185] I. Y. Aref’eva, A. A. Bagrov and E. A. Guseva, “Critical Formation <strong>of</strong> Trapped Surfaces inthe Collision <strong>of</strong> Non-expanding Gravitational Shock Waves in de Sitter Space-Time,” JHEP0912, 009 (2009) [arXiv:0905.1087 [hep-th]].[186] I. Y. Aref’eva, A. A. Bagrov and L. V. Joukovskaya, “Critical Trapped Surfaces Formation inthe Collision <strong>of</strong> Ultrarelativistic Charges in (A)dS,” JHEP 1003, 002 (2010) [arXiv:0909.1294[hep-th]].[187] I. Y. Aref’eva, N. V. Bulatov and S. Y. Vernov, “Stable Exact Solutions in CosmologicalModels with Two Scalar Fields,” arXiv:0911.5105 [hep-th].[188] I. Y. Aref’eva, “Catalysis <strong>of</strong> Black Holes/Wormholes Formation in High Energy Collisions,”Theor. Math. Phys. 161, 1647 (2009) [arXiv:0912.5481 [hep-th]].[189] I. Y. Aref’eva and R. V. Gorbachev, “On Gauge Equivalence <strong>of</strong> Tachyon Solutions in CubicNeveu-Schwarz String Field Theory,” arXiv:1004.5064 [hep-th].12

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