Leadership Wisdom: Lessons from Sikhism

Leadership Wisdom: Lessons from Sikhism

Leadership Wisdom: Lessons from Sikhism


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the farmer; the Lord shall sprout in your heart, and you shall attain the state ofNirvana”(SGGS,23). Sri Guru Granth Sahib guides by saying: “Let mercy be yourmosque, faith your prayer-mat, and honest living your Koran. Make modesty yourcircumcision, and good conduct your fast. In this way, you shall be a true Muslim. Letgood conduct be your Kaabaa, Truth your spiritual guide, and the karma of good deedsyour prayer and chant. Let your rosary be, that which is pleasing to His Will. O Nanak,God shall preserve your honor.”(SGGS,140)8. Conclusion:The study is a brief summary of the wisdom and vision contained in Sri GuruGranth Sahib in connection with the six core values of ethical leadership which guidesthe business leaders to manage the affairs and activities of the business in a mannerwhich is beneficial to the society at large. It is no denying the fact that all life isinterconnected and all the constituents of this universe and the planet earth aredependent upon each other. The wisdom of Sri Guru Granth Sahib if imbibed can formthe basis of ethical leadership. These values when manifested in thoughts, speech andactions ennoble and enlighten the people. It provides us a great legacy that we can beproud of. It provides internal fulfillment and upliftment. It calls for the alignment ofthought, word and deed and motivate us to create a leadership culture of conscience,care and consciousness. It takes us to spiritual heights without hampering any materialpursuits. It avers that spirituality and materialism can go together because spiritembraces matter and matter finds its own true reality and the hidden reality in all thingsin spirit. So spirituality should have a touch of materialism and materialism should havea halo of spirituality. To conclude it can be said that in the happiness and well being ofthe people lies the well being of the business leaders and in the welfare of the peoplelies the welfare of the business leaders.References:1. Brammer, S., Williams, G. and Zinkin, J.: 2007, Religion and Attitudes toCorporate Social Responsibility in a Large Cross-Country Sample, Journal ofBusiness Ethics 71, 229–2432. Brown, M.E., L.K.Trevino and D.A.Harrison:2005, „Ethical <strong>Leadership</strong>: AsocialLearning Perspective for Construct Development and Testing‟, OrganizationalBehavior and Human Decision Processes 97,117–134.3. Chakravarty, Ajanta E., The Geeta and the Art of Successful Management, NewDelhiRupa & Co, 2005.4. Den Hartog, D.N. and A.H.B.DeHoogh:2009, „Empowerment and LeaderFairness and Integrity: Studying Ethical Leader Behaviour‟, European Journal ofWork and Organizational Psychology 18,199–230.5. Dickson, M.W., D.B. Smith, M.W. Grojean and M. Ehrhart: 2001, „AnOrganizational Climate Regarding Ethics: The Outcome of Leader Values andthe Practices that Reflect Them‟, <strong>Leadership</strong> Quarterly 12,197–217.

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